
Infragistics.Web.UI.GridControls Namespace

ClassActivation A behavior that allows the WebDataGrid to have an Active Cell.
ClassActivationAutoPostBackFlags An object containing information on when the server events will be called.
ClassActivationClientEvents ClientEvents used by the Activation behavior.
ClassActiveCellEventArgs Provides data for the WebDataGrid.ActiveCellChanged event of a WebDataGrid control.
ClassActiveGroupedRowEventArgs Provides data for the ContainerGrid.ActiveGroupedRowChanged event of a WebDataGrid control.
ClassAutoGeneratedDataField Represents a column or field that was generated from the DataSource of the WebDataGrid control.
ClassBand Server editing events for Band Extending the Band class so Sorting events handlers can be attached to it The Band object represents a single level of a hierarchical record set. The columns that make up a band are typically drawn from a single recordsource (table) in the data source.
ClassBandBehaviors Behaviors collection of the Band
ClassBandCollection A collection of Bands.
ClassBandEventArgs Initializes a new instance of the BandEventArgs class.
ClassBandsCountObj This is an Interger object which inherites from ObjectBase so it can be treated as a ClientObject and can help restore the Bands count in the LoadClientObjects stage.
ClassBaseExporter This class encapsulates common base logic for exporting WebDataGrid and WebHierarchicalDataGrid to various formats.
ClassBaseGrid Base abstract class for the grid controls.
ClassBehaviorClientEventsBase Abstract base class for grid behavior event classes that hides AJAXResponse and AJAXResponseError
ClassBehaviors Behaviors collection of the WebDataGrid
ClassBoundCheckBoxField Represents a checkbox column or field in the WebDataGrid control.
ClassBoundDataField Represents a column or field in the WebDataGrid control.
ClassCancelRenderingXslEventArgs Cancelable xsl rendering event args.
ClassCellEditing A behavior that allows the WebDataGrid to Edit a Cell.
ClassCellEditingClientEvents ClientEvents used by the CellEditing behavior.
ClassClientRecordTemplateRenderingEventArgs The class provides data for the RowSelectors behavior during the process of rendering.
ClassClipboard A behavior that allows data from the WebDataGrid to interact with clipboard. The format in which data is placed into the cliboard is similar to the Microsoft Excel one, so that cell values can be easily copied between WebDataGrid and Excel.
ClassClipboardClientEvents Clientside events that the Clipboard behavior will fire in the browser.
ClassColumnEditSetting Class for column settings of behaviors that inherit from EditableBehaviorBase
ClassColumnFilter Class which encapsulates the filtering condition that will be applied to WebDataGrid column.
ClassColumnFilteringSetting Column settings for Filtering behavior.
ClassColumnFilteringSettings A collection of ColumnFilteringSetting objects.
ClassColumnFilters A collection of ColumnFilter objects.
ClassColumnFixing Fixed columns behavior. Enables the grid to fix columns on either left or right side.
ClassColumnFixingClientEvents ClientEvents used by the ColumnFixing behavior.
ClassColumnFixingSetting Column settings for ColumnFixing behavior.
ClassColumnFixingSettings A collection of ColumnFixingSetting objects.
ClassColumnGroupingSetting Column settings for column groupby capability.
ClassColumnGroupingSettings A collection of ColumnGroupingSetting objects.
ClassColumnMoveSetting The ColumnMoveSetting object allows for customizing the ColumnMoving behavior on a column by column basis.
ClassColumnMoveSettings ColumnMoveSettings is a collection object containing ColumnMoveSetting objects.
ClassColumnMoving A behavior that allows the WebDataGrid to moving a GridField.
ClassColumnMovingClientEvents Clientside events that the ColumnMoving behavior will fire in the browser.
ClassColumnMovingEventArgs An object that contains information about the event on the server.
ClassColumnResizeSetting The ColumnResizeSetting object allows for customizing the ColumnResize behavior on a column by column basis.
ClassColumnResizeSettings ColumnResizeSettings is a collection object containing ColumnResizeSetting objects.
ClassColumnResizing A behavior that allows the WebDataGrid to resize a GridField. This behavior will support multiple column resizing if the Selection behavior is used.
ClassColumnResizingAutoPostBackFlags An object containing information on when the server events will be called.
ClassColumnResizingClientEvents Clientside events that the ColumnResizing behavior will fire in the browser.
ClassColumnResizingEventArgs An object that contains information about the event on the server.
ClassColumnSetting The ColumnSetting object is a base class for behaviors to allow for more granular control of the behavior. The basis for this is controlling behavior on a column level.
ClassColumnSettingCollection Abstract class that holds collection of column setting objects
ClassColumnSummaryInfo Defines column summaries for one column.
ClassColumnSummaryInfoCollection A collection of ColumnSummaryInfo objects.
ClassContainerGrid Control used for representing a row island of the WebHierarchicalDataGrid.
ClassContainerGridClientEvents ClientEvents used by the ContainerGrid and WebHierarchicalDataGrid control
ClassContainerGridCollection Collection of ContainerGrids.
ClassContainerGridRecord Represents a record or row in the ContainerGrid control.
ClassContainerGridRecordCollection A collection of ContainerGridRecords.
ClassContainerGridViewStateJournal Keeps track of changes to the collection once viewstate tracking is on Changes are then played back on PostBack prior to loading ViewState
ClassContainerRowCancelEventArgs Event arguments for events that can be handled.
ClassContainerRowEventArgs Event arguments for events that can be handled.
ClassControlDataField The class represents base object for the grid's fields.
