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  • How to hide summaries of some groups(InnerGroupBy)

    My data is like this






    When GroupBy is applied then the data is coming as

    GroupBy DeptID1




    GroupBy DeptID2





    But i dont want the summary for the GroupBy…

  • Show summary in grid for a group.


    I would like to display records in a grid in a group.

    There are 3 columns.

    Driver Name, Gross Pay and Net Pay

    I would like to show summary for each group of driver. The datasource has additional DriverID column will be used to group data.

    Please note…

  • Group by column - sum on another column - format negative number


    This is my first post here so please bear with me !

    I have an UltraWinGrid in which I have a sum on an 'Amount' column.

    When I group by my 'Product' column, the sum of that 'Amount' column appears on for every grouped product.…

  • SummaryType.Formula is not working in Groupby row summary

    I've a Grid which is groupd by Department column and contains summary, summaries would be displayed in bottom as well as Group by row footer. one of the summary is not showing any value in group by footer but it shows correct value in grand summary.…

  • Global Summaries With GroupBy


    I have a Grid with several Columns with Summaries

    Col1    Col2

    A            2

    A            3

    B            3


    When I make a GroupBy I have this




               Sum = 5



              Sum = 3


    It's possible to have a Summary for the complete Grid and not for Groups ?








  • Summary Performance with Dynamic Data and Grouping


    We are using V9.2 (no service releases) and are running into some performance problems with Summaries and Grouping when using dynamic (realtime) data

    Our testing scenario:

    100 data rows
    4 levels of grouping (GroupBy columns are nearly unique, so there…

  • How to sort by groupby sums?

    My grid was set-up to show summaries inside group-by rows. Works well.

    But user wanted me to sort thouse group-by rows by (dynamically) calculated in-rows sums.

    Any advice how to archive that?

  • Is it possible to have totals for each group by column


    When create following grid:

    Code  SubCode Description  Price

    1          1                Hammer       10

    1           2                Nail                20

    2           1                Screwdriver  10

    When i group by code and subcode and i add a summary for price, i will only get summary totals for the subcode level, i will not get a…

  • How to add grand total summary on a grid that's grouped by...


    I have a grid that's grouped by a one column and has a summary which is displayed in the Group By rows. I would like to add another summary that computes the grand total of those "group by" summaries and display it at the bottom (footer) of the…

  • Multi Line Summaries Possible?

    Alrighty, I have a dataset on which I am using the GroupBy fields so that I display something akin to the following table:

    Grouped By:
    Country -> Company

    MetricName    TimeHorizonA   TimeHorizonB  ...  TimeHorizonX
    County: USA  23                    13                       xxxxx+yyyy+....
      Company: …

  • Identifying a Grouped column

    How do I tell if a Group By column has been grouped?  I have a situation where I've added a summary row that needs to appear only when the column has been grouped but disappear when the column is not.

  • Groupby Summaries != Grand Total Summarie


    I was wondering if any of you guys could please help me.

    I set summaries for certain columns, and i use it in a group by way.
    What I want to do now is just hide two of those summaries i created from the grand total, but still have them on my group by…

  • Summary InGroupByRows, but only when not expanded

    I want to use the following so that when a group is collapsed you can still see the totals.
    When it's expanded though, I think it's confusing to show this and the same total at the bottom of the group. Therefore I only effectively want  BottomFixed…

  • Re: UltraGrid - regrouping of rows

    thanks for the reply .. sorry if this is a little hard to understand,

    the screenshot was done by the following sql query:
    select column1, column2, amount, 1 month, 2 month from table group by column1, column2

    if the user deselects column1 (hide it from the…

  • UltraGrid - regrouping of rows

    After a user groups a column, then chooses columns to display, how can i "regroup" and recalculate accordingly the rows being grouped? something similar to SQL grouping

    if you can see in the screenshot, what i want to know is, how to recalculate…