Join Us on MSDN for the ‘Building Line-of-Business Applications with Silverlight 4’ Webcast

Craig Shoemaker / Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Come learn about the fundamentals of Silverlight 4 in this MSDN webcast titled Building Line-of-Business Applications with Silverlight 4, hosted by Jason Beres (@jasonberes). Many tutorials take you through a cursory view of the Silverlight platform in context of a true-to-life application, but this session will dive deep into the latest capabilities of Silverlight 4 and along the way show you how the Infragistics Silverlight line of business tools may be leveraged to produce a polished application. Here is the description from MSDN:

In this code-focused webcast, you learn first-hand how the Infragistics NetAdvantage Silverlight toolset and Microsoft Silverlight 4 can take an application beyond the typical rich Internet application (RIA) experience of animations, impressive visuals, and high-end multimedia experiences. We highlight enterprise-class application needs, including Silverlight 4 features like out-of-browser installation, local file system access, and peripheral device access combined with the powerful line-of-business capabilities like high-performance data grids and rich charting in the Infragistics NetAdvantage Silverlight toolset.

See you there!

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