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  • How to show Hierarchical on XamDatagrid AutoGenerate set to false on Field settings


    I'am trying to show hierarchical data on the grid which is bounded to a Datasource.

    I have a nested class, i have binded my datasource to a IList<Type>. If i set the AutoGenerate flag on the field setting to true, I get a herirachical grid structure…

  • AutoGenerateFields="False" not working


    This maybe a misunderstanding by a newbie, but I thought with setting AutoGenerateFields="False" only fields would show up I explicity defined.  However in the example below I also get a column "email".

    Am I missing the point here…

  • How are the IsExpandable and AutoGenerateFields properties supposed to work?

    I'm writing a small test app to try and figure this out and so far I have this :




  • XamDataGrid Field not working, need to use UnboundField


    Hope you can help me.

    My XamDataGrid settings are:

    <igDP:FieldSettings AllowRecordFiltering="False" AllowEdit="False" Width="Auto" AutoSizeScope="AllRecords" />

    <igDP:FieldLayoutSettings AutoGenerateFields…

  • Dynamic columns + AutoGenerate + FieldLayout

    Hello, I set Autogenerate = true because the columns will be dynamic. But, I need to add a unbound column ir-respective of the number of columns. Also, few mandatory columns will be present in all datasource which i need to format. So, I have defined…

  • DataItem columns are missing with XamDataGrid v9.1


    We are about to switch from Infragistics.Wpf.v8.2 to Infragistics.Wpf.v9.1, but I came across with a problem that I cannot resolve. We use XamDataGrid in control that displays certain type of business objects and some of the properties are gone…

  • Displaying hierarchical data when AutoGenerateFields="False"

    Hi.I’m using a DataSet containing hierarchical DataSet (2 similar Tables (Contracts and SubContracts), combined by a DataRelation) and want to bind it to a XamDataGrid (NetAdvantage for WPF - 2008 Volume 1 (CLR 3.0)).Starting with the Grids default behavior…
  • How to define FieldLayouts (How FieldLyouts are mapped)?

    When it comes to defining the display of data in the XamDataGrid, the first place to go to is the documentation: , however after reading this many people have some…