NetAdvantage for Win Client 2009 Volume 1

[Infragistics] Andrew Flick / Wednesday, March 25, 2009

We are in the process of getting ready to ship the next version of NetAdvantage for Win Client; which includes both Windows Forms and WPF.  This is an incredible release on both platforms that shows both our commitment to Windows Forms and our belief in driving the WPF platform forward to be a full single solution for all of your WPF needs.

Windows Forms


We’ve made a lot of enhancements to the Windows Forms WinGrid in this upcoming release, many of which were driven by both customer demand through our feature request system as well as trolling the forums for great ideas.  One feature that I want to highlight is the new Enhanced Filtering UI.  With this feature, your end-users can check the checkboxes of column values to filter by in a a dropdown window that is much like Microsoft Excel.



The next feature that I want to call attention to is Row Layout Grouping, this enables scenarios where you may want a way to organize columns into units for example nesting quarters within a fiscal year.


Other additional WinGrid enhancements include:

  • Fixed Headers Right – Pin column headers on the right-side of the grid to freeze them in place.
  • Checkbox Column Headers – Add a checkbox to a column header that will check or uncheck all of the rows or checkboxes in that column.
  • Sibling Band Order – Set or change the visible index of bands at the same level of the WinGrid.


It’s official, I can finally retire my blog post on making the UltraGroupBox control into a panel.  We now have a Panel control that supports the full power of the Presentation Layer Framework, Application Styling, and of course, it scrolls.

WinComboEditor and WinCombo

We’ve also included an enhancement for our Combo controls by enabling your users to select multiple values!



WinSchedule also got a couple of enhancements:

  • Appointment Dragging and Resizing – You have new cancelable events for the dragging and resizing of appointments.
  • Custom Working Hours – You can now easily customize the work day allowing for breaks in working hours like a mid-afternoon siesta or perhaps the Starbucks run.




Last, but not least, we’ve made a small enhancement to listview that allows for RangeSelect.  With this you get the “lasso” much akin to the experience you see in Windows Explorer.




In the WPF Platform, we have the controls to build the Office-Style UI.  And after seeing many, many, business applications we that strangely enough…look exactly like Office; we decided it was time to spend a release focusing on the flagship of the WPF product, the XamDataGrid.  We did a lot of work on the backend that dealt with performance improvements as that is one of the core focus points in our WPF product.  However, we also added some really great functionality as well.  The first feature that I want to highlight is Record Filtering:


FilterRecord UI Style – As you type searching.



Custom Filter Dialog – Allows for multiple AND/Or Conditions

The next core UI Feature that we added was the ability to have Fixed Fields.  We allow multiple ways of fixing fields and you can fix them to either the left or the right of the XamDataGrid.


Fixed Fields

Misc Enhancements

Lastly, we did add a few other enhancements to the XamDataGrid that I think are worthy mentions:

  • Header Placement – Developers can choose to repeat or not to repeat field headers when the grid is in group-by or hierarchical mode.
  • SyncWithCurrentItem Support – Ensures the XamDataGrid syncs with the current Item
  • Robust CollectionView Support – Support for modifications (adding/removing records) in a filtered and/or sorted CollectionView
    • Note:  SP1 and either ListCollectionView or BindingListCollectionView is definitely recommended for max performance.

The full release is slated to go live on April 6th.  We are on schedule at tracking for that release date.  Just so you know when you can stop drooling and get your hands on the bits!