
Infragistics.Controls.Grids Namespace

ClassAcceptChangesCommand A command which will accept changes made to the selected items of this control.
ClassAcceptCustomFilterDialogChangesCommand A command which will be used for the Accept action on the Infragistics.Controls.Grids.Primitives.ColumnFilterDialogControl.
ClassActiveCellChangingEventArgs A class listing the information needed during the XamGrid.ActiveCellChanging event.
ClassAddNewRowSettings A class that controls the settings for an Infragistics.Controls.Grids.Primitives.AddNewRow object on the XamGrid.
ClassAddNewRowSettingsOverride A class that controls the add new row settings for an object on the ColumnLayout.
ClassAverageSummaryCalculator A Infragistics.SummaryCalculatorBase base which will execute the LINQ Average summary.
ClassAverageSummaryOperand A Infragistics.SummaryOperandBase implementation which executes a LINQ Average summary.
ClassAverageValueConditionalFormatRule A conditional formatting rule that evaluates if the value equals the average value.
ClassAverageValueConditionalFormatRuleProxy The execution proxy for the AverageValueConditionalFormatRule.
ClassBeginEditingCellEventArgs Provides information needed during the XamGrid.CellEnteringEditMode event.
ClassBeginEditingRowEventArgs Provides information needed during the XamGrid.RowEnteringEditMode event.
ClassBeginningWithConditionalFormatRule A conditional formatting rule for strings that detects if the string begins with a particular substring.
ClassBeginningWithConditionalFormatRuleProxy The execution proxy for the BeginningWithConditionalFormatRule.
ClassBetweenXandYConditionalFormatRule A conditional formatting rule that evaluates if the value is between two values
ClassBetweenXandYConditionalFormatRuleProxy The execution proxy for the BetweenXandYConditionalFormatRule.
ClassCancellableColumnEventArgs A class listing the EventArgs for an cancellable event with a Column input.
ClassCancellableColumnFixedStateEventArgs A class listing the Column that corresponds to the event that was fired.
ClassCancellableColumnResizingEventArgs A class listing the EventArgs for a user driven column resizing.
ClassCancellableFilteringEventArgs A class listing the EventArgs when filtering the rows.
ClassCancellablePageChangingEventArgs A class listing the information needed when a paging operation is started.
ClassCancellableRowAddingEventArgs A class listing the Infragistics.CancellableEventArgs for Adding and Inserting a new row.
ClassCancellableRowEventArgs A class listing the EventArgs for a cancellable event with a row input.
ClassCancellableRowExpansionChangedEventArgs A class listing the information needed for expandable row events.
ClassCell A standard Cell object in the XamGrid.
ClassCellBase The base class for all cell objects in the XamGrid.
ClassCellBaseCommandBase Base class for all commands that deal with a CellBase.
ClassCellClickedEventArgs A class listing the information needed when the mouse clicks on a Cell
ClassCellControl Visual object for the Cell object.
ClassCellControlAttachedEventArgs A class listing the information needed during the XamGrid.CellControlAttached
ClassCellExitedEditingEventArgs Provides information to editing events.
ClassCellValidationErrorEventArgs A class listing the information needed when a Cell fails validation.
ClassCheckBoxColumn A Column that generates a System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox as the content for a Cell.
ClassChildBandRowsManager A RowsManagerBase that manages Infragistics.Controls.Grids.Primitives.ChildBands for a particular Row object.
ClassChildColumnIsGroupByAccessDeniedException An System.Exception raised when a Column on a ColumnLayout, has its IsGroupBy property set in Xaml.
ClassChildColumnIsSelectedAccessDeniedException An System.Exception raised when a Column on a ColumnLayout, has its IsSelected property set in Xaml.
ClassClearSelectedItemsCommand A command which will unselect all the selected options in FilterSelectionControl.
ClassClipboardCopyingEventArgs Provides information about selected cells that will be copied to the clipboard.
ClassClipboardCopyingItemEventArgs Provides information about a selected cell or a header that will be copied to the clipboard.
ClassClipboardPasteErrorEventArgs Provides information about the selected sells's values from Excel that will be pasted.
ClassClipboardPastingEventArgs Provides information about the selected sells's values from Excel that will be pasted.
