
Infragistics.Controls.Grids Namespace

ClassAxisProvider Base class for generating PivotHeaderCell.
ClassColumnAxisProvider Provides methods for dealing with cells in column axis.
ClassColumnsAreaSettings An object that contains settings for using ColumnsAreaSettings on the XamPivotGrid
ClassDataCellTemplate An object that contains data for template which will be applied to PivotCell.
ClassDragStartTriggerAction Event trigger object that can be attached to any Infragistics.DragDrop.DragSource object.
ClassDragStartXamDataTreeTriggerAction Event trigger object that can be attached to any Infragistics.DragDrop.DragSource object.
ClassDropdown Class that exposes property to object that implement IPivotStringSetting
ClassEditSettings An object that contains settings for editing feature on the XamPivotGrid
ClassExpandableFieldItemEventTrigger Event trigger object that can be attached to any System.Windows.Controls.Button object and is responsible to reacts when System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.ButtonBase.Click event is fired.
ClassExpander Simple implementation for expander control.
ClassFieldChooser Allows items from pre-defined items sources to be added/remover to/from the areas of XamPivotGrid.
ClassFieldChooserDataSourceUpdateEventArgs A class listing the EventArgs for FieldChooser.DataSourceUpdate event.
ClassFieldChooserGroup Represents items group within FieldChooser control.
ClassFieldChooserItem Represents item within FieldChooserGroup control.
ClassFieldChooserSelectionChangedEventArgs A class listing the EventArgs for FieldChooser.SelectionChanged event.
ClassFiltersAreaSettings An object that contains settings for using FiltersAreaSettings on the XamPivotGrid
ClassGridView ----------------------- | | | ----------------------- | | | | | | -----------------------
ClassHeaderAreaSettings An object that contains settings for using HeaderAreaSettings on the XamPivotGrid
ClassHeaderedContentControl The base class for all controls that contain single content and have a header.
ClassHeaderTemplate An object that contains data for template which will be applied to header cells in rows or columns.
ClassHiddenAxisChooser Dropdown control used for visualization of hidden columns or rows, when hidden feature is used.
ClassHiddenAxisSettings An object that contains settings for hidden rows and column on the XamPivotGrid
ClassHideAxisCommand A Infragistics.CommandBase object which will hide Column or Row.
ClassItemSeparatorBase This class is base class for implementation of the functionalities exposed by IItemSeparator.
ClassItemsSeparatorProvider This class is used to associate any IItemSeparator object with the container that it serves.
ClassKpiCellTemplate An object that contains data for template which will be applied to the kpi PivotCell.
ClassKpiDataCellControl The item that visualizes the kpi data and is hosted in the PivotCellControl.
ClassKpiImagesCellControl Provides a control to display images for KPIs' cells.
ClassLoadCubesCommand Enforces the grid to load cubes form data source. The command is executed asynchronous.
ClassMeasuresAreaSettings An object that contains settings for using MeasuresAreaSettings on the XamPivotGrid
ClassModifyCollectionInfo This class contains information about collection that is intended to be changed.
ClassNeedChangeSourceCommand A Infragistics.CommandBase object which will enforce changing of view model.
ClassObjectTypeToDataObjectConverter This class makes possible dynamic binding to different types of objects.
ClassOlapResultExtensions Extension class for analyze of result
ClassPanelItemsSeparator Base class used to arrange and display IItemSeparator over System.Windows.Controls.Panel containers.
ClassPivotActiveCellChangingEventArgs A class listing the information needed during the XamPivotGrid.ActiveCellChanging event.
ClassPivotAxisExpansionChangedEventArgs A class listing the information needed for expandable row events.
ClassPivotAxisHeaderSortChangedEventArgs A class listing the information needed for header sorting events.
ClassPivotCancellableAxisEventArgs A class listing the information needed for expandable row events.
ClassPivotCancellableColumnEventArgs A class listing the EventArgs for an cancellable event with a PivotDataColumn input.
ClassPivotCancellableColumnResizingEventArgs A class listing the EventArgs for a user driven column resizing.
ClassPivotCancellableEventArgs An event argument object with a boolean flag added to track if the event is cancelled.
ClassPivotCancellableRowEventArgs A class listing the EventArgs for an cancellable event with a PivotDataRow input.