ClassControlDataItem A class representing a data item
ClassControlDataItemCollection Collection of record items.
ClassControlDataRecord The class represents base object for the grid's records.
ClassControlDataRecordCollection Base class for the records collection of the grid.
ClassCurrencyEditorProvider Editor for WebNumericEditor object.
ClassCustomSummaryEventArgs CustomSummaryEventArgs event arguments for the CalculateCustomSummary event.
ClassDataBindingEventArgs Class representing the event arguments passed into WebDataGrid DataBinding event
ClassDataGridAutoPostBackFlags An object containing information on when the server events will be called.
ClassDatePickerProvider Editor for WebDateTimeEditor object.
ClassDateTimeEditorProvider Editor for WebDateTimeEditor object.
ClassDefaultBooleanConverter Class used to perform boolean conversion logic for bool values
ClassDefaultEditorsEventArgs Event arguments for events that can be handled.
ClassDefaultGroupComparer The class contains default comparison logic for the Outlook Group By feature of the WebHierarchicalDataGrid
ClassDocumentCellExportedEventArgs Event arguments that are passed to event handlers for the WebDocumentExporter.CellExported event.
ClassDocumentCellExportingEventArgs Event argument that is passed to event handlers for the WebDocumentExporter.CellExporting event.
ClassDocumentExportedEventArgs Document exported event arguments class.
ClassDocumentExportingEventArgs Document exporting event arguments class.
ClassDocumentGridFieldCaptionExportedEventArgs Event argument that is passed to event handlers for the DocumentGridFieldCaptionExporting event
ClassDocumentGridFieldCaptionExportingEventArgs Event argument that is passed to event handlers for the DocumentGridFieldCaptionExporting event
ClassDocumentGridRecordItemExportedEventArgs Event argument that is passed to event handlers for the DocumentGridRecordItemExporting event
ClassDocumentGridRecordItemExportingEventArgs Event argument that is passed to event handlers for the DocumentGridRecordItemExporting event
ClassDocumentGridRowExportedEventArgs Event argument that is passed to event handlers for the DocumentRowExported
ClassDocumentGridRowExportingEventArgs Event argument that is passed to event handlers for the DocumentRowExporting event
ClassDocumentRowExportedEventArgs Event argument that is passed to event handlers for the
ClassDocumentRowExportingEventArgs Event argument that is passed to event handlers for the
ClassDocumentSummaryCellExportedEventArgs Event argument that is passed to event handlers for the DocumentSummaryCellCaptionExported event
ClassDocumentSummaryCellExportingEventArgs Event argument that is passed to event handlers for the DocumentSummaryCellCaptionExporting event
ClassDropDownProvider Editor provider for the WebDropDown. The provider allows to assign the WebDropDown to a grid's column and have the column's cells to be editable with a value list.
ClassEditableBehaviorBase Base class for editable behaviours used by WebDataGrid
ClassEditableClientEvents Class defining common client events for all editable behaviors.
ClassEditedEventArgs Edited event args object. Provides information about exception if any is thrown during the editing process.
ClassEditingBehaviorCollection Behavior collection used by the editing behavior.
ClassEditingClientEvents Class for all of the client events for editing behaviors.
ClassEditingColumnSetting Class for column setting for cell editing behavior
ClassEditingColumnSettings A collection of column settings for cell editing
ClassEditingCore Behavior that defines the grid's editing capabilities.
ClassEditingEventArgs EditingCore event args object. Provides an ability to cancel the event.
ClassEditModeActions Defines entering edit mode action for the editing behavior of the WebDataGrid.
ClassEditorProvider<TEditorControl> Editor provider
ClassEditorProviderBase Class used as base for editor providers of WebDataGrid
ClassEditorProviderCollection Collection of editor providers used by WebDataGrid
ClassElementTypeAttribute Indicates base class for items of a heterogeneous collection.
ClassExcelCellExportedEventArgs Excel cell exported event arguments class.
ClassExcelCellExportingEventArgs Excel cell exporting event arguments class.
ClassExcelExportedEventArgs Excel document exported event arguments class.
ClassExcelExportingEventArgs Excel document exporting event arguments class.
ClassExcelRowExportedEventArgs Excel row exported event arguments class.
ClassExcelRowExportingEventArgs Excel row exporting event arguments class.
ClassFieldCaption The class contains methods and properties of the grid's field caption. The field captions appear in both header and footer for every column of the grid.
ClassFieldCaptionCollection Field caption collection. Defines both header and footer captions of the grid's columns.
ClassFieldCollection A collection for storing fields in a grid control
ClassFilteredEventArgs Filtered event arguments.
ClassFiltering Behavior that defines the grid's filtering capabilities.
ClassFilteringClientEvents ClientEvents used by the Filtering behavior.
ClassFilteringEventArgs Filtering event arguments.
ClassFilteringNode An abstract class for filtering condition for a column of WebDataGrid
ClassFixedColumnInfo Represents a fixed column in the ColumnFixing behavior's ColumnFixing.FixedColumns collection.
ClassFixedColumnInfoCollection Collection of FixedColumnInfo objects.
ClassFixedStateChangedEventArgs FixedStateChanged event arguments.
ClassFooterCaptionCollection A collection of FooterCaption
ClassGeneratingCellAttributesEventArgs Event args for ContainerGridRowColSpanCalculating event
ClassGeneratingFooterAttributesEventArgs Event args for GeneratingFooterAttributes event
ClassGridBehavior Abstract class that defines a skeleton of the grid behavior. Every behavior of the grid must be inheriting the class.
