
Infragistics.Win.UltraWinEditors Namespace

ClassCheckControlOwnerInfo Summary description for CheckControlOwnerInfo
ClassCheckedListSettings Exposes properties which control the behavior of the checkboxes displayed in the dropdown list used by the UltraComboEditor control.
ClassColorPickerControlOwnerInfo Summary Description for ColorPickerControlOwnerInfo
ClassCurrencyEditorOwner CurrencyEditorOwner class, specific to the UltraCurrencyEditor control
ClassDateTimeEditorOwner DateTimeEditorOwner class, specific to the UltraDateTimeEditor control
ClassEditorWithComboOwner EditorWithTextOwner class, specific to the UltraTextEditor control
ClassEditorWithTextDropDownControlUIElementBase The main UIElement for the UltraComboEditor control
ClassEditorWithTextOwner EditorWithTextOwner class, specific to the UltraTextEditor control
ClassKeyCodeTypeConverter TypeConverter for System.Windows.Forms.Keys.
ClassKeyCodeUIEditor Custom type editor for the System.Windows.Forms.Keys data type.
ClassMRUListTypeConverter TypeConverter for MRULists
ClassMRUListUIEditor Custom TypeUIEditor used for the MRUList property of the UltraComboEditor
ClassNumericEditorOwner NumericEditorOwner class, specific to the UltraNumericEditor control
ClassNumericEditorOwnerBase NumericEditorOwner class, specific to the UltraNumericEditor control
ClassRadioButtonGroupManagerSelectionChangedEventArgs Event arguments for the UltraRadioButtonGroupManager.SelectionChanged event.
ClassResources Exposes a Infragistics.Shared.ResourceCustomizer instance for this assembly.
ClassTextEditorControlBase The EditorWithTextControlBase maintains the basic functionality exposed by any editor that derives from EditorWithText
ClassTextEditorControlOwnerBase Base owner class for a TextEditorControlBase instance
ClassTimeSpanEditorOwner Handles communication between the UltraTimeSpanEditor control and the TimeSpanEditor.
ClassTimeSpanEditorValidationErrorEventArgs Event arguments class for the ValidationError event.
ClassUltraCheckControlUIElement The UI element associated with a UltraCheckEditor.
ClassUltraCheckEditor Represents a Windows check box.
ClassUltraColorPicker UltraColorPicker control emulates the Visual Studio color picker.
ClassUltraComboEditor Infragistics' UltraComboEditor control
ClassUltraComboEditorUIElement The main UIElement for the UltraComboEditor control
ClassUltraCurrencyEditor UltraCurrencyEditor class
ClassUltraDateTimeEditor Infragistics' UltraDateTimeEditor control
ClassUltraDateTimeEditorUIElement The main UIElement for the UltraComboEditor control
ClassUltraFontNameEditor Infragistics' UltraFontNameEditor control
ClassUltraNumericEditor UltraNumericEditor class
ClassUltraNumericEditorBase UltraNumericEditorBase class
ClassUltraNumericEditorUIElement The main UIElement for UltraNumericEditorBase-derived controls
ClassUltraOptionSet Control for displaying a group of option button values.
ClassUltraOptionSetControlOwnerInfo Summary description for CheckControlOwnerInfo
ClassUltraPictureBox Control for rendering a single image.
ClassUltraPictureBoxControlUIElement Control element for the UltraPictureBox
ClassUltraRadioButton Represents a Radio Button
ClassUltraRadioButtonControlUIElement The UI element associated with a UltraRadioButton.
ClassUltraRadioButtonEditorOwnerInfo Summary description for CheckControlOwnerInfo
ClassUltraRadioButtonGroupManager The UltraRadioButtonGroupManager component provides a way to group UltraRadioButton controls that are not necessarily in the same container. It also provides a way to get the 'selected' UltraRadioButton control and to provide shared Appearances to the UltraRadioButton controls in the group.
ClassUltraRadioButtonGroupManagerEventManager Class for managing an UltraRadioButtonGroupManager's events. It maintains an enabled flag for each event as well as a nested 'in progress' count and it exposes events for firing each event.
ClassUltraTextEditor Infragistics' UltraTextEditor control
ClassUltraTextEditorUIElement The main UIElement for the UltraTextEditor control
ClassUltraTimeSpanEditor Supports editing and rendering values of type System.TimeSpan.
ClassUltraTimeZoneEditor Infragistics' UltraTimeZoneEditor control
ClassUltraToggleControlUIElementBase The UI element associated with a UltraToggleEditorBase.
ClassUltraToggleEditorBase Represents a Windows check box.
ClassUltraToggleEditorOwnerInfoBase Summary description for UltraToggleEditorOwnerInfoBase
ClassUltraTrackBar An editor control that provides functionality to select a value by moving a thumb across a specified range, either through mouse or keyboard interaction.
ClassUltraTrackBarOwnerInfo A class deriving from EmbeddableEditorOwnerBase for providing owner information to an UltraTrackBar.
ClassUltraTrackBarUIElement The main UI element for UltraTrackBar-derived controls.
ClassUltraWinEditorMaskedControlBase Base class for UltraWinEditor controls that use the EditorWithMask
ClassUltraWinEditorsAssemblyStyleInfo Class used by the app styling infrastructure that provides the role and component role defitions used by the assembly.
ClassWinEditorsControlRole Role class for the editor controls.
DelegateTimeSpanEditorValidationErrorHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the ValidationError event.
DelegateUltraComboEditor.ItemNotInListEventHandler Delegate associated with the ValueNotInList event.
DelegateUltraNumericEditorBase.ValidationErrorEventHandler Delegate associated with the ValidationError event.
EnumerationInvalidTextBehavior Used by the UltraDateTimeEditor.InvalidTextBehavior property to determine when to cache the last valid date.
EnumerationRadioButtonGroupManagerPropertyIds Enumeration of RadioButtonGroupManager Property IDs
EnumerationRadioButtonPropertyIds Enumeration of RadioButtonGroupManager Property IDs
EnumerationUltraPictureBoxPropertyIds Enumeration for properties in the UltraPictureBox
EnumerationUltraRadioButtonGroupManagerEventGroups Identifies groups of UltraRadioButtonGroupManager events
EnumerationUltraRadioButtonGroupManagerEventIds Identifies an event of the UltraRadioButtonGroupManager component.
See Also