The WinDesktopAlert™ component is a small window that pops up in the lower-right corner of a computer screen in order to notify the end user of a time-sensitive or important situation. This situation can be an incoming mail, a database update, or perhaps a change in the file system. The list of possible scenarios is endless. Whenever an event fires, call the Show method and the desktop alert window appears.
Two styles — The WinDesktopAlert component is available in two styles: Outlook2007 and WindowsLiveMessenger. The Outlook2007 style emulates the Microsoft® Outlook® Desktop Alerts while the WindowsLiveMessenger style emulates the Windows Live™ Messenger alerts. Setting the Style property is all you need to do to take advantage of these two built-in styles.
Multiple monitor support — WinDesktopAlert gives you the option of displaying a desktop alert window on the primary monitor by default, or a secondary monitor by setting the Screen property.
Desktop alert window — The UltraDesktopAlertShowWindowInfo object exposes several useful properties allowing you to customize the desktop alert windows to your application’s needs. Set caption, description, and footer text; each can be clicked by the end user and handled by the DesktopAlertLinkClicked event. The Data property allows you to pass any object from any event to the WindowInfo object of the DesktopAlertLinkClicked or AlertButtonClicked events. This allows you to get a hold of certain objects from events that would otherwise be inaccessible. For an example of this scenario, see Displaying a Desktop Alert Window when a WinSchedule Reminder Comes Due.