ClassGridBehaviorAttribute Attribute used to control properties per Behavior
ClassGridBehaviorCollection Base class for the grid's behaviors.
ClassGridBehaviorContainer The class defines a grid behavior container. Such a container allows creating hierarchies of behaviors and having certain behaviors to be made children of others.
ClassGridBehaviorsImageButton Represents an Image Button capable of display in several visual states. This class was created to extend the ImageButton allow behaviors to specify a custom URL designer
ClassGridClientEvents ClientEvents used by the WebDataGrid class
ClassGridClientRenderer The class contains methods that render different parts of the WebDataGrid for the client rendering: Client Templates and/or JSON.
ClassGridField A grid field for WebDataGrid
ClassGridFieldCaption Represents a header or footer depending on the role, in the WebDataGrid control.
ClassGridFieldCaptionExportedEventArgs Excel GridFieldCaption exported event arguments class.
ClassGridFieldCaptionExportingEventArgs Excel GridFieldCaption exporting event arguments class.
ClassGridFieldCollection Field collection specific for the grid. The collection is used as the WebDataGrid.Columns property's type to store developer's defined columns.
ClassGridFieldFooterCaption Represents a footer in the WebDataGrid control, exposing a col span property.
ClassGridHierarchicalBehaviorEvents Object used by WebHierarchicalDataGrid to raise events for behavior so that a behaviors can take appropriate action.
ClassGridHierarchicalBehaviorEvents.GroupedColumnAddedEventArgs Object representing the event arguments for GroupedColumnAdded event.
ClassGridHierarchicalBehaviorEvents.GroupedColumnsChangingInternalEventArgs Object representing the event arguments for GroupedColumnsChanging event.
ClassGridHierarchicalBehaviorEvents.RowCollapsingEventArgs Object representing the event arguments for RowCollapsing event.
ClassGridIDPairCollection<T> A base collection class that stores the underlying IDPairs of an item, as opposed to the item iteself.
ClassGridRecord Represents a record or row in the WebDataGrid control.
ClassGridRecordCollection A collection of GridRecords.
ClassGridRecordItem Represents a record item or cell in the WebDataGrid control.
ClassGridRecordItemCollection A collection of GridRecordItems.
ClassGridRecordItemExportedEventArgs Excel GridRecordItem exported event arguments class.
ClassGridRecordItemExportingEventArgs Excel GridRecordItem exporting event arguments class.
ClassGridRenderer The class contains methods that render different parts of the WebDataGrid.
ClassGridResponseObject Container for values passed to client within AJAX response.
ClassGridXmlLiteralNode Represents literal node in the XML rendering engine.
ClassGroupedColumn Represents a grouped column object.
ClassGroupedColumns Collection of GroupedColumn objects.
ClassGroupedColumnsChangedEventArgs Event arguments for events that can be handled.
ClassGroupedColumnsChangingEventArgs Event arguments for events that can be handled.
ClassGroupedRecord Object representing the grouped row.
ClassGroupedRecordCollection A collection of GroupedRecord objects.
ClassGroupedRowEventArgs Event arguements for GroupedRowInitializedEvent.
ClassGroupEqualityComparer<T> Objects that are derived from this class contain logic of placing certain values into their groups. Should be used with the Outlook Group By feature of the WebHierarchicalDataGrid to provide custom grouping.
ClassGroupFieldCollection I am keeping this class for now, because I suspect I will have to have some custom logic in this collection for the Visible indecies setup of the grouped columns
ClassGroupingSettings Column grouping settings object.
ClassGroupingWalkRowInternalEventArgs Object representing the event arguments for GroupingWalkRow event.
ClassGroupRecordEnumerator Enumerator for data rows which belong to a specific group row .
ClassHandleCommandEventArgs Event arguments for events that can be handled.
ClassHeaderCaptionCollection A collection of HeaderCaption
ClassHeaderCheckBoxEventArgs Class representing the event arguments passed into WebDataGrid DataBinding event
ClassHeaderLayout Collection of columns used for generating the XML for rendering the grid's header when multi-header columns are present.
ClassHierarchicalGridBindingManager HierarchicalGridBindingManager is class responsible for managing the data binding process of the WebHierarchicalDataGrid control.
ClassHierarchicalGridGroupingSettings Column grouping settings object for the grid.
ClassHierarchicalGridRenderer The class contains methods that render different parts of the WebHierarchicalDataGrid.
ClassHierarchicalGridStyleBot Performs much of the Application Styling Framework(tm) logic for WebHierarchicalDataGrid
ClassIDPair Unique identifier for the grid's fields and records.
ClassItemIDPair Uniquely identiufies a record item.
ClassItemTemplateMap The object is used as a storage of the ItemIDPair's and template Ids. Actuale templates can be located by an item's ID object.
ClassKeyChangedEventArgs Event arguments for the field's KeyChanged event.
ClassMaskEditorProvider Editor for WebMaskEditor object.
ClassMissingRecordException This exception is thrown when a record is not found by key during an update operation.
ClassMonthCalendarProvider Editor for WebDateTimeEditor object.
ClassNumericEditorProvider Editor for WebNumericEditor object.
ClassPaging Behavior that defines the grid's paging capabilities.
ClassPagingClientEvents Holds client side event definitions for the paging.
ClassPagingEventArgs Event arguments for pager related events.
ClassParentObjectTypeAttribute Marks an object with its parent class type.
ClassPercentEditorProvider Editor for WebNumericEditor object.
ClassRatingEditorProvider Editor for WebRating object.