ClassClipboardSettings An object that contains settings for performing Clipboard operations such as CopyToClipboard and Paste.
ClassCloseCustomFilterDialogCommand A command that will close the Infragistics.Controls.Grids.Primitives.ColumnFilterDialogControl.
ClassColumn The base class for all standard column objects of the XamGrid.
ClassColumnAutoGeneratedEventArgs Provides information about a newly generated column.
ClassColumnBase The base class for all column objects in the XamGrid.
ClassColumnBaseCollection A Collection of ColumnBase objects.
ClassColumnChooserCloseCommand A Command that closes the Infragistics.Controls.Grids.Primitives.ColumnChooserDialog of the XamGrid
ClassColumnChooserCommandBase A base class for all commands related to the Infragistics.Controls.Grids.Primitives.ColumnChooserDialog
ClassColumnChooserOpenCommand A Command that opens the Infragistics.Controls.Grids.Primitives.ColumnChooserDialog for a specified ColumnLayout of the XamGrid.
ClassColumnChooserSettings An object that contains settings for using the Infragistics.Controls.Grids.Primitives.ColumnChooserDialog on the XamGrid
ClassColumnChooserSettingsOverride An object that contains settings for using the Infragistics.Controls.Grids.Primitives.ColumnChooserDialog on a particular ColumnLayout
ClassColumnCommandBase Base class for all commands that deal with a Column.
ClassColumnDragCanceledEventArgs A class listing the information needed when a drag operation is canceled.
ClassColumnDragEndedEventArgs A class listing the information needed when a drag operation is finished.
ClassColumnDragStartEventArgs A class listing the information needed for starting a column drag.
ClassColumnDroppedEventArgs A class listing the information needed for dropping a Column
ClassColumnEventArgs A class listing the EventArgs for an event with a Column input.
ClassColumnFixedStateEventArgs A class listing the Column that corresponds to the event that was fired.
ClassColumnLayout An object that organizes a group of columns and contains settings that dictates how the data for those columns will be displayed.
ClassColumnLayoutAssignedEventArgs A class listing the ColumnLayout that corresponds to the event that was fired.
ClassColumnLayoutCollection A Collection of ColumnLayout objects.
ClassColumnLayoutEventArgs A class listing the ColumnLayout that was modified for an event.
ClassColumnLayoutException An System.Exception raised when the column being resized is removed from the resizing columns collection.
ClassColumnMovingEventArgs A class listing the information needed for moving a column.
ClassColumnMovingSettings An object that contains settings for using ColumnMovingSettings on the XamGrid
ClassColumnMovingSettingsOverride An object that contains settings for using ColumnMovingSettings on a particular ColumnLayout
ClassColumnResizedEventArgs A class listing the EventArgs after a column is finished resizing.
ClassColumnResizingSettings An object that contains settings for using ColumnResizingSettings on the XamGrid
ClassColumnResizingSettingsOverride An object that contains settings for using ColumnResizingSettings on a particular ColumnLayout
ClassColumnSettings A base class for settings that will be attached to a Column object.
ClassColumnTypeMapping An object that defines the mapping between a particular data type and a particular column type in the XamGrid.
ClassColumnTypeMappingsCollection A collection of ColumnTypeMapping objects.
ClassColumnVisibilityChangedEventArgs Contains the arguments returned by the event fired when a ColumnBase instance's visibility changes.
ClassComboBoxColumn A Column that generates a System.Windows.Controls.ComboBox as the content for a Cell.
ClassComboBoxColumnBase A base class for ComboBoxColumn and MultiColumnComboColumn classes
ClassComboBoxColumnContentProvider An object that provides content to Cell objects that belong to a ComboBoxColumn
ClassConditionalFormatCollection A collection of IConditionalFormattingRule objects.
ClassConditionalFormatIcon A class representing the rule and the icon that will be displayed when the rule is valid.
ClassConditionalFormatProxyCollection A collection of IConditionalFormattingRuleProxy objects.
ClassConditionalFormattingCell A derived Cell object in the XamGrid which is used for Conditional Formatting.
ClassConditionalFormattingCellControl Visual object for the ConditionalFormattingCell object.
