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  • add Tag in namespace


    I am new with VS2010 and WPF.

    I am starting an existing project and I have the error :  Tag "XamDockManager" does not exist  in XML-Namespace "" nicht vorhanden


    How can I add this?.

    A Snippet…

  • Determine whether pane is floating or not

    Which event should I subscribe to, to get a notification every time a pane's state changes to/from floating?

    Is there a event on the xamDockManager itself? Or on the ContentPane?

    Thanks in advance,

  • XamDockManager drag pane to another pane....


    New to Infragistics so finding my way...

    If I drag a pane to another pane so that the two panes are split within 1 pane - event PaneDragEnded

    gives me the pane (or panes) dragged. But how do work out what the others panes are?

    What I'm trying…

  • Custom ContentPane and PaneHeaderPresenter

    I am trying to add buttons (or any other content) to the contentpanes of the XamDockManager. In order to do this, I subclassed ContentPane into ContentPaneEx) and PaneHeaderPresenter  into PaneHeaderPresenterEx. To both, I added a ContentPresenter dependency…

  • SplitPane and Behavior












    I'm writing a Behavior for the SplitPane. It seems to work except when I float out the pane and dock it again using the Drop Preview Blue Rectangles, the Behavior's AssociatedObject (SplitPane) parent Dock Manager is null…

  • Runtime error when I try to drag a pane...

    I get this error when at runtime I try to drag a pane to another location on screen.

    Cannot find type 'Infragistics.Windows.Helpers.NullableConverter`1[[Infragistics.Windows.DockManager.DockingIndicatorPosition, Infragistics3.Wpf.DockManager.v9.2, Version…