ClassRowAddedEventArgs Row added event arguments object.
ClassRowAdding Row adding behavior. Adding this behavior to the EditingCore behaviors enables user interface - Add New Row - for entering and commiting new row values.
ClassRowAddingClientEvents ClientEvents used by the RowAdding behavior.
ClassRowAddingColumnSetting The RowAddingColumnSetting class allows the developer to customize row adding behaviors on a column by column basis.
ClassRowAddingColumnSettings A collection of column settings for row adding behavior
ClassRowAddingEventArgs Row adding event arguments object.
ClassRowDeletedEventArgs Row deleted event arguments object.
ClassRowDeleting Behavior that defines the grid's deletion functionality.
ClassRowDeletingClientEvents ClientEvents used by the RowDeleting behavior.
ClassRowDeletingEventArgs Row deleting event arguments object.
ClassRowEditClientEvents ClientEvents used by the RowEditing behavior.
ClassRowEditing A behavior that allows the WebDataGrid to Edit a Row.
ClassRowEditingClientBinding The object defines a client binding of a control on the edit row template to a cell in the row that is being edited.
ClassRowEditingClientBindingCollection Collection of the client bindings for the edit row template behavior.
ClassRowEditingClientEvents ClientEvents used by the RowEditingTemplate behavior.
ClassRowEditingTemplate A behavior that allows the WebDataGrid to Edit a Row through a templatable dialog.
ClassRowEditModeActions The edit mode actions for RowEditTemplate
ClassRowEventArgs Event arguments for events that can be handled.
ClassRowIslandEventArgs Event arguments for events that can be handled.
ClassRowSelectorClientEvents Clientside events that the RowSelector behavior will fire in the browser.
ClassRowSelectors Adds the row selectors to the grid. Row selectors are often called the row headers. These are extra cells on the left side of every row which help navigating the rows.
ClassRowUpdatedEventArgs Row updated event arguments object.
ClassRowUpdatingEventArgs Row updating event argumets object.
ClassRuleBoolNode Filtering condition for a string type column of WebDataGrid
ClassRuleDateNode Filtering condition for a DateTime type column of WebDataGrid
ClassRuleNumberNode Filtering condition for a numeric type column of WebDataGrid
ClassRuleTextNode Filtering condition for a string type column of WebDataGrid
ClassSelectedCellCollection A collection of selected cells.
ClassSelectedCellEventArgs Provides data for the WebDataGrid.CellSelectionChanged event of a WebDataGrid control.
ClassSelectedColumnCollection A collection of selected columns.
ClassSelectedColumnEventArgs Provides data for the WebDataGrid.ColumnSelectionChanged event of a WebDataGrid control.
ClassSelectedRowCollection A collection of selected rows.
ClassSelectedRowEventArgs Provides data for the WebDataGrid.RowSelectionChanged event of a WebDataGrid control.
ClassSelection A behavior that allows the WebDataGrid to be selectable.
ClassSelectionAutoPostBackFlags An object containing information on when the server events will be called.
ClassSelectionClientEvents ClientEvents used by the Selection behavior.
ClassSliderProvider Editor for WebSlider object.
ClassSortedColumnInfo Represents a sorted column in the Sorting behavior's Sorting.SortedColumns collection.
ClassSortedColumnInfoCollection Collection tha holds all of the sorted columns in the grid.
ClassSorting Behavior that defines the grid's sorting capabilities.
ClassSortingClientEvents Client events for sorting behavior
ClassSortingColumnSetting Column setting for sorting behavior
ClassSortingColumnSettings SortedColumnSettings allow for granular control of the sorting behavior on a Column basis.
ClassSortingEventArgs Sorting event arguments.
ClassSpanCalculatingEventArgs Event args for ContainerGridRowColSpanCalculating event
ClassStringBuilderEventArgs Event arguements which have a srting builder
ClassSummaries Holds all of the summaries that will be calculated for a column.
ClassSummary Defines single summary for a column.
ClassSummaryCellExportedEventArgs Excel SummaryCellExporting exported event arguments class.
ClassSummaryCellExportingEventArgs Excel SummaryCellExporting exporting event arguments class.
ClassSummaryEventArgs SummaryEventArgs event arguments for the SummaryCalculated event.
ClassSummaryRow Behavior that defines the grid's summary row capabilities.
ClassSummaryRowClientEvents ClientEvents used by the SummaryRow behavior.
ClassSummaryRowSetting Column settings for SummaryRow behavior.
ClassSummaryRowSettings A collection of SummaryRowSetting objects.
ClassSummarySetting Settings object for a particular type of summary.
ClassSummarySettings A collection of SummarySetting objects.
ClassTemplateDataField The class overrides the ControlDataField field to allow it to have templates.
ClassTextBoxEditor Extension of TextBox with overriden Color related properties to support designer.
ClassTextBoxProvider Editor for TextBox object.
ClassTextEditorProvider Editor for WebTextEditor object.
ClassUnboundCheckBoxField Represents a checkbox column that is not bound to any data.
ClassUnboundCheckBoxGridRecordItem Class representing a cell that is part of an UnboundCheckBoxField column.
ClassUnboundField Represents a column or field in the WebDataGrid control that is not bound to any data.
ClassUnboundGridRecordItem Class representing a cell that is part of an UnboundField column.
ClassUnhandledCalculateSummaryException This class is used for the exception when the default data binding of the grid is cancelled and a normal summary (Count, Min, Max, Average, Sum) is added, but the CalculateSummary event is not handled.