ClassPivotCell A standard Cell object in the XamPivotGrid.
ClassPivotCellBase The base class for all cell objects in the XamPivotGrid.
ClassPivotCellBaseControl Visual object for the PivotCell object.
ClassPivotCellClickedEventArgs A class listing the information needed when the mouse clicks on a PivotCell
ClassPivotCellCollection A Collection of PivotCell objects.
ClassPivotCellControl Visual object for the PivotCell object.
ClassPivotCellControlAttachedEventArgs A class listing the information needed during the XamPivotGrid.CellControlAttached
ClassPivotCellEditedEventArgs A class with information about XamPivotGrid.CellEdited event.
ClassPivotCellEditingEventArgs A class listing the information needed when the PivotCell is about to edit.
ClassPivotCellEnterEditEventArgs A class listing the information needed when the PivotCell edit starts for selected cell.
ClassPivotCellsPanel A panel that organizes the PivotCells of a PivotDataRow.
ClassPivotChangedCommand A Infragistics.CommandBase object which will cancel the dictionaries downloading.
ClassPivotColumnBase Base class that represents the column of the XamPivotGrid.
ClassPivotColumnBaseCollection An object that wraps an underlying collection of type Infragistics.ICollectionBase that contains a collection of PivotColumnBase objects.
ClassPivotColumnCommandBase Base class for all commands that deal with a PivotDataColumn.
ClassPivotColumnCommandSource The command source object for PivotDataColumn object.
ClassPivotColumnEventArgs A class listing the EventArgs for an event with a PivotDataColumn input.
ClassPivotColumnHeaderCell A this that represents a data in a PivotColumnsPanel
ClassPivotColumnHeaderCellControl The class for all visual objects in PivotColumnsPanel.
ClassPivotColumnResizedEventArgs A class listing the EventArgs after a column is finished resizing.
ClassPivotColumnResizingSettings An object that contains settings for using PivotColumnResizingSettings on the XamPivotGrid
ClassPivotColumnsPanel A panel that organizes the PivotHeaderCells of a columns data.
ClassPivotDataCellsPanel A panel that organizes the PivotCells of a PivotDataRow.
ClassPivotDataColumn Represents the PivotDataColumn of the XamPivotGrid.
ClassPivotDataColumnCollection A Collection of PivotDataColumn objects.
ClassPivotDataRow An object that represents a standard row with data in the XamPivotGrid.
ClassPivotDataRowCollection A Collection of PivotDataRow objects.
ClassPivotDataRowsPanel A custom Panel that Virtualizes the rows of the XamPivotGrid.
ClassPivotEditControl Visual object for the PivotCell when in edit mode.
ClassPivotExtensions Exdends the behavior of classes that implements Infragistics.Olap.IOlapViewModel.
ClassPivotGridCellBase The base class for all cell objects in the XamPivotGrid.
ClassPivotGridCellControlBase The base class for all visual objects, which represents the cells in the XamPivotGrid.
ClassPivotGridCommand A Infragistics.CommandBase object which will pivot the data in XamPivotGrid.
ClassPivotGridLayout An object that organizes a group of columns and contains settings that dictates how the data for those columns will be displayed.
ClassPivotGridPanel A custom Panel that arrange the content of the XamPivotGrid.
ClassPivotGridReportControl Provides a paged layout to XamPivotGrid control.
ClassPivotHeaderCell The base class for cells in PivotColumnsPanel and PivotRowsPanel.
ClassPivotHeaderCellClickedEventArgs A class listing the information needed when the mouse clicks on a PivotCell
ClassPivotHeaderCellControl The base class for all visual objects in PivotColumnsPanel and PivotRowsPanel.
ClassPivotHeaderColumn Represents the column of the XamPivotGrid.
ClassPivotHeaderColumnCollection A Collection of PivotHeaderColumn objects.
ClassPivotHeaderPanel The base class for PivotColumnsPanel and PivotRowsPanel
ClassPivotHeaderRow Represents the row in PivotColumnsPanel of the XamPivotGrid.
ClassPivotHeaderRowCollection A Collection of PivotHeaderRow objects.
ClassPivotItemDragDropEventArgs A class listing the EventArgs for drag drop events exposed by XamPivotGrid and XamPivotDataSelector.