ClassConditionalFormattingRuleBase A class that can be used as a base class for conditional formatting rules which provides implementations of base properties.
ClassConditionalFormattingRuleBaseProxy The execution proxy for the ConditionalFormattingRuleBase.
ClassConditionalFormattingSettings A class that controls the settings for conditional formatting on the XamGrid.
ClassConditionalFormattingSettingsOverride An object that contains settings for the conditional formatting of a particular ColumnLayout.
ClassConditionGroup A derived Infragistics.CustomComparisonCondition which groups other Infragistics.IFilterCondition objects together under a single logical operator.
ClassContainingConditionalFormatRule A conditional formatting rule for strings which detects if a string contains a particular string.
ClassContainingConditionalFormatRuleProxy The execution proxy for the ContainingConditionalFormatRule.
ClassContainsOperand A class with the information for the Contains operand
ClassCountSummaryCalculator A Infragistics.SummaryCalculatorBase base which will execute the LINQ Count summary.
ClassCountSummaryOperand A Infragistics.SummaryOperandBase implementation which executes a LINQ Count summary.
ClassCustomDisplayEditableColumn The base class for all column object of the XamGrid templated to the control that will be used for editing and have the ability to change the editor control display.
ClassCustomFilteringDialogCommandSource The command source object for Infragistics.Controls.Grids.Primitives.ColumnFilterDialogControl.
ClassDataBarConditionalFormatRule A conditional formatting rule that will display databars in the cell representing the data.
ClassDataBarConditionalFormatRuleProxy The execution proxy for the DataBarConditionalFormatRule.
ClassDataLimitingEventArgs Event argument when event is raised that will limit data.
ClassDataObjectCreationEventArgs A class listing the information needed when a new object needs to be created.
ClassDataTypeMismatchException An System.Exception raised when the column being resized is removed from the resizing columns collection.
ClassDateColumn A Column that generates a System.Windows.Controls.DatePicker as the content for a Cell.
ClassDateColumnBase A Base Class for Date or DateTime Columns that helps set up filtering.
ClassDateColumnContentProvider An object that provides content to Cell objects that belong to a DateColumn
ClassDateFilterObjectStringFilter A Infragistics.CustomComparisonCondition which will do a regular expression based contains search on various parts of a date field for a given text string.
ClassDateTimeAfterFilterOperand A FilterOperand which will do a DateTime After filter.
ClassDateTimeAprilFilterOperand A FilterOperand that will filter out all dates which are not in April.
ClassDateTimeAugustFilterOperand A FilterOperand that will filter out all dates which are not in August.
ClassDateTimeBeforeFilterOperand A FilterOperand which will do a DateTime Before filter.
ClassDateTimeDecemberFilterOperand A FilterOperand that will filter out all dates which are not in December.
ClassDateTimeFebruaryFilterOperand A FilterOperand that will filter out all dates which are not in February.
ClassDateTimeJanuaryFilterOperand A FilterOperand that will filter out all dates which are not in January.
ClassDateTimeJulyFilterOperand A FilterOperand that will filter out all dates which are not in July.
ClassDateTimeJuneFilterOperand A FilterOperand that will filter out all dates which are not in June.
ClassDateTimeLastMonthFilterOperand A FilterOperand which will do a DateTime Last Month filter.
ClassDateTimeLastQuarterFilterOperand A FilterOperand which will do a DateTime Last Quarter filter.
ClassDateTimeLastWeekFilterOperand A FilterOperand which will do a DateTime Last Week filter.
ClassDateTimeLastYearFilterOperand A FilterOperand which will do a DateTime Last Year filter.
ClassDateTimeMarchFilterOperand A FilterOperand that will filter out all dates which are not in March.
ClassDateTimeMayFilterOperand A FilterOperand that will filter out all dates which are not in May.
ClassDateTimeNextMonthFilterOperand A FilterOperand which will do a DateTime Next Month filter.
ClassDateTimeNextQuarterFilterOperand A FilterOperand which will do a DateTime Next Quarter filter.
ClassDateTimeNextWeekFilterOperand A FilterOperand which will do a DateTime Next Week filter.
ClassDateTimeNextYearFilterOperand A FilterOperand which will do a DateTime Next Year filter.