ClassUnhandledCustomSummaryException This class is used for the exception when a custom summary is added, but the server event CalculateCustomSummary is not handled.
ClassVirtualScrolling Behavior that enables the grid to scroll its rows in a virtual mode.
ClassVirtualScrollingClientEvents Clientside events that the VirtualScrolling behavior will raise on client.
ClassVirtualScrollingEventArgs Virtual scrolling event arguments.
ClassWebDataGrid Server editing events for WebDataGrid AJAX enabled Grid Control which is capable of displaying tabular information from a variety of datasources.
ClassWebDocumentExporter Provides PDF and XPS document exporting functionality to the WebDataGrid and WebHierarchicalDataGrid.
ClassWebExcelExporter Provides Excel document exporting functionality to the WebDataGrid and WebHierarchicalDataGrid.
ClassWebHierarchicalDataGrid Extending the WebHierarchicalDataGrid class so Activation events handlers can be attached to it Server editing events for WebHierarchicalDataGrid Extending the WebHierarchicalDataGrid class so Selection events handlers can be attached to it Extending the WebHierarchicalDataGrid class so Sorting events handlers can be attached to it AJAX enabled Hierarchical Grid Control which is capable of displaying hierarchical data.
ClassWebWordExporter Provides Word document exporting functionality to the WebDataGrid and WebHierarchicalDataGrid.
ClassWordCellExportedEventArgs Event args for the cell exported event
ClassWordCellExportingEventArgs Event args for the cell exporting event
ClassWordExportedEventArgs Word exported event arguments class.
ClassWordExportingEventArgs Word exporting event arguments class.
ClassWordGridFieldCaptionExportedEventArgs Event argument that is passed to event handlers for the DocumentGridFieldCaptionExporting event
ClassWordGridFieldCaptionExportingEventArgs Event argument that is passed to event handlers for the DocumentGridFieldCaptionExporting event
ClassWordGridRecordItemExportedEventArgs Event argument that is passed to event handlers for the DocumentGridRecordItemExporting event
ClassWordGridRecordItemExportingEventArgs Event argument that is passed to event handlers for the DocumentGridRecordItemExporting event
ClassWordRowExportedEventArgs Word row exported event arguments class.
ClassWordRowExportingEventArgs Word row exporting event arguments class.
ClassWordSummaryCellExportedEventArgs Event argument that is passed to event handlers for the DocumentSummaryCellCaptionExported event
ClassWordSummaryCellExportingEventArgs Event argument that is passed to event handlers for the DocumentSummaryCellCaptionExporting event
ClassXPathDataNavigable Class-helper for the objects to expose themselves as XML nodes.
ClassXPathDataNavigator Provides XPath navigation for the data of the grid.
ClassXPathGridData Xml wrapper for the grid. This is the first and the only child node of the Root.
ClassXPathGridRoot Root Xml node. That's where it all starts.
ClassXPathNavigableText The class represents a text XML rendering node.
InterfaceIActivationBehavior Marks the activation behavior of the grid. The interface can be used to get a hold of the activation behavior in the behavior collection using GridBehaviorCollection.GetBehaviorInterface.
InterfaceIBand Interface which should be implemented for all objects which represents a single level of a hierarchical record set for WebHierarchicalDataGrid.
InterfaceIBehaviorInterface Parent interface of all public behavior interfaces.
InterfaceIBooleanConverter Used by BoundCheckBoxField to convert generic objects into true/false values
InterfaceICheckBoxField Interface for a GridField to implement when it is displaying a checkbox
InterfaceIClearBehaviorColumnInfo Interface defined to allow behaviors to clear settings that might be column specific but that do not have column settings.
InterfaceIColumnFixing Interface which every Column Fixing behavior of WebDataGrid should implement.
InterfaceIColumnMoving Interface defining a behavior supports moving of columns.
InterfaceIColumnResizing Interface defining a behavior supports resizing of columns.
InterfaceIColumnSettings Should be implemented by behaviors that have a collection of settings per column
InterfaceIEditingBehavior Interface to implement for Editing behavior of the grid.
InterfaceIEmptyRowIslands A behavior must implement the interface when it influences creation of empty row islands in a WebHierarchicalDataGrid.
InterfaceIExporter Interface implemented by ExcelExporter and DocumentExporter to provide exporting functionlity to various format.
InterfaceIFiltering Interface that every Filtering behavior of WebDataGrid should implement if they need to be compatible with Column Fixing.
InterfaceIGridBehavior Interface marks a behavior of the grid. External object can communicate with the behaviors via properties and methods of the interface.
InterfaceIGridBehaviorContainer Implemented by a behavior container.
InterfaceIGroupEqualityComparer Objects that implement this interface contain logic of placing certain values into their groups. Should be used with the Outlook Group By feature of the WebHierarchicalDataGrid to provide custom grouping.
InterfaceIHierarchicalBehavior All behaviors that can be inherited by WebHierarchicalDataGrid grids should implement this interface
InterfaceIInheritableBehavior Behaviors which can exist one one grid of WebHierarchicalDataGrid and not on another, but be inherited should implement this interface.
InterfaceIPaging Paging behavior interface marker. Can be used to get access to a paging behavior in the behaviors collection.
InterfaceIRecordOffsetIndex Implemented by behaviors that alternate top offset index of the records.
InterfaceIRenderable Interface helps to output directly to stream
InterfaceIRowSelectorsBehavior Interface for RowSelector behavior.
InterfaceIScrollbarIntersection Should be implemented by the behaviors that add extra styling points to the intersection of the vertical scrollbar and header and/or footer.
