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  • XamGrid. Horizontal resize. Perfomance issue.

    I have the following layout. When I add at least 30 items to XamGrid there are performance issues with horizontal resizing. If we change something in layout, for example, move label to any other grid cell or change one of the grid definition parameters…

  • Performance of xamgrid in scrollviewer


    I am using the xamgrid inside a usercontrol that is a third party control we bought.

    We noticed that the performance is terrible when we have many items.

    Using Snoop we found out that this third party control uses a scrollviewer. When using a style…

  • Poor Performance with xamGrid that has wide column set

    Hi Guys, Im trying to improve the performance of LOB silverlight app that uses the xamgrid to render the listings.

    We're find two performance hurdles:

    1. Rendering the grid to the UI takes approx 1 - 1.5 secs depending on screen resolution. This…

  • Custom summary

    I have used deffered scrolling to load data onto a grid and I want to implement custom summary with this. I have noticed that the loading of the data is taking longer since the summary is getting calculated. Is there a way to optimize it.



  • XamGrid Performance Optimization Using Simplified Templates

    The heart of the vast majority of Line of Business applications is the grid control. The XamGrid is a fully-featured, high-performance, highly-customizable grid control which is available as part of our NetAdvantage for Silverlight and NetAdvantage for…