ClassDateTimeNoInputBaseFilterOperand A class that defines common behavior for System.DateTime based FilterOperands that do not require user input.
ClassDateTimeNovemberFilterOperand A FilterOperand that will filter out all dates which are not in November.
ClassDateTimeOctoberFilterOperand A FilterOperand that will filter out all dates which are not in October.
ClassDateTimeQuarter1FilterOperand A FilterOperand that will filter out all dates which are not in Quarter1.
ClassDateTimeQuarter2FilterOperand A FilterOperand that will filter out all dates which are not in Quarter2.
ClassDateTimeQuarter3FilterOperand A FilterOperand that will filter out all dates which are not in Quarter3.
ClassDateTimeQuarter4FilterOperand A FilterOperand that will filter out all dates which are not in Quarter4.
ClassDateTimeSeptemberFilterOperand A FilterOperand that will filter out all dates which are not in September.
ClassDateTimeThisMonthFilterOperand A FilterOperand which will do a DateTime This Month filter.
ClassDateTimeThisQuarterFilterOperand A FilterOperand which will do a DateTime This Quarter filter.
ClassDateTimeThisWeekFilterOperand A FilterOperand which will do a DateTime This Week filter.
ClassDateTimeThisYearFilterOperand A FilterOperand which will do a DateTime This Year filter.
ClassDateTimeTodayFilterOperand A FilterOperand which will do a DateTime Today filter.
ClassDateTimeTomorrowFilterOperand A FilterOperand which will do a DateTime Tomorrow filter.
ClassDateTimeYearToDateFilterOperand A FilterOperand which will do a DateTime Year to Date filter.
ClassDateTimeYesterdayFilterOperand A FilterOperand which will do a DateTime Yesterday filter.
ClassDeferredScrollingSettings An object that contains settings for using DeferredScrolling on the XamGrid
ClassDeferredScrollingSettingsOverride An object that contains settings for using DeferredScrolling on a particular ColumnLayout
ClassDeleteCommand Invokes the delete action based on XamGrid.DeleteKeyAction.
ClassDiscreetRuleBase Conditional formatting rule base object that contains a single style that will be applied for all cells which conform to a singular rule.
ClassDiscreetRuleBaseProxy The execution proxy for the DiscreetRuleBase.
ClassDoesNotContainOperand A class with the information for the DoesNotContain operand
ClassDoesNotEndWithOperand A class with the information for the DoesNotEndWith operand
ClassDoesNotStartWithOperand A class with the information for the DoesNotStartWith operand
ClassDuplicateColumnKeyException An System.Exception that is thrown when mulitiple columns are defined with the same key.
ClassEditableColumn The base class for all standard column object of the XamGrid templated to the control that will be used for editting.
ClassEditingCellEventArgs Provides information to editing events.
ClassEditingRowEventArgs Provides information to editing events.
ClassEditingSettings An object that contains settings for using Editing on the XamGrid
ClassEditingSettingsBase A class that controls the base editor settings for an object on the XamGrid.
ClassEditingSettingsBaseOverride A class that controls the editing settings for an object on the ColumnLayout.
ClassEditingSettingsOverride An object that contains settings for using Editing on a particular ColumnLayout
ClassEmptyColumnKeyException An System.Exception that is thrown when a ColumnBase is defined with a key that doesn'type have a corresponding Infragistics.DataField.
ClassEndingWithConditionalFormatRule A conditional formatting rule for strings that detects if the string ends with a particular substring.
ClassEndingWithConditionalFormatRuleProxy The execution proxy for the EndingWithConditionalFormatRuleProxy.
ClassEndsWithOperand A class with the information for the EndsWith operand
ClassEqualsOperand A class with the information for the Equals operand
ClassEqualToConditionalFormatRule A conditional formatting rule that evaluates if the value equals an inputted value.
ClassEqualToConditionalFormatRuleProxy The execution proxy for the EqualToConditionalFormatRule.
ClassExitEditingCellEventArgs Provides information needed during the XamGrid.CellExitingEditMode event.
ClassExitEditingRowEventArgs Provides information needed during the XamGrid.RowExitingEditMode event.
