Application Startup Templates

Tom Puglisi / Monday, June 12, 2006

Many times we start off a new project from scratch. We then piece together the components that are needed from various libraries, snippets and projects. To avoid this, we can basically start off from a baseline solution that we may have built to include functionality for performing basic tasks (loading forms, saving preferences, user validation, printing, exporting data, etc). It is from this perspective that I present to you an application template that was built with this in mind. This Knowledge base article presents to you the "MDI Application Template" which is both available in C# and VB.NET. Quite a few features (Infragistics specific) have been used throughout to make a nice, scalable startup application. You can simply expand upon what is there, following the patterns to load more forms, export data, create reports, etc. Check them out and let me know what you think:

HOWTO:MDI Application Quick Start Templates with Infragistics controls