
Infragistics.Controls.Editors Namespace

ClassCheckboxComboColumn A ComboColumn that uses System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox elements to represent data.
ClassComboCell A standard Cell object in the XamMultiColumnComboEditor.
ClassComboCellBase The base class for all cell objects in the XamMultiColumnComboEditor.
ClassComboCellControl A visual representation of a ComboCell
ClassComboCellControlBase The base control class for all ComboCellBase controls.
ClassComboColumn An abstract objet that represents a field in the underlying data of whats bound to the XamMultiColumnComboEditor
ClassComboColumnCollection An ObservableCollection of ComboColumn objects.
ClassComboColumnTypeMapping An object that defines the mapping between a particular data type and a particular column type in the XamMultiColumnComboEditor.
ClassComboColumnTypeMappingsCollection A collection of ComboColumnTypeMapping objects.
ClassComboEditorBase<T,TControl> Represents a selection control with a drop-down list that can be shown or hidden by clicking the arrow on the control.
ClassComboEditorItem Implements a selectable item inside a XamComboEditor class.
ClassComboEditorItemBase<T> Implements a selectable item inside a ComboEditorBase class.
ClassComboEditorItemCollection Collection for internal usage that contains ComboEditorItem objects..
ClassComboEditorItemControl A control used for visual presenting of an customer object.
ClassComboHeaderCell A cell that represents a particular column in the header of the XamMultiColumnComboEditor
ClassComboHeaderCellControl A visual representation of a ComboHeaderCell
ClassComboHeaderRow An object that represents a header row in a XamMultiColumnComboEditor
ClassComboItemAddedEventArgs<T> An object used in the ItemAdded event of the ComboEditorBase
ClassComboItemAddingEventArgs<T> An object used in the ItemAdding event of the ComboEditorBase
ClassComboItemFilter An object that describes how the items should be filtered.
ClassComboRow An object that represents a data row in the ItemsSource of the XamMultiColumnComboEditor
ClassComboRowBase The base class for an object that represents an item in the ItemsSource of the XamMultiColumnComboEditor
ClassDateComboColumn A ComboColumn that represents Date data.
ClassFillerComboColumn A ComboColumn that fills any remaining space in the XamMultiColumnComboEditor.
ClassFixedComboColumnsCollection A collection that contains the ComboColumn objects that are pinned in a specific direction.
ClassImageComboColumn A ComboColumn that uses System.Windows.Controls.Image elements to represent data.
ClassReadOnlyKeyedComboColumnCollection<T> A ReadOnlyCollection that can be indexed by a string identifier.
ClassRowSelectionCheckBoxCell A cell that represents a checkbox column for row selection in the XamMultiColumnComboEditor
ClassRowSelectionCheckBoxCellControl A visual representation of a RowSelectionCheckBoxCell
ClassRowSelectionCheckBoxColumn A ComboColumn that uses CheckBox elements to represent row selection.
ClassRowSelectionCheckBoxHeaderCell A cell that represents a RowSelectionCheckBoxColumncolumn in the header of the XamMultiColumnComboEditor
ClassRowSelectionCheckBoxHeaderCellControl A visual representation of a RowSelectionCheckBoxCell
ClassSelectionChangedEventArgs An object used in the SelectionChanged event of the ComboEditorBase
ClassTextComboColumn A ComboColumn that uses System.Windows.Controls.TextBlock elements to represent data.
ClassXamComboEditor Represents a selection control with a drop-down list that can be shown or hidden by clicking the arrow on the control.
ClassXamMultiColumnComboEditor Represents a selection control with a drop-down list of data items that display their associated properties in a multi-column grid like arrangement. The dropdown list can be shown or hidden by clicking the arrow on the control.
StructureComboColumnWidth An object that is used to specify the Width of a ComboColumn object.
EnumerationComboColumnFixedState An enumeration that describes if a column is fixed, and if so on what side is it fixed.
EnumerationComboColumnWidthType An Enum that describes the type of width for the Column.
EnumerationCustomValueEnteredActions An Enum, that allows a user to specify what action should occur, when entering data into the combo editor that doesn't exist in the underlying ItemsSource.
EnumerationFilterMode An enumeration that contains all the different filterin modes that the XamMultiColumnComboEditor supports.
EnumerationMultiColumnComboEditorCommand An enumeration of available commands that apply to the XamMultiColumnComboEditor.
EnumerationRowType An enumeration that contains all the different types of rows that the XamMultiColumnComboEditor supports.
See Also