InterfaceISelectionBehavior Marks the selection behavior of the grid. The interface can be used to get a hold of the selection behavior in the behavior collection using GridBehaviorCollection.GetBehaviorInterface.
InterfaceISorting Interface which every Sorting behavior of WebDataGrid should implement.
InterfaceISupportEmbeddableEditors Interface implmeneted by the editors and editor providers to communicate with the grid.
InterfaceITemplateBehavior Should be implemented by every behavior that supports templating.
InterfaceITemplatedGridObject Implemented by every templateable object in the grid.
InterfaceIVisibleItem Describes a visible item
InterfaceIVisibleItemsEnumerable Describes an enumerable for IVisibleItem collection
InterfaceIXPathDataNavigable Interface provides navigation through the grid's data.
InterfaceIXPathDataNavigableChild Marks an XML node as a child node in the grid's rendering structure.
InterfaceIXPathDataNavigableObject Enables an object to be a part of the rendered XML of the grid.
InterfaceIXPathDataNavigableParent Interface that is implemented by the parent XML rendering nodes.
DelegateActiveCellChangedEventHandler Represests the method that will handle the WebDataGrid.ActiveCellChanged event of a WebDataGrid conrol.
DelegateActiveGroupedRowChangedEventHandler Represests the method that will handle the ContainerGrid.ActiveGroupedRowChanged event of a ContainerGrid conrol.
DelegateBandViewStateLoadedEventHandler Delegate for the WebHierarchicalDataGrid.BandViewStateLoaded event.
DelegateCalculateCustomSummaryHandler Delegate for the CalculateCustomSummary event handler.
DelegateColumnMovedEventHandler Delegate for the column moved event handler.
DelegateColumnResizedEventHandler Delegate for the column resized event handler.
DelegateColumnSortedHandler Delegate for the column sort event handler.
DelegateContainerRowCancelEventHandler Delegate for cancelable ContainerGridRecord related events.
DelegateContainerRowEventHandler Delegate for ContainerGridRecord related events.
DelegateDataBindingEventHandler Delegate for the WebDataGrid.CustomDataBinding event.
DelegateDataFilteredHandler Delegate for the data filtered event handler.
DelegateDataFilteringHandler Delegate for the data filtering event handler.
DelegateExcelCellExportedEventHandler Delegate for Cell Exported event.
DelegateExcelCellExportingEventHandler Delegate for Cell Exporting event.
DelegateExcelExportedEventHandler Delegate for Exported event.
DelegateExcelExportingEventHandler Delegate for Exporting event.
DelegateExcelRowExportedEventHandler Delegate for Row Exported event.
DelegateExcelRowExportingEventHandler Delegate for Row Exporting event.
DelegateFixedStateChangedHandler Delegate for the column fixing state changed event handler.
DelegateFormatRecordItemValue A delegate that defines a method to format a value of a record item.
DelegateGridBehaviorEvents.BeforeRenderingFooterSizeRowHandler Delegate for BeforeRenderingFooterSizeRow event
DelegateGridBehaviorEvents.ContainerGridRecordExpandedChangedHandler Delegate for ContainerGridRecordExpandedChanged event
DelegateGridBehaviorEvents.ContainerGridRowColSpanCalculatingHandler Delegate for ContainerGridRowColSpanCalculating event
DelegateGridBehaviorEvents.GeneratingCellAttributesHandler Delegate for GeneratingCellAttributes event
DelegateGridBehaviorEvents.GeneratingFooterAttributesHandler Delegate for GeneratingFooterAttributes event
DelegateGridBehaviorEvents.GroupingWalkRowHandler Delegate for the GroupingWalkRow event.
DelegateGridFieldCaptionExportedEventHandler Delegate for GridFieldCaptionExported event.
DelegateGridFieldCaptionExportingEventHandler Delegate for GridFieldCaptionExporting event.
DelegateGridHierarchicalBehaviorEvents.GroupedColumnAddedHandler Delegate for the GroupedColumnAdded event.
DelegateGridHierarchicalBehaviorEvents.GroupedColumnsChangingHandler Delegate for the GroupedColumnsChanging event.
DelegateGridHierarchicalBehaviorEvents.RowCollapsingHandler Delegate for the RowCollapsing event.
DelegateGridHierarchicalBehaviorEvents.ShowFooterChangedHandler Delegate for the ShowFooterChanged event.
DelegateGridHierarchicalBehaviorEvents.ShowHeaderChangedHandler Delegate for the ShowHeaderChanged event.
DelegateGridRecordItemExportedEventHandler Delegate for GridRecordItemExported event.
DelegateGridRecordItemExportingEventHandler Delegate for GridRecordItemExporting event.
DelegateGroupedColumnsChangedEventHandler Delegate for GroupedColumnsChanged event.
DelegateGroupedColumnsChangingEventHandler Delegate for GroupedColumnsChanging event.
DelegateGroupedRowInitializedEventHandler Delegate for GroupedRowInitializedEvent.
DelegateHeaderCheckBoxClickedEventHandler Delegate for the WebDataGrid.HeaderCheckBoxClicked event.
DelegateInitializeBandEventHandler Delegate for the WebHierarchicalDataGrid.InitializeBand event.
DelegateInitializeDefaultEditorsEventHandler Delegate for the WebDataGrid.InitializeDefaultEditors event.
DelegateInitializeRowEventHandler Delegate for the WebDataGrid.InitializeRow event.
DelegateItemCommandEventHandler Delegate for the WebDataGrid.ItemCommand event.
DelegateKeyChangedEventHandler Delegate for the ControlDataField.KeyChanged event.
