NetAdvantage for .NET 2010 Volume 1 RTM

[Infragistics] Andrew Flick / Monday, March 22, 2010

NetAdvantage for .NET 2010 Volume 1

NetAdvantage for .NET 2010 Volume 1 launches today with a complete line of business toolkit for Windows Forms, ASP.NET, WPF, and Silverlight.  This is the first of three releases this year for our flagship products.

We've been extremely aggressive in our release schedule to ensure overwhelming value across all platforms.

Windows Forms

We've spent a lot of time investing in our Windows Forms product line and this release shows that we have not given one iota to abandoning it.  This release includes a bunch of new controls such as the WinGanttView, Windows 7 Scenic Ribbon, WinMessageBoxManager, WinActivityIndicator, and WinSplitter.

Here are some resources to help you find out what's new:


This release of ASP.NET brings our Aikido Strategy to complete fruition as we now have parity with our legacy ASP.NET controls.  Included in this release are new controls including: WebTabs and WebExplorerBar.  We've also made enhancements to include OutlookGroupBy in the WebHierarchicalDataGrid.  Lastly, with our emphasis on performance and speed we've introduced AJAX Compression which enhances performance across all tools in the toolset. 

Here are some resources to help you find out what's new:


The WPF Product Team has been hard at work in building brand new controls.  The control that has a lot of buzz around it is the XamTilesControl.  This control is both an items control that allows you to bind to it, but also a generic layout control that enables you to define a dashboard-esque layout with drill down.  Also in this release is the new XamDataCards, a new part of the DataPresenter Family that allows you to easily switch between tabular grid to carousel and now to cardview. 

Here are some resources to help you find out what's new:


Providing you with everything you need to build a the next generation line of business application is our goal.  We've invested heavily in this release in new controls and frameworks including: XamWebRibbon, XamWebComboEditor, Control Persistence Framework, Zip Library, and Virtual Collection.  Also, we've spent a lot of time working on the xamWebGrid and added UIAutomation across the controls.

Here are some resources to help you find out what's new: