Tackling Fidelity when Prototyping George Abraham / Mon, Jun 20, 2016 We often mistake fidelity as an attribute of the prototype. Referring to prototypes as a low or high-fidelity version inadvertently biases us to consider or expect the level of detail present; in practice...
Simplifying Objects, Inheritance and prototype in JavaScript Dhananjay Kumar / Thu, Apr 28, 2016 Although JavaScript is a Class-Free language, it supports objects creation, overriding properties/methods and inheritance. In this post, we will explore the concepts of object creation and inheritance...
Releasing Update 1 for Indigo Studio (v3) George Abraham / Fri, Jun 27, 2014 In version 3, we added the capability to create custom UI libraries using screenparts . If you haven't tried this yet, you are missing out :D.This was one of the top requested ideas . And with that, it...
A practical guide to validation in Indigo Studio gautam dutta / Thu, Nov 28, 2013 Introduction At times it is expected to showcase validation mechanism in prototyping. Since prototyping tools are solely meant to prototype, this sort of functionalities may not be available. However...
Why Software Developers Should Prototype Gradient Girl / Mon, Sep 23, 2013 Any developer that has been through the ringer before knows the pain that comes from undoing the hard work of developing back-end code and creating awesome UIs when stakeholders change the vision of their...