Professional Developers Conference (PDC)

[Infragistics] Andrew Flick / Friday, September 9, 2005

Hey everyone, my lack of blog posting has been due to a number of different…excuses.  The first excuse was that I spent the entire week (last week) traveling to Microsoft and meeting with a variety of really great people.  A lot was accomplished there and you’ll have to check back here in the future to find out what.  This week on the other hand has been spent in New Jersey.  I have been fairly swamped with meetings all week and catching up from a week out of the office, which is excuse number 2.  It’s great to be home and since it’s now Friday, I am finally back on East Coast time.  Normally that would be a great thing, except that on Monday I fly back to the West Coast to sunny and smoggy Los Angeles to attend the Microsoft Professional Developer’s Conference.  I’m traveling together with a good friend and fellow ASP.NET PM, Tony Lombardo.  However, I’m pretty sure I am going to try and change my seating arrangement for the flight, since I was somehow placed in the middle seat on both flights and being 6’3 that doesn’t work to well.

So, a little information about Infragistics and PDC, we are a Silver Sponsor and will be located at booth #708.  I’d encourage everyone to stop by for a number of reasons.  First, you’ll see some great product demos and have a chance of meeting some of the people who we usually don’t let out of the office.  That’s right, we’re sending a couple of developers to learn about technology and interact with you, our valued customers.  Another reason to stop by our booth is for the swag.  I’m not entirely sure what the marketing guys have planned for small giveaways, but I did hear about the Creative® Zen Portable Media Centers that will be given out.  I really wonder if I can win one of those, but something tells me that I won’t have that privilege.  The next bit of information you might want to know is when I will be at the booth.  Whether it’s if you want to just stop by and say hello or if you’re a WinForms developer and want to tell me about some great idea that you would like to see in our product.  I would love to talk to you.  So, I will be at the booth at the following times:

11:00 – 12:45
6:00 – 9:00

10:30 – 12:00
2:00 – 3:10

12:50 – 2:10

I look forward to seeing you there!