
Infragistics.WebUI.WebSchedule Namespace

ClassActiveDayChangedEventArgs Event arguments used for the ActiveDayChanged event. This event is not cancelable.
ClassActiveDayChangingEventArgs Event arguments for used for the ActiveDayChanging event
ClassActiveResourceChangedEventArgs Event arguments used for the ActiveResourceChanged event
ClassActiveResourceChangingEventArgs Event arguments used for the ActiveResourceChanged event
ClassActivitiesCollection A collection of Activity objects.
ClassActivitiesSubsetCollection A collection of Activity objects for a particular Day or a particular range of dates.
ClassActivitiesSubsetEnumerator Type-specific enumerator class for enumerating over the Appointment objects of the AppointmentsSubsetCollection.
ClassActivity Represents an Activity for a specific date and time.
ClassActivityEnumerator Type-specific enumerator class for enumerating over the Activity objects of the ActivitiesCollection and SelectedActivitiesCollection.
ClassActivityEventArgs Event arguments object that encapsulates the Activity object that is associated with the event.
ClassAddActivityContext Parameters pertaining to adding an activity to the data source.
ClassAddRecurrenceContext Parameters pertaining to adding a new recurrence to the data source.
ClassAddResourceContext Parameters pertaining to adding a resource to the data source.
ClassAddVarianceContext Parameters pertaining to adding a variance to the data source.
ClassAppointment Represents an appointment activity for a specific date and time. This class inherits most of its behavior and functionality from the Activity object. The specific properties added by the Appointment object are: Subject, Location and Description.
ClassAppointmentEnumerator Type-specific enumerator class for enumerating over the Appointment objects of the ActivitiesCollection
ClassAppointmentsCollection A collection of Appointment objects.
ClassAppointmentsSubsetCollection A collection of Appointment objects for a particular Day or a particular range of dates.
ClassAppointmentSubsetEnumerator Type-specific enumerator class for enumerating over the Appointment objects of the AppointmentsSubsetCollection.
ClassAppointmentVariance Represents an appointment for a specific date and time within a recurring appointment sequence.
ClassCalendarAutoPostBack Object that keeps the list of events that trigger post back.
ClassCalendarBase Base class for WebCalendar.
ClassCalendarClientSideEvents Manages the names of custom event handler functions called by Javascript on the client-side.
ClassCalendarLayout Collection of properties used by WebCalendar.
ClassCalendarStylePresets Summary description for CalendarStylePresets.
ClassCancelableActivityEventArgs Event arguments that encapsulate the Activity associated with the event and the ability to cancel the event.
ClassCancelableEventArgs Event arguments object that provides the ability to cancel the event.
ClassCancelableReminderEventArgs Event arguments that encapsulate the Activity associated with the event and the ability to cancel the event.
ClassDataContext Abstract base class containing parameters pertaining to data-related operations in general.
ClassDayOfTheWeekEnumerator Used to enumerator the objects in the collection
ClassFetchActivitiesContext Parameters pertaining to retrieving all activities by resource and date range from the data source.
ClassFetchRecurrencesContext Parameters pertaining to retrieving recurrences from the data source.
ClassFetchRemindersContext Parameters pertaining to retrieving reminders for the logged on user from the data source.
ClassFetchResourcesContext Parameters pertaining to retrieving all resources from the data source.
ClassFetchVariancesContext Parameters pertaining to retrieving variances from the data source.
ClassFrameInterval The FrameInterval object is used to denote the starting date and the ending date for which activities will be retrieved from the data source. By limiting the size of the FrameInterval to just those dates that are needed in order to fulfill the current requirements of the view controls connected to WebScheduleInfo, the performance and responsivness of the application can be increased.
ClassFrameIntervalChangingEventArgs Event arguments applying to the FrameIntervalChanging event.
ClassNullDateException The NullDateException is used when a null Date is detected in a situation where the Date should be populated Most likely this is will be seen when trying to access the .Value of the control when the .AllowNull is set to False but the .Value is null.
ClassRecurrence Contains information that describes the associated Appointment object's recurrence pattern and range.
ClassReminderEventArgs Event arguments object that encapsulates the Activity object that is associated with the event.
ClassRemoveActivityContext Parameters pertaining to deletion of an activity from the data source.
ClassRemoveRecurrenceContext Parameters pertaining to deletion of a recurrence attached to an existing activity from the data source.
ClassRemoveResourceContext Parameters pertaining to deletion of a resource from the data source.
ClassRemoveVarianceContext Parameters pertaining to deletion of a variance from the data source.
ClassRenderContextBase Abstract base class for more specialized rendering contexts.
ClassResource A Resource is an entity that owns or manages a series of Activities.
ClassResourcePreference Describes the preferences of a Resource.
ClassResourcePreferencesCollection Collection of ResourcePreference objects associated with an individual Resource object.
ClassResourcesCollection The collection of Resources.
ClassResourcesCollection.ResourceEnumerator Enumerator class for the ResourcesCollection.
ClassSnooze Stores Snooze Information for an Activity
ClassTagConverter Summary description for TagConverter.
ClassUpdateActivityContext Parameters pertaining to updating an activity in the data source.
ClassUpdateRecurrenceContext Parameters pertaining to updating a recurrence in the data source.
ClassUpdateRemindersContext Parameters pertaining to updating reminders in the data source.
ClassUpdateResourceContext Parameters pertaining to updating a resource in the data source.
ClassUpdateSnoozeContext Parameters pertaining to updating snooze.
ClassUpdateVarianceContext Parameters pertaining to updating a variance in the data source.
ClassValueChangedEventArgs VisibleMonthChangedHandler object is used to notify listener about the change of visible month.
ClassVariancesCollection A collection of Appointment objects that represent individual occurrences of a recurring Appointment that have been modified from the original recurrence.
ClassVariancesEnumerator Type-specific enumerator class for enumerating over the Appointment objects of the VariancesCollection.
ClassVisibleMonthChangedEventArgs VisibleMonthChangedHandler object is used to notify listener about the change of visible month.
ClassWebCalendar Control that renders one month calendar.
ClassWebCalendarView Control that renders one month calendar.
ClassWebDateChooser The DateChooser is an editable DropDown control, which can be used to enter dates textually, or by using a graphical Calendar.
ClassWebDateChooser.InvalidDateEventArgs InvalidDateEventArgs holds information about a date that could not be set, including the reason why.
ClassWebDateChooser.WebDateChooserEventArgs Event argument object for WebDateChooser Events