DelegatePageIndexChangedHandler Delegate for the Paging.PageIndexChanged event.
DelegatePageIndexChangingHandler Delegate for the Paging.PageIndexChanging event.
DelegatePopulateUniqueFilterValuesHandler Delegate for the PopulateUniqueFilterValues event handler.
DelegateRecreateBandTemplatesEventHandler Delegate for the WebHierarchicalDataGrid.RecreateBandTemplates event.
DelegateRowAddedHandler Delegate of the row added event handler.
DelegateRowAddingHandler Delegate of the row adding event handler.
DelegateRowDeletedHandler Delegate of the row deleted event handler.
DelegateRowDeletingHandler Delegate of the row deleting event handler.
DelegateRowIslandEventHandler Delegate for RowIsland related events.
DelegateRowsRequestedHandler Delegate for the virtual scrolling's rows requested event handler.
DelegateRowUpdatedHandler Row updated event delegate.
DelegateRowUpdatingHandler Row updating event delegate.
DelegateSelectedCellEventHandler Represests the method that will handle the WebDataGrid.CellSelectionChanged event of a WebDataGrid conrol.
DelegateSelectedColumnEventHandler Represests the method that will handle the WebDataGrid.ColumnSelectionChanged event of a WebDataGrid conrol.
DelegateSelectedRowEventHandler Represests the method that will handle the WebDataGrid.RowSelectionChanged event of a WebDataGrid conrol.
DelegateSummaryCalculatedHandler Delegate for SummaryCalculated event handler
DelegateSummaryCellExportedEventHandler Delegate for SummaryCellExported event.
DelegateSummaryCellExportingEventHandler Delegate for SummaryCellExporting event.
DelegateXpathGenerateAttributes Type of the methods that generate XML rendering node attributes.
EnumerationAddNewRowAlignment Enumeration for defining where the add row will be located.
EnumerationBandsCountObjProps An enumeration of all the properties that the BandsCountObj object will send to the client.
EnumerationBooleanFilterRules Allowable values for the RuleBoolNode.Rule property
EnumerationCellClickAction Specifies the type of actions that can occur when a Cell is clicked.
EnumerationCellEditingProps An enumeration of all the properties that the CellEditing behavior will send to the client. This should only be used when a control dervies from the CellEditing and needs to send down additional properties.
EnumerationColumnEditSettingProps An enumeration of all the properties that the ColumnEditSetting will send to the client.
EnumerationColumnFilterProps An enumeration of all the properties that the ColumnFilter object will send to the client.
EnumerationColumnFixingSettingProps An enumeration of all the properties that the ColumnFixingSetting object will send to the client.
EnumerationColumnGroupingSettingProps An enumeration of all the properties that the ColumnGroupingSetting object will send to the client.
EnumerationColumnMoveSettingProps An enumeration of all the properties that the ColumnMoveSetting object will send to the client. This should only be used when a control dervies from the ColumnMoveSetting object and needs to send down additional properties.
EnumerationColumnMovingProps An enumeration of all the properties that the ColumnMoving object will send to the client. This should only be used when a control dervies from the ColumnMove behavior and needs to send down additional properties.
EnumerationColumnResizeSettingProps An enumeration of all the properties that the ColumnResizeSetting object will send to the client. This should only be used when a control dervies from the ColumnResizeSetting object and needs to send down additional properties.
EnumerationColumnResizingProps An enumeration of all the properties that the ColumnResizing object will send to the client. This should only be used when a control dervies from the ColumnResizing behavior and needs to send down additional properties.
EnumerationColumnSettingProps An enumeration of all the properties that the ColumnSetting object will send to the client. This should only be used when a control dervies from the ColumnSetting object and needs to send down additional properties.
EnumerationDataExportMode Determines how the export will handle grids with paging and load on demand enabled. Used by the UltraWebGridDocumentExporter.DataExportMode property.
EnumerationDateTimeFilterRules Allowable values for the RuleDateNode.Rule property
EnumerationEditModeActionsProps Enumeration for the properties for cell editing EditModeActions
EnumerationEditMouseClickAction Determines when a cell enters edit mode when clicked upon
EnumerationEditorProviderProps Properties of editor providers
EnumerationEmbedFonts Determines how the fonts used by the elements created by the UltraWebGridDocumentExporter will be embedded in the document. This is used by the ExportResources.FontsEmbedded property.
EnumerationEnableColumnGrouping Settings for enabling column grouping
EnumerationExpandState Allowable values for the row expand state properties
EnumerationExportMode Listing of export modes that control the behavior of the export as it is experienced by end users.
EnumerationFileFormat Determines document file format.
EnumerationFilteringAlignment Allowable values for the Filtering.Alignment property
EnumerationFilteringType Allowable values for the Filtering.FilterType property
EnumerationFilteringVisibility Allowable values for the Filtering.Visibility property
EnumerationFixedColumnInfoProps An enumeration of all the properties that the FixedColumnInfo object will send to the client.
EnumerationFixLocation Allowable values for the ColumnFixingSetting.FixLocation property
EnumerationGridActivationProps An enumeration of all the properties that the Activation behavior will send to the client. This should only be used when a control dervies from the Activation and needs to send down additional properties.
EnumerationGridBehaviorProps Enumerates serializable properties of a grid behavior.
EnumerationGridClipboardProps An enumeration of all the properties that the Clipboard behavior will send to the client. This should only be used when a control dervies from the Clipboard and needs to send down additional properties.