ClassExpansionIndicatorSettings An object that contains settings for using ExpansionIndicatorSettings on the XamGrid
ClassExpansionIndicatorSettingsOverride An object that contains settings for using ExpansionIndicators on a particular ColumnLayout
ClassFillerColumnSettings An object that contains settings for the Infragistics.Controls.Grids.Primitives.FillerColumn of all ColumnLayouts in the XamGrid
ClassFillerColumnSettingsOverride An object that contains settings for the Infragistics.Controls.Grids.Primitives.FillerColumn of a particular ColumnLayout.
ClassFilterColumnSettings An object that controls filtering settings for a particular Column object.
ClassFilteredEventArgs A class listing the EventArgs after a filter has been applied.
ClassFilteringSettings A class that controls the filter row editor settings for an object on the XamGrid.
ClassFilteringSettingsOverride A class that controls the editing settings for a filter row on the ColumnLayout.
ClassFilterMenuTrackingObject An object that will be used aby the FilterMenu of the FilterSelectionControl to display filters.
ClassFilterOperand A control which contains the information necessary to display the available filtering options.
ClassFilterOperandCollection A collection of FilterOperand objects.
ClassFilterSelectionControlCommandSource The command source object for Infragistics.Controls.Grids.Primitives.FilterSelectionControl.
ClassFilterValueProxyRowsFilter A RowsFilter object designed for filtering Infragistics.Controls.Grids.Primitives.FilterValueProxy objects.
ClassFilterValueProxyStringFilter A Infragistics.CustomComparisonCondition which will do a regular expression based contains search over a given field.
ClassFixedColumnsCollection A collection that contains the Column objects that are pinned in a specific direction.
ClassFixedColumnSettings An object that contains settings for using FixedColumns on the XamGrid
ClassFixedColumnSettingsOverride An object that contains settings for using FixedColumns on a particular ColumnLayout
ClassGreaterThanConditionalFormatRule A conditional formatting rule that evaluates if the value is greater than an inputted value.
ClassGreaterThanConditionalFormatRuleProxy The execution proxy for the GreaterThanConditionalFormatRule.
ClassGreaterThanOperand A class with the information for the GreaterThan operand
ClassGreaterThanOrEqualOperand A class with the information for the GreaterThanOrEquals operand
ClassGreaterThanOrEqualToConditionalFormatRule A conditional formatting rule that evaluates if the value is greater than or equal to an inputted value.
ClassGreaterThanOrEqualToConditionalFormatRuleProxy The execution proxy for the GreaterThanOrEqualToConditionalFormatRule.
ClassGroupByCollectionChangedEventArgs A class listing the information needed during GroupBy collection events of the XamGrid.
ClassGroupByColumnsCollection A collection that contains the Column objects that are Grouped.
ClassGroupBySettings An object that contains settings for using GroupBy on the XamGrid
ClassGroupBySettingsOverride An object that contains settings for using GropuBy on a particular ColumnLayout
ClassGroupColumn A Column that organizes other Columns under a single header.
ClassGroupColumnsCollection A collection of chilren Column objects that are displayed under a GroupColumn
ClassGroupDisplayColumn A custom column used by the Infragistics.Controls.Grids.Primitives.CompoundFilterDialogControl.
ClassGroupDisplayColumnContentProvider A custom Infragistics.Controls.Grids.Primitives.ColumnContentProviderBase which is used by the GroupDisplayColumn on the Infragistics.Controls.Grids.Primitives.CompoundFilterDialogControl.
ClassHideColumnChooserCommand Hides the ColumnChooser.
ClassHideColumnCommand A Command that hides a Column
ClassHyperlinkColumn A column that uses a System.Windows.Documents.Hyperlink as the content for its CellBases
ClassIconConditionalFormatRule A conditional format rule which will display icons in the cell when the condition is met.
ClassIconConditionalFormatRuleProxy The execution proxy for the IconConditionalFormatRule.
ClassImageColumn A column that uses a System.Windows.Controls.Image as the content for its CellBase.
ClassInitializeRowEventArgs A class listing the information needed during the XamGrid.InitializeRow
ClassInOperand A class with the information for the In operand
ClassInvalidActiveCellException An System.Exception raised when an invalid active cell is detected in the control.
