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SharePlus for AirWatch


Could you share doc how to use Share Plus for AirWatch with AirWatch MDM?

We have tried to integrate this two however unsuccessfully. Please share your knowledge.

I can't send to App good configuration and always, I have the same window with Register and Sign In.

I use ver. SharePlus for iOS 4.6.3

I know that I must have a Enterprise version.

Is it possible to get one trial license for 30 days ?



  • 2315
    Offline posted

    Hello Zbigniew,

    Thank you for your support request.
    You can register in the following link in order to get an enterprise demo of SharePlus:
    Regarding Airwatch documentation, we're currently working on releasing a guide, unfortunately it is not available for release for the time being.

    Please try the link above, and we'll continue to work on a demo implementation from there.
    Best regards

    Gonzalo Totorica  
    Associate Support Specialist  
    +1 (609) 448 2000 ext 1277  
    Enterprise Mobility | Infragistics, Inc.

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