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  • Filter Row Alignment on Right Aligned Column

    Is there a way to align a column on the right and not align the filter row to the right.  We need to have numeric columns aligned to the right side however doing so also alters the filterrow to the point where it is not usable.  When the filter is on the…

  • DropDownProvider in Adding New Row template of Child Band


    I have binded the datas for WebHierarchialDataGrid and its child band through "Manual Load on demand" method.

    Now, my problem is i couldn't enable the drop down provider for the child band while adding new row..

    Could anyone provide…

  • how to add new row to child band ?


    I have created a WebHierarchialDataGrid with a child band. Both the AutoGenerateColumns and AutoGenerateBands are false.

    The Markup code for the child band is as follows:






    <ig:Band AutoGenerateColumns="false"…

  • How is validation of editable WHDG columns achieved?

    Version: Infragistics35 9.2.20092.1003

    Hi, I am attempting to add required field validators to a webhierarchicaldatagrid. I tried the method shown in the following blog post, which refers to plain webdatagrids:…

  • Horizontal Scrollbars


    I'm brand new to the WHDG and wanted to know if it's possible to activate a horizontal scollbar. My grid has a lot of colums and i addes a WebSplitter so i need to display a hoorizontal scrollbar if the user rezizes the window or splitter…

  • Multiline TextBoxProvider

    Hi, i can't set the EditorControl-TextMode="MultiLine" attribute of the TextBoxProvider, just one row is displayed inside the control "txtDescrizione":

    <ig:TextBoxProvider ID="txtDescrizione" EditorControl…

  • Grouping/Column Moving in FireFox vs IE

    I have a WHDG which allows for both column moving and column grouping.  In IE 8 the grouping works great but when trying to move a column left or right i just get a red circle with a line through it.  When I run the same grid in FireFox v. 3.6.12 I get the…