UXPA Conference

DevToolsGuy / Monday, July 8, 2013

Infragistics is proud to announce its’ sponsorship of the UXPA Conference this year!

The UXPA Conference, one of the marquee events for user experience professionals in the United States, is set to gear up for a big four day event in Washington D.C. from July 9th – July 12th. Every year, the UXPA Conference has a different theme, and this year, the theme is a simple one: collaboration. The goal of the event is to get UX professionals to put their heads together and come up with brilliant new ideas that will create better experiences.

Events like the UXPA Conference are a fantastic opportunity for UX professionals to meet and connect with other UX professionals from all over the country. Shows like this do a great job facilitating opportunities for people to meet throughout the event; that way you’re not just walking up to people out of the blue and hoping for the best!

UXPA DC will also feature a number of keynote speeches from leaders in the UX industry like Denise R. Jacobs and Navi Radjou, along with numerous other opportunities for you to learn about new methods, tips, and tools to help you improve your craft. While there are plenty of new ideas and inspirations that you can take away from the scheduled events, many people will tell you that some of the best experiences they’ve had at events like UXPA DC come from chatting with fellow attendees.

As you can see, if you are a UX professional, you have a lot that you can take away from an event like this. Do yourself a favor and make it a point to visit UXPA DC and other events like it so you can build new partnerships and learn new skills.

  • Stop by Booth 4 to chat with the Indigo Studio team and to register for your chance to win one of three iPad minis we are raffling. 
  • Also, we are looking for usability testing participants—designers who don't mind spending a few minutes with our IxDs to help improve Indigo. Just ask at Booth 4 if you're willing—we are giving away $10 gift cards to all participants.