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  • Unbound Column Exception

    I have attached a simple project recreating my scenario.

    Version : 10.2.20102.2005

    When I click into different cells back and forth I get an unhandled exception

    "Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object"

    More of the…

  • Edit State

    Is there a way for a column to ALWAYS be in an edit state.

    For instance, if I have a Unbound Column and it data template contains a CheckBox for both the itemTemplate and the editTemplate.

    In order for me to check or uncheck the checkbox, i have to…

  • TabControl and GroupBy


    I'm using XamGrid inside a TabControl with 3 Tab's.

    In the first Tab is allowed to make the GroupBy from the grid while in the other's Tab GroupBy is hide.

    What is happening is that in the last Tab the GroupBy is to overlap the header of…

  • Find a control from TemplateColumn

    I have a grid with a templatecolumn which holds a checkbox. I'm using a templatecolumn because I don't have any properties on my binded object to use and I'm getting the rules for the checkbox outside the binded object.

    I have already resolved…