The ClientSideEvents object contains string properties that allow client-side JavaScript function names to be specified for handling a variety of events that occur on the client. The JavaScript function with the same name must then be defined somewhere within the page in order for the event to be fired.

The JavaScript can be written directly into the aspx page or it can be added in the code-behind file using the Page.RegisterClientScriptBlock function.

ClassWebDayView Control that represents Day View.
ClassWebMonthView The WebMonthView element is a day-oriented view on WebSchedule presenting a calendar month of information at a time to the end user.
ClassWebScheduleInfo Manages and exposes all schedule-related information for one or more WebSchedule view elements.

WebScheduleInfo supports client side events that allow developers to provide rich and responsive interfaces with a minimum of post-backs to the server.

The following events can be canceld by setting the oEvent.Cancel property to true.






ClassWebScheduleViewBase Abstract base class shared by all WebSchedule view elements.
InterfaceICalendar Summary description for ICalendar.
InterfaceIDataFetch The IDataFetch interface supports general-purpose retrieval operations from arbitrary data sources.
InterfaceIDataUpdate The IDataUpdate interface is used by WebScheduleInfo to communicate information to a data provider concerning the update operation to be performed and the relavant data required to carry it out. This interface is implemented by data providers and called by WebScheduleInfo when updates to the data source are required.
EnumerationActiveDayClientSynchronization Determines how multiple WebSchedule components will be syncronized on the client when they are tied to the same instance of WebScheduleInfo. Synchronization is performed when the ActiveDay is changed either by clicking a mouse or by setting it in code.
EnumerationActivityStatus Indications concerning the current status of an Activity object.
EnumerationAnimationRate The Animation Rate to be applied on the clientside.
EnumerationCalendarPresetNextPrevFormat Format of the text/image that appears on the next/previous month buttons that can be set by CalendarStylePreset class.
EnumerationCalendarStylePreset Calendar preset styles.
EnumerationDateFormat Date format
EnumerationDayNamesVisibility Visibility of the text strings that represent names of the days of the week.
EnumerationDisplayIntervalUnits Determines the units used for the Reminder DisplayInterval property
EnumerationFirstDayOfWeek Determines which day of the week is considered the first day.
EnumerationGridLinesType Visibility of the grid lines.
EnumerationImportance Determines the importance of the activity.
EnumerationMonthHeaderCaptionStyle Determines what is used for the month header caption.
EnumerationNullValueRepresentation Object returned by the Value property, when value is null.
EnumerationRecurrenceDayOfMonth Determines which occurrence of the day in its respective month a recurrence is to occur for an AppointmentRecurrence.
EnumerationRecurrenceDayOfWeekMask Determines the day(s) of the week on which an occurrence falls for an AppointmentRecurrence.
EnumerationRecurrenceEditType Determines whether the entire series or only one occurrence is affected when editing or deleting an Appointment.
EnumerationRecurrencePeriod Determines the frequency at which a recurrence occurs for an AppointmentRecurrence.
EnumerationShowTimeAs Determines how time used by an activity should be displayed.
EnumerationSnoozePersistenceType Enumeration of persistence methods for the snooze behavior of WebSchedule.
EnumerationTimeDisplayFormat Determines how the Appointment.StartDateTime and Appointment.EndDateTime of an Appointment object will be displayed.
EnumerationTimeSlotInterval Determines the time interval used to display Time Slots in the DayView control.
EnumerationTimeSlotLabelType Determines how often the Time Slot Descriptor labels are displayed.
EnumerationVisibleDays Visibility of the text strings that represent names of the days of the week.
EnumerationWebDateChooser.InvalidDate The InvalidDate enum describes why a date value could not be set.
EnumerationWeekendDisplayFormat Determines how weekend days will be displayed
See Also