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  • How select all rows in xamWebGrid


    I'm using NetAdvantage WebClient Trial 2009.2 to evaluation.

    I want to implement "Ctrl-A" like function.

    So I need to select all rows in xamWebGrid.

    I try this code first:

    foreach (var x in webgrid.Rows)

  • Summation not updating

    I have two columns, one is a simple textbox control and the second is a 3rd party numeric control.

    When I make a change in the first column and use an arrow key to go to the next row, the summation immediately updates.

    But for the second column, the…

  • Exception in Grid while Grouping

    I am using the grid and I have a number of unbound columns...

    This only happens while the grid has grouping enabled, when I change a value of a cell it throws this error....

    I can give more information if needed, I am going to try to throw together a…

  • Issues while using XamWebgrid

    Hi I have few problems while implementing xamwebgrid. I am using VB as code-behind. 1. I need a easy way to bind xamweb grid. I dont find any helpful resource either on your documentation of local samples. I have WCF service returning list, now…
  • Unbound Column Exception

    I have attached a simple project recreating my scenario.

    Version : 10.2.20102.2005

    When I click into different cells back and forth I get an unhandled exception

    "Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object"

    More of the…

  • XamGrid Style

    I have the following Style for my XamGrid.

    The only thing I can't figure out is the last row in the grid does not have a horizontal border on the bottom side, refer to image. Any ideas where I went wrong?



    Here is the code:

    <Style x:Key="GridCellStyle…
  • Binding to Collection

    I am trying to make a very flexible binding situation for my XamGrid.Basically I want to make the Grid always dynamic. The amount of columns can vary depedning on the case and their Keys can change so I would like to dynamically build it all the time…

  • How do I set focus to the first row of the xamWebGrid programatically?

    I have xamWebGrid binding to a list and I would like to set focus to first row when application is launched, I have tried different ways, but no luck. Microsoft datagrid has a very simple way to do it. Can someone please help. Thanks



  • How do I update values in another row column using data binding

    I am using DataGrid (bind to the obeservable collection), one of the column in the datagrid is checkbox, User Requirement is, when user checks checkbox in any row, other row's checkbox should reset to unchecked. means  only one checkbox checked at…

  • How to find control in TemplateColumn of XamWebGrid

    I would like to enable or disable a TextBox depending on the ComboBox value.  I tried following code, but couldn't find textblock control. Can someone please help?

    C# code:
            editor.SelectionChanged += new SelectionChangedEventHandler(ConditonCombo_SelectionChanged…

  • Vert Scroll to be place below the header not over it.

    The XamWebGrid has a bizzare behaviour where the vertical scroll bar stretches beyond its scrolling area up into the header. As the header is not scrolled, my design team want me to have the scrollbar start below the header (as per most other scrolling…

  • Crash while adding new row in xamWebGrid

    Hi my application is crashing while adding new row to the xamWebgrid. in xaml for add new row: -igGrid:XamWebGrid.AddNewRowSettings- -igGrid:AddNewRowSettings AllowAddNewRow="Bottom" IsEnterKeyEditingEnabled="True"- -igGrid:XamWebGrid…
  • Calculating CellValues of Selected Row and Column

    I have multiple columns in my grid, in which there are 7 columns which are editable. These are for days from Sun-Sat. All fields are double type. I am having a footer in which i am displaying total of a day columnwise. What i am doing right now is on…
  • Need to attach Event Handler for MouseEnter on Row or Cell

    When a user hovers over a cell or row in my grid, I need to be able to attach my own custom event handler. Is this possible? Is it possible in some other way to know which row/cell they are hovering over (short of measuring the x/y coordinates on Grid…

  • Few questions on xamGrid

    i am new to infragistics silverlight grid. So i have few questions 1. I am adding a row at the end of the grid, after commiting the data of previous column. But failed. Followed the way that described in local help file. Please help me in this. …
  • How to take the XGRID Selected row event in aspx.vb page.

    Any event is there to handle the Xgrid selected row  in the aspx.vb page?

  • Weird behaviour when binding cell colour


       I have a grid and I want to have the whole row set to a specific colour depending on the data in it. I managed to do it in SL grid by using a column template and have the display control take all the space of the cell.

       When I tried to do the same…

  • Which is equivalent event for "SelectionChanged"?

    Trying to display related data when user navigates thru row by mouse or keyboard arrow key.

    Tried using "SelectedRowsCollectionChanged" event, but it never gets excuted when user navigates thru rows.

    Can some one please help.

    Thanks in advance…

  • How to get selected row using SelectionChanged event

    I would like to display data in panel below the datagrid when user changes selected row by using mouse or arrow keys.

    Microsoft datagrid has event "SelectionChanged " works great. but with XamWebGrid, I don't how to do it.

    I tried using…