ClassInvalidColumnKeyException An System.Exception that is thrown when a ColumnBase is defined with a key that doesn'type have a corresponding Infragistics.DataField.
ClassInvalidColumnTypeMappingException An System.Exception that is thrown when an invalid column type is added to the XamGrid.ColumnTypeMappings collection.
ClassInvalidPageIndexException An System.Exception that is thrown when an invalid page index is used.
ClassInvalidRowIndexException An System.Exception raised when the column being resized is removed from the resizing columns collection.
ClassLessThanConditionalFormatRule A conditional formatting rule that evaluates if the value is less than to an inputted value.
ClassLessThanConditionalFormatRuleProxy The execution proxy for the LessThanConditionalFormatRule.
ClassLessThanOperand A class with the information for the LessThan operand
ClassLessThanOrEqualOperand A class with the information for the LessThanOrEquals operand
ClassLessThanOrEqualToConditionalFormatRule A conditional formatting rule that evaluates if the value is less than an inputted value.
ClassLessThanOrEqualToConditionalFormatRuleProxy The execution proxy for the LessThanOrEqualToConditionalFormatRule.
ClassMaximumSummaryCalculator A Infragistics.SummaryCalculatorBase base which will execute the LINQ Maximum summary.
ClassMaximumSummaryOperand A Infragistics.SummaryOperandBase implementation which executes a LINQ Maximum summary.
ClassMaximumValueConditionalFormatRule A conditional formatting rule that evaluates if the value equals the maximum value.
ClassMaximumValueConditionalFormatRuleProxy The execution proxy for the MaximumValueConditionalFormatRule.
ClassMinimumSummaryCalculator A Infragistics.SummaryCalculatorBase base which will execute the LINQ Minimum summary.
ClassMinimumSummaryOperand A Infragistics.SummaryOperandBase implementation which executes a LINQ Minimum summary.
ClassMinimumValueConditionalFormatRule A conditional formatting rule that evaluates if the value equals the minimum value.
ClassMinimumValueConditionalFormatRuleProxy The execution proxy for the MinimumValueConditionalFormatRule.
ClassNotBetweenXandYConditionalFormatRule A conditional formatting rule for determinig if a value does not fall between two inputted values.
ClassNotBetweenXandYConditionalFormatRuleProxy The execution proxy for the NotBetweenXandYConditionalFormatRule.
ClassNotContainingConditionalFormatRule A conditional formatting rule for strings that detects if the strings do not contain an inputted string.
ClassNotContainingConditionalFormatRuleProxy The execution proxy for the NotContainingConditionalFormatRule.
ClassNotEqualsOperand A class with the information for the NotEquals operand
ClassNotEqualToConditionalFormatRule A conditional formatting rule that evaluates if the value is not equal to an inputted value.
ClassNotEqualToConditionalFormatRuleProxy The execution proxy for the NotEqualToConditionalFormatRule.
ClassNullConditionalFormatEvaluationValueException An System.Exception raised when the column being resized is removed from the resizing columns collection.
ClassNullDataException An System.Exception raised when the column being resized is removed from the resizing columns collection.
ClassPageChangedEventArgs A class listing the information needed after a pager operation is completed.
ClassPagerSettings An object that contains settings for using PagerSettings on the XamGrid
ClassPagerSettingsOverride An object that contains settings for using PagerSettings on a particular ColumnLayout
ClassPercentData Class used by Conditional Formatting to hold derived information about Percent formulated data and allow access to it.
ClassPercentileData Class used by Conditional Formatting to hold derived information about Percentile formulated data and allow access to it.
ClassPercentileData<T> Class used by Conditional Formatting to hold derived information about Percentile formulated data and allow access to it.
ClassPercentileData<T,TRoot> Class used by Conditional Formatting to hold derived information about Percentile formulated data and allow access to it.
ClassPopulatingFiltersEventArgs An event args for the PopulatingFilters Event
ClassProxyColumn ColumnType used in Infragistics.Controls.Grids.Primitives.CompoundFilterDialogControl.
ClassProxyColumnContentProvider A custom Infragistics.Controls.Grids.Primitives.TextColumnContentProvider which is used by the ProxyColumn on the Infragistics.Controls.Grids.Primitives.CompoundFilterDialogControl.
