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  • xamgrid column group data binding with dynamic object

    Hi, I have a requirement to create a table similar to the table I have shown in the image. For this I am using xamgrid. In my datasource the data for column1 , column2, column3 are linked to property of my json. But I have a property of type datetime…

  • Adding Vertical and Horizontal ScrollBar to a XamDataGrid

    I have a XamDataGrid whose width and height adjust automatically according to the filled information. However, the XamDataGrid itself is part of a fixed sized grid. In some cases, the last column or row are being cut out. So I need for the XamDataGrid to…

  • XamGrid to XamDataGrid


    recently I am trying to replace some simple XamGrid tables to to XamDataGrid and this seem to get complicated very easily.

    for example:

    with XamGrid I have 2 TemplateColumns bound to different properties of my viewmodel (It is working properly…

  • XamGrid convert to XamDataGrid

    We are changing a XamGrid to XamDataGrid. Both of these grids use settings for field size, visibility and position.
    We took a look into the xml both generate, the XamDataGrid has an easy to understand settings string, however the XamGrid does…
  • XamDataGrid vs XamGrid: Which WPF Grid Should I Choose?

    Which WPF grid should I choose; the xamDataGrid or the xamGrid?  If you use the Infragistics Ultimate UI for WPF product then you have asked yourself this question many times without a clear answer.  Well, I’m going to make the answer crystal clear for…

  • Programmatically Simulate Clicks Over a XamDataGrid's Cell

    i wish to programatically  Left Click or Right Click on a particular cell of a grid. 

    The behaviour i expect is one that would be same as manually clicking on it.

    The grid is already setup to handle the mouse clicks.

    Any help appreciated, and if the…

  • DataBarConditionalFormatRule giving weird behaviour


    I have a XamGrid, binded with a datatable having datarelation with a child table.

    I'm applyying DataBarConditionalFormatRule on each of the column in child table and parent table.

    The values are in numeric 0 - 100 as percent.

    The issue is that…

  • Records with Image

    I am unable to load images in a grid. I have been trying for last couple of hours with all existing approaches available but still cannot find why it is failing. 

    Please check the attachment. I am actually getting the image as byte array from the database…

  • XamGrid.Column.ValueConverter - Running Total (row index)

    Hi, this should be a typical use case but I neither find a reference in the forum nor luck when implementing...


    We need for example a simple running total (but could be Running Average, or even some function across +/-n rows around the current one…

  • Grouping issue while updating datasource


    I am using a typed dataset to bind to the xamGrid. The data keeps changing in the dataset. If I group the rows based on a changable column the grouping needs to refresh. But many a times the groupiing goes wrong , scenario as below:

    Grouped based…

  • Enter Records between existing records


    "Can we insert a record in between another 2 records"

    Suppose we have xamdatagrid with lots of row and we want to insert records between row5 and 6. Please let me know how to achieve this?

    Please update me using code behind or any existing…

  • XamDataGrid ContextMenu not Invoking Command

    I am trying to setup my xamdatagrid such that it will only show the context menu when right clicking on the selected record and not when clicking on the header row etc. I can get this to work by setting my contextmenu to the DataRecordCellArea in the…

  • TextBox for CellValuePresenter

    I need to show a textbox in the DataGrid, so users know which columns are editable. Currently, I am customizing the CellValuePresenter. However, if I don't customize the EditorStyle to be a textbox, then I don't receive the EditStarting, EditStarted,…

  • Hide xamgrid columns at runtime using mvvm pattern

    HI all,

    I am using infragistics xamgrid with few predefined textcoumns. I have a button in the same screen when I click on the button I need to hide 2 columns in the xamgrid. I want to do it through it's viewmodel class

    Can any one please provide…

  • fixed row for xamgrid


    How can I have the first row in a grid fixed. In other words its should not scroll out of view.And its not a summary row.



  • XamGrid combobox column

    Hi all,


    I want to implement the following:


    Show xamGrid control with one custom combobox column;

    This column will contain custom control - a drop-down containing different xamGrid in drop-down menu


    The code is throwing exception:

    Value does…

  • ImageColumn Problem


    When we are using many ImageColumns (10 or more columns) for a XamGrid then the Scrolling is going very slow. Is there any way to improve the scrolling for this situation?

  • refreshing xamGrid template column data based on other field.

    Normal 0 false false false EN-IN X-NONE X-NONE …

  • XamGrid


    I am using xamGrid i have created column throught ColumnLayoutAssigned  event 



     CellTemp.Append("xmlns='' ");


  • xamGrid hierarchical data : sorting and style



    I'd like to show hierarchical data ( such as in sample ). I'd also like to sort data.


    1. The problem is that after pressing sort button ( all rows are…

  • Set XamGrid Columns to default if PersistenceManager.Load fails


    When we're developing we're constantly changing column names and keys in the XamGrid.   If these columns or keys do not match the saved preferences, we get a blank grid.

    I'm able to detect there has been an error by looking at the eventargs…

  • ColumnLayout.HeaderStyle

    I would like to change the background of column layout header. Please look at the xaml code below:

    <ig:XamGrid x:Name="xamGridBehaviorList" AutoGenerateColumns="False" >



  • How to get Filtered data from XAMGrid

    HI ,         

    I am using xamgrid 10.3 in my current project. And I am binding itemsource with our custom collection of object. we have some custom summary report at the top of the same page.  We want to update those summary reports after user filter data in the…

  • GetCellContent


    Sorry if this question seems relatively simple, but I am new to silverlight, and even newer to Infragistics.

    In the standard Silverlight Datagrid, if I were to make a column that was nothing but buttons, I would set it up as a template, with a button…

  • Grid not loaded properly



    I am experiencing something strange:


    When using silverlight toolkit tab control, with IG WebGrid on one of the tabs, its place remains blank when page is loaded;

    Just to be sure that I am not making any mistake, I did this:

    On the same page…