EnumerationGridColumnFixingProps An enumeration of all the properties that the ColumnFixing object will send to the client.
EnumerationGridDeletingProps An enumeration of all the properties that the RowDeleting behavior will send to the client. This should only be used when a control dervies from the GridRecordDeletion and needs to send down additional properties.
EnumerationGridFieldProps Enumeration for client properties for GridField
EnumerationGridFilteringProps An enumeration of all the properties that the Filtering behavior will send to the client. This should only be used when a control dervies from the Filtering and needs to send down additional properties.
EnumerationGridSelectionProps An enumeration of all the properties that the Selection behavior will send to the client. This should only be used when a control dervies from the Selection and needs to send down additional properties.
EnumerationGridSortingProps Number of properties for Sorting behavior
EnumerationGroupByAreaLocation Enumeration used for setting the location of the GroupByArea.
EnumerationGroupedColumnProps An enumeration of all the properties that the GroupedColumn object will send to the client.
EnumerationHeaderButtonAlignment Allowable values for the ColumnFixingSetting.FixButtonAlignment property
EnumerationHeaderDragStyle Defines how the header will move when dragging it for a move operaion
EnumerationHeaderLocation Enumeration used for setting the location of the header of data rows, when the data is grouped.
EnumerationHierarchicalGridGroupingSettingsProps An enumeration of all the properties that the GroupingSettings object will send to the client.
EnumerationNumericFilterRules Allowable values for the RuleNumberNode.Rule property
EnumerationPagerAppearance Enumeration used for setting the location of the paging labels.
EnumerationPagerMode Enumeration used for setting the mode of paging labels within the paging area of the grid.
EnumerationRatingEditorProviderProps Properties specific to rating editor providers
EnumerationRowAddingProps An enumeration of all the properties that the RowAdding behavior will send to the client. This should only be used when a control dervies from the RowAdding and needs to send down additional properties.
EnumerationRowDeletingRoles Roles defined for the ig_dataGrid.css file.
EnumerationRowEditingProps An enumeration of all the properties that the RowEditing behavior will send to the client. This should only be used when a control dervies from the RowEditing and needs to send down additional properties.
EnumerationRowEditingRoles Roles defined for the ig_dataGrid.css file.
EnumerationRowEditingTemplateProps An enumeration of all the properties that the RowEditingTemplate behavior will send to the client.
EnumerationRowEditModeActionsProps Enumeration for the properties for row editing EditModeActions
EnumerationRuleBoolNodeProps An enumeration of all the properties that the RuleBoolNode object will send to the client.
EnumerationRuleDateNodeProps An enumeration of all the properties that the RuleDateNode object will send to the client.
EnumerationRuleNumberNodeProps An enumeration of all the properties that the RuleNumberNode object will send to the client.
EnumerationRuleTextNodeProps An enumeration of all the properties that the RuleTextNode object will send to the client.
EnumerationScrollingMode Defines scrolling mode of the grid.
EnumerationSelectType Specifies the selection that is supported by the object.
EnumerationSortingColumnSettingProps Properties for a sorting column setting
EnumerationSortingMode Specifies the type of sorting that will occur.
EnumerationSummaryType Summary type defines supported summaries out of the box.
EnumerationTextEditorProviderProps Properties of editor providers
EnumerationTextFilterRules Allowable values for the RuleTextNode.Rule property
EnumerationUnboundCheckBoxFieldProps Enum representing client state properties for UnboundCheckBoxField
EnumerationUniqueValueCasing Allowable values for the Filtering.UniqueValueCasing property
EnumerationVirtualScrollingProps Internal use only
EnumerationVisibility Allowable values for the visibility properties
EnumerationWebDataGridActivationRoles Roles defined for the ig_dataGrid.css file.
EnumerationWebDataGridClipboardRoles Roles defined for the ig_dataGrid.css file.
EnumerationWebDataGridColumnFixingRoles Roles defined for the ig_dataGrid.css file. CSS classes that will be applied to the Grid Column Fixing elements.
EnumerationWebDataGridColumnMovingRoles Roles defined for the ig_dataGrid.css file.
EnumerationWebDataGridColumnResizingRoles Roles defined for the ig_dataGrid.css file.
EnumerationWebDataGridEditBaseRoles Roles defined for the ig_dataGrid.css file.
EnumerationWebDataGridEditingCoreRoles Roles defined for the ig_dataGrid.css file.
EnumerationWebDataGridFilterRoles Roles defined for the ig_dataGrid.css file. CSS classes that will be applied to the Grid Filter elements.
EnumerationWebDataGridPagerRoles Roles supported by the pager behavior of the grid.
EnumerationWebDataGridProps An enumeration of all the properties that the WebDataGrid will send to the client. This should only be used when a control dervies from the WebDataGrid and needs to send down additional properties.
EnumerationWebDataGridRoles Roles defined for the ig_dataGrid.css file.
EnumerationWebDataGridRowAddingRoles Roles defined for the ig_dataGrid.css file.
EnumerationWebDataGridRowSelectorRoles Roles defined for the ig_dataGrid.css file.
EnumerationWebDataGridSelectionRoles Roles defined for the ig_dataGrid.css file.
EnumerationWebDataGridSortingRoles Roles defined for the ig_dataGrid.css file.
EnumerationWebDataGridSummaryRowRoles Roles supported by the summary row behavior of the grid.
EnumerationWebDataGridVirtualScrollingRoles Roles supported by the VirtualScrolling behavior of the grid.
EnumerationWebHierarchicalDataGridRoles Roles defined for the ig_dataGrid.css file.
See Also