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  • Make Floating form active on screen even if main window in minimised

    My application is using FloatingWindowContainer to display floating window. I can dock a floating window content to another floating window.

    I need to make floating window displayed on screen always, even if main application window is minimized. I have…

  • Display a new floating window at a specific location with specific size.

    I have some panels which are already docked into a DockManager. Now I am want to create a panel which needs to be showed as a floating window. I am able to create a Floating window, however it is not showing the the specified location and with the specified…

  • Floating Windows are missing from Dock Workspace when trying to close the application

    Hi ,

    I am saving th elayout of all the windows (DockAreaPanes) existing in the DockWorkSpace.

    If I check the status of floating views when the app is on , I can see the details and I am able to store the info , but when i check the status while closing…

  • Show Pin button when pane is float

    When I double click on pane caption it becomes float, and pin button disapear. But the dockmanager has property ShowPinButton - true. Is it possible to make pin button visible when the pane is float?

    Thanks in advance.

  • how to enable Floating of DockableControlPane when it is unpinned


    how to enable Floating of DockableControlPane when it is unpinned ?

    when pane is pinned, it may be FlyOuted after doubleclick on the window header (blue)

    when unpinned, it does not work



    here is demo image (if not shown),…

  • Disable docking in UltraDockManager for MdiChild windows

    Hi there!

    I want to be able to create the Mdi documents in my app and to be able to make them as floating windows. Therefore I have an UltraDockManager & UltraTabbedMdiManager and create DockableControlPanes with IsMdiChild property set to true.

  • FloatingWindowContainer


     I would like to change the apperance of the form used to display my panes when floating.

    From the documentation I found that this form is the FloatingWindowContainer, but there was no examples with it as far as I can see.

    How can I access this…

  • Floating Panes question

    I am new at using the WinDockManager control so bear with me....

    I have a windows forms app that has a main window.  What I am doing is allowing the user to add a picture box, for example, using the DockControls method below to the main form:


  • How to add maximize box to floating window.

    I am using both UltraDockManager and UltraTabbedMdiManager. In the UltraTabbedMdiManager, I select a tab and then float, but the floating window doesn't have maximize box like this.


    Is there any option to add maximize box to floating window like…

  • How to show a DockableControlPane without getting focus ?


     I want to show a hidden DockableControlPane (it's a floating pane). For this, I use Show(), but when the DockableControlPane appears, it takes the focus (which I don't want). Is there a way to show the pane without loosing the current focus ?…