ClassPivotItemDragDropStartEventArgs A class listing the EventArgs for start drag events exposed by XamPivotGrid and XamPivotDataSelector.
ClassPivotPanelBase The base class for all panels in the XamPivotGrid.
ClassPivotReportColumn Represents a column for pivot grid report.
ClassPivotReportColumnHeaderCellControl Represents a column header cell control in a pivot grid report.
ClassPivotReportDataCellControl Represents a data cell control in a pivot grid report.
ClassPivotReportDataCellSettings Provides a settings object for the data cells in pivot grid report.
ClassPivotReportFieldIconControl Provides an icon item visualized within report's field panels.
ClassPivotReportFieldItemControl Provides a base class for report field items visualized within report's field panels.
ClassPivotReportHeaderCellSettings Provides a settings for the header cells in pivot grid report.
ClassPivotReportHierarchyFieldItemControl Provides a field item visualized within report's filter, row and column field panels.
ClassPivotReportMeasureFieldItemControl Provides a field item visualized within report's measure field panel.
ClassPivotReportPage Represents a page for pivot grid report.
ClassPivotReportPageColumn Represents a column for a report page.
ClassPivotReportPageRow Represents a row for a report page.
ClassPivotReportRow Represents a row for pivot grid report.
ClassPivotReportRowHeaderCell Represents a row header cell in a pivot grid report.
ClassPivotReportRowHeaderCellControl Represents a row header cell control in a pivot grid report.
ClassPivotReportSettings Provides a settings object for pivot grid report.
ClassPivotResizingColumnCannotBeRemovedException An System.Exception raised when the column being resized is removed from the resizing columns collection.
ClassPivotRowBase An object that represents a standard row with data in the XamPivotGrid.
ClassPivotRowBaseCollection An object that wraps an underlying collection of type Infragistics.ICollectionBase that contains a collection of PivotRowBase objects.
ClassPivotRowDataAreaPanel Arranges rows using RowsManager for exctracting rows one by one.
ClassPivotRowEventArgs A class listing the EventArgs for an event with a PivotDataRow input.
ClassPivotRowHeaderCell A cell that represents a data in a PivotRowsPanel
ClassPivotRowHeaderCellControl The class for all visual objects in PivotRowsPanel.
ClassPivotRowsManager RowsManager class
ClassPivotRowsPanel A panel that organizes the PivotHeaderCells of a rows data.
ClassPivotScrollPanel The base class for PivotHeaderPanel.
ClassPivotSelectedCellsCollection A collection of selected PivotCell objects.
ClassPivotSelectedCollectionBase<T> A collection of selectable items.
ClassPivotSelectedColumnsCollection A collection of selected PivotDataColumn objects.
ClassPivotSelectedRowsCollection A collection of selected PivotDataRow objects.
ClassPivotSelectHeaderCommand Removes cell from header drop area.
ClassPivotSelectionCollectionChangedEventArgs<T> A class listing the information needed during selection collection events of the XamPivotGrid.
ClassPivotSelectionCommandSource The command source object for XamPivotGrid object.
ClassPivotSelectionSettings An object that contains settings for selection on the XamPivotGrid
ClassPivotSettingsBase An Abstract class that controls the settings for an object on the XamPivotGrid.
ClassPivotSortedColumnEventArgs A class listing the PivotDataColumn that corresponds to the sorting event that was fired.
ClassPivotSortingCancellableEventArgs A class listing the information needed during the XamPivotGrid.ColumnSorting event.
ClassPivotSortingSettings An object that contains settings for using SortingSettings on the XamPivotGrid
ClassPivotStringSettings An object that contains strings for different areas in UI (buttons, tooltips, menu headers, etc.) of the XamPivotGrid.
ClassRefreshGridCommand Enforces the to refresh its content.
ClassRefreshGridImmediatelyCommand Enforces the to refresh its content.
ClassRemoveFilterCellCommand Removes cell from header drop area.
ClassRequestMembersCommand A Infragistics.CommandBase object which will cancel the dictionaries downloading.
ClassRowAxisProvider Provides methods for dealing with cells in row axis.
ClassRowsAreaSettings An object that contains settings for using RowsAreaSettings on the XamPivotGrid
ClassRowsView Arranges the PivotGridPanel's children in table view
ClassSeparatorMetrics Helper class used as System.Windows.FrameworkElement.DataContext for IItemSeparator.SeparatorTemplate.
