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  • Unbound Column Exception

    I have attached a simple project recreating my scenario.

    Version : 10.2.20102.2005

    When I click into different cells back and forth I get an unhandled exception

    "Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object"

    More of the…

  • Edit State

    Is there a way for a column to ALWAYS be in an edit state.

    For instance, if I have a Unbound Column and it data template contains a CheckBox for both the itemTemplate and the editTemplate.

    In order for me to check or uncheck the checkbox, i have to…

  • CheckBox Event Handling in XAMWebGrid

    We have a XAMWebgird containing a Checkbox column in a Template Column, define in the XAM file as given below:


    <igGrid:TemplateColumn Key="IsSelectedForLinking" HeaderText="Selected for Linking">


  • Editing with Dictionary

    It's me and my Dictionary problems again :)

    This all relates to this thread

    Whenever I try to edit a cell I get an "Invalid binding property" error which makes me think that does it want me to have a "real" property again to enable editing?…