This topic explains, with code examples, how to use Radial Column Series in the UltraDataChart™ control.
Radial Column Series is rendered using a collection of rectangles that extend from the center of the chart towards the locations of data points. The RadialColumnSeries uses the same concepts of data plotting as the ColumnSeries but wraps data points around a circle rather than stretching them along a horizontal line. For more information on this group of series, refer to the Radial Series topic.
Figure 1 demonstrates what Radial Column Series looks like when plotted in the UltraDataChart control.
Figure 1: Sample implementation of a RadialColumnSeries
The code snippet below shows how to bind sample radial data (which is available for download from the Sample Category Data resource) to the RadialPieSeries. The example assumes that you have already configured your project for the UltraDataChart control.
In C#:
var data = new CategoryDataSource();
var angleAxis = new CategoryAngleAxis();
angleAxis.DataSource = data;
angleAxis.Label = "{Category}";
angleAxis.Interval = 1;
var radiusAxis = new NumericRadiusAxis();
radiusAxis.MinimumValue = 0;
radiusAxis.MaximumValue = 150;
radiusAxis.Interval = 50;
radiusAxis.RadiusExtentScale = 0.8;
radiusAxis.InnerRadiusExtentScale = 0.2;
var series = new RadialColumnSeries();
series.DataSource = data;
series.ValueMemberPath = "Value";
series.AngleAxis = angleAxis;
series.ValueAxis = radiusAxis;
series.MarkerType = MarkerType.None;
series.Thickness = 5;
var chart = new UltraDataChart();
In Visual Basic:
Dim data As New CategoryDataSource()
Dim angleAxis As New CategoryAngleAxis()
angleAxis.DataSource = data
angleAxis.Label = "{Category}"
angleAxis.Interval = 1
Dim radiusAxis As New NumericRadiusAxis()
radiusAxis.MinimumValue = 0
radiusAxis.MaximumValue = 150
radiusAxis.Interval = 50
radiusAxis.RadiusExtentScale = 0.8
radiusAxis.InnerRadiusExtentScale = 0.2
Dim series As New RadialColumnSeries()
series.DataSource = data
series.ValueMemberPath = "Value"
series.AngleAxis = angleAxis
series.ValueAxis = radiusAxis
series.MarkerType = MarkerType.None
series.Thickness = 5
Dim chart As New UltraDataChart()