ClassSortAxisMemberCommand A Infragistics.CommandBase object which will pivot the data in XamPivotGrid.
ClassSwitchAxisMemberCommand A Infragistics.CommandBase object which will pivot the data in XamPivotGrid.
ClassTemplatedParentHelper Helps that instance of the templated object can be available from external context.
ClassView An object responsible for arranging the content of the XamPivotGrid.
ClassXamAttachableCollection<T> A generic collection of IAttachableObject instances that can be individually accessed by index.
ClassXamEventTrigger This class is used
ClassXamEventTrigger<T> This class set the type of the object that can be associated with the event trigger object.
ClassXamEventTriggerBase This class is used as base class for implementation of the event triggering.
ClassXamEventTriggerCollection A non - generic collection of XamEventTriggerBase that can be individually accessed by index.
ClassXamHierarchicalItem This class is used in conjunction with XamPivotGrid
ClassXamPivotDataSelector This class is used in conjunction with XamPivotGrid
ClassXamPivotGrid Displays data in a table like structure.
ClassXamPivotGridCommandSource The command source object for XamPivotGrid object.
ClassXamTriggerAction Represents an action that is executed when specific event is fired.
ClassXamTriggerAction<T> Represents an action that is executed when specific event exposed by type of T is fired.
ClassXamTriggerActionCollection A non - generic collection of XamTriggerAction that can be individually accessed by index.
ClassXamTriggers This class is used as helper to attach XamEventTriggerBase objects to particular element from visual tree.
InterfaceIAttachableObject Provides an interface for an object that can be attached to another object.
InterfaceIItemSeparator Provides functionality for different representations of item separators to be displyed and aranged over any container control.
InterfaceIPivotEditor An interface that is used for providing custom editor
InterfaceIPivotScrollInfo An interface that returns the scrollbars of a control.
InterfaceIPivotSelectableItem An interface for items that can be selected.
InterfaceIPivotStringSetting An interface for localization strings
InterfaceIPivotViewModel An interface that gets and sets the Infragistics.Olap.IOlapViewModel for the conrol.
InterfaceIResizable An interface for controls that can be resized.
StructureKpiDataCellContent The KPIDataCellControl's content property, that derives from the PivotCellControl's Value.
EnumerationChooserGroupType Identifies the type of FieldChooserGroup control.
EnumerationGraphicType An enumeration of built-in Kpi graphis shown.
EnumerationHiddenAxis An enumeration of available behavior when the column or row are hidden
EnumerationIndicatorType An enumeration of kpi indicators.
EnumerationNeedChangeAction Describes the different actions that can be performed against the different Infragistics.Olap.IOlapViewModel collections.
EnumerationPivotCellAlignment Specifies how a cell should be aligned.
EnumerationPivotCellSelectionAction Describes how selection should work when a user clicks on a cell in the grid.
EnumerationPivotColumnCommandType An enumeration of available commands for the PivotDataColumn object.
EnumerationPivotColumnResizingType Describes how Column Resizing will work in the XamPivotGrid
EnumerationPivotDragSelectType Describes the type of drag selection that should occur in the XamPivotGrid
EnumerationPivotGridCommandType An enumeration of available commands for the XamPivotGrid object.
EnumerationPivotInvokeAction An enumeration of different interactions.
EnumerationPivotMultiSortingKey An enum that describes which keyboard key will be used to designate multiple additive sorting.
EnumerationPivotPartType Describes the different area types of the XamPivotGrid and XamPivotDataSelector controls. This enumeration is used in order to different parts of XamPivotGrid and XamPivotDataSelector to be recognizable by their functional purpose. The XamPivotGrid control exposes the XamPivotGrid.PivotPartTypeProperty attached property that is set on different areas.
EnumerationPivotRowHoverType An enum that describes the types of hovering that can occur when the mouse is over a Cell.
EnumerationPivotSelectionCommand An enumeration of available commands for the selection in XamPivotGrid object.
EnumerationPivotSelectionType Describes the type of selection that should be performed.
EnumerationPivotSortDirection Describes options available for sorting in the XamPivotGrid.
EnumerationResizingDirection An enumeration of available direction for resizing
See Also