ClassReadOnlyKeyedColumnBaseCollection<T> A ReadOnlyCollection that can be indexed by a string identifier.
ClassResizingColumnCannotBeRemovedException An System.Exception raised when the column being resized is removed from the resizing columns collection.
ClassRow An object that represents a standard row in the XamGrid.
ClassRowBase The base class for all row objects in the XamGrid.
ClassRowCollection A Collection of Row objects.
ClassRowCommandBase Base class for all commands that deal with a Row.
ClassRowEventArgs A class listing the EventArgs for an event with a Row input.
ClassRowExpansionChangedEventArgs A class listing the information needed for expandable row events.
ClassRowFiltersCollection A Collection of RowFilter objects which will be used to limit the amount of data currently visible.
ClassRowSelectorClickedEventArgs A class listing the information needed during the XamGrid.RowSelectorClicked
ClassRowSelectorSettings An object that contains settings for using RowSelectorSettings on the XamGrid
ClassRowSelectorSettingsOverride An object that contains settings for using RowSelectors on a particular ColumnLayout
ClassRowsFilter An object that describes how the rows should be filtered.
ClassRowsManager A RowsManagerBase that manages Row objects.
ClassRowsManagerBase The base class for managament of all RowBase objects of the XamGrid.
ClassSelectAllRowsCommand Selects all rows of the XamGrid.
ClassSelectedCellsCollection A collection of selected Cell objects.
ClassSelectedCollectionBase<T> A collection of selectable items.
ClassSelectedColumnsCollection A collection of selected Column objects.
ClassSelectedRowsCollection A collection of selected Row objects.
ClassSelectionCollectionChangedEventArgs<T> A class listing the information needed during selection collection events of the XamGrid.
ClassSelectionSettings An object that contains settings for selection on the XamGrid
ClassSettingsBase An Abstract class that controls the settings for an object on the XamGrid.
ClassSettingsOverrideBase An Abstract class that controls the settings for an object on the ColumnLayout.
ClassShowColumnChooserCommand Shows the ColumnChooser for the main layout of the XamGrid.
ClassShowColumnCommand A Command that unhides a Column
ClassSortedColumnEventArgs A class listing the Column that corresponds to the sorting event that was fired.
ClassSortedColumnsCollection A collection of Column objects which define how sorting will be applied to the XamGrid
ClassSortingCancellableEventArgs A class listing the information needed during the XamGrid.ColumnSorting event.
ClassSortingSettings An object that contains settings for using SortingSettings on the XamGrid
ClassSortingSettingsOverride An object that contains settings for using SortingSettings on a particular ColumnLayout
ClassStartsWithOperand A class with the information for the StartsWith operand
ClassStringConditionalFormatRule A base class for string based conditional format rules.
ClassStringConditionalFormatRuleProxy The execution proxy for the StringConditionalFormatRule.
ClassStyleSettingsBase An Abstract class that controls the settings for an object that have a Style aspect on the XamGrid.
ClassStyleSettingsOverrideBase An Abstract class that controls the settings for an object that have a Style aspect on the ColumnLayout.
ClassSummaryColumnSettings An object that controls summary settings for a particular Column object.
ClassSummaryRowSettings A class that defines the SummaryRow settings for all ColumnLayout objects.
ClassSummaryRowSettingsOverride A class that defines the SummaryRow settings for a particular ColumnLayout.
ClassSummarySelectionControlCommandSource The command source object for Infragistics.Controls.Grids.Primitives.SummarySelectionControl.
ClassSumSummaryCalculator A Infragistics.SummaryCalculatorBase base which will execute the LINQ Sum summary.
ClassSumSummaryOperand A Infragistics.SummaryOperandBase implementation which executes a LINQ Sum summary.
ClassTemplateColumn A column that allows the user to specify what content will get displayed via it's ItemTemplate property.
ClassTemplateColumnLayout A ColumnLayout object that can be unbound and have alternate content displayed via it's Template property.
ClassTextColumn A column that uses a System.Windows.Controls.TextBlock as the content for it's CellBases
ClassThreeColorScaleConditionalFormatRule A conditional formatting rule which will scale from a minimum color to a median color over the first part of a range and between the median color and the maximum color over the second part of the range.
ClassThreeColorScaleConditionalFormatRuleProxy The execution proxy for the ThreeColorScaleConditionalFormatRule.
ClassTrackIsChecked Base abstract class for items which will appear in the Infragistics.Controls.Grids.Primitives.DateFilterSelectionControl.
ClassTrackIsCheckWithChildren<TChildType> Base abstract class for items which will appear in the Infragistics.Controls.Grids.Primitives.DateFilterSelectionControl.
ClassTwoColorScaleConditionalFormatRule A conditional formatting rule which will apply a color gradient between two points.
ClassTwoColorScaleConditionalFormatRuleProxy The execution proxy for the TwoColorScaleConditionalFormatRule.
ClassTwoInputConditionalFormatRule Base class for two input formatting rules.
ClassTwoInputConditionalFormatRuleProxy The execution proxy for the TwoInputConditionalFormatRuleProxy.
ClassTypeResolutionException An System.Exception that is thrown when the Infragistics.Controls.Grids.Primitives.TypeTypeConverter can not resolve a specified type.
ClassUnboundColumn A Column which can be used to show calculated data.
ClassUnboundColumnDataContext An object used by the UnboundColumn to hold the DataContext for a Infragistics.Controls.Grids.Primitives.UnboundCell.
ClassVisualSettingsBase An Abstract class that controls the settings for an object that have a Visual aspect on the XamGrid.
ClassVisualSettingsOverrideBase An Abstract class that controls the settings for an object that have a Visual aspect on the ColumnLayout.
ClassXamGrid Displays data in a table like structure.
ClassXamGridColumnChooserCommandSource The command source object for Infragistics.Controls.Grids.Primitives.ColumnChooserDialog object.
ClassXamGridColumnCommandSource The command source object for Column object.
ClassXamGridCommandBase Base class for all commands that deal with a XamGrid instance.
ClassXamGridCommandSource The command source object for XamGrid object.
ClassXamGridFilterDate Class which represents dates in the Infragistics.Controls.Grids.Primitives.DateFilterSelectionControl.
ClassXamGridFilteringCommandSource The command source object for Infragistics.Controls.Grids.Primitives.FilterControl.
ClassXamGridFilterMenuCommandSource The command source object for Infragistics.Controls.Grids.Primitives.FilterSelectionControl.
ClassXamGridFilterMenuFilterTextBoxCommandSource The command source object for Infragistics.Controls.Grids.Primitives.FilterTextBox.
ClassXamGridFilterYearCollection For Internal use only. Used for managing the Unique list of items for the FilterMenu.
ClassXamGridPagingCommandSource The command source object for Infragistics.Controls.Grids.Primitives.PagerCell object.
ClassXamGridPagingControlsCommandSource A Infragistics.Controls.CommandSource for the controls which control the paging action.
ClassXamGridRowCommandSource The command source object for Row object.
ClassXamGridRowsManager A RowsManagerBase that manages Row objects for the root level of the XamGrid.
ClassXamGroupByAreaCommandSource The command source object for Infragistics.Controls.Grids.Primitives.GroupByAreaCellControl.
InterfaceIConditionalFormattingRule An interface that is used by the conditional formatting framework to identify a conditional rule.
InterfaceIConditionalFormattingRuleProxy An interface that is used to executed conditional formatting logic.
StructureColumnWidth An object that is used to specify the Width of a ColumnBase object.
StructureRowHeight An object that is used to specify the Height of a RowBase object.
EnumerationAddNewRowLocation Enumeration describing where the Infragistics.Controls.Grids.Primitives.AddNewRow will be displayed on the row island.
EnumerationAllowToolTips An enumeration that describes when tooltips should be displayed.
EnumerationAverageFormattingTarget Enumeration describing which cells will have their style set in the AverageValueConditionalFormatRule.
EnumerationCellAlignment Specifies how a cell should be aligned.
EnumerationCellControlGenerationMode Enumeration used to indicate how/whether Infragistics.Controls.Grids.Primitives.CellControlBase elements within a Infragistics.Controls.Grids.