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  • XamGrid, TemplateColumn


    I have 2 Columns. When the User enters a number in the first cell of the first row I want the second cell of the first row to get that number and display the result of a formula that is dependent on that number.

    I am using XamGrid and need to stick…

  • TextColumn Validation - Dynamic Columns


    I'm building the grid dynamically 

    Like that        

    columns.Add(new TextColumn { Key = string.Format("[{0}]", key), HeaderText = key});

    My xaml Looks like:

    <ig:XamGrid Name="grid" AutoGenerateColumns="false" ItemsSource="{Binding Path…

  • Filtering on template column


    I am having a problem with the display of the filter menu items on some of our columns.  The situation is we have some template columns which contain dropdowns.  The key for the column is the identity field and we bind the dropdown display to a descriptive…

  • Edit Mode Format

    I have a column with the format string set to currency. When the cell goes into edit mode it shows a total of 4 decimal places instead of 2. What is the easiest way to format the value in edit mode so that it will show only 2 decimal places? Thanks.

  • CheckBox Event Handling in XAMWebGrid

    We have a XAMWebgird containing a Checkbox column in a Template Column, define in the XAM file as given below:


    <igGrid:TemplateColumn Key="IsSelectedForLinking" HeaderText="Selected for Linking">


  • Editing with Dictionary

    It's me and my Dictionary problems again :)

    This all relates to this thread

    Whenever I try to edit a cell I get an "Invalid binding property" error which makes me think that does it want me to have a "real" property again to enable editing?…

  • XamInputs – a Cross-platform Editing Experience

    It has been a part of the company strategy to create a common experience while using our controls across all XAML platforms – something here at Infragistics we call the Unified XAML Product Strategy. Controls build on top of it are meant for rich Line…

  • Unbound Column Exception

    I have attached a simple project recreating my scenario.

    Version : 10.2.20102.2005

    When I click into different cells back and forth I get an unhandled exception

    "Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object"

    More of the…

  • Edit State

    Is there a way for a column to ALWAYS be in an edit state.

    For instance, if I have a Unbound Column and it data template contains a CheckBox for both the itemTemplate and the editTemplate.

    In order for me to check or uncheck the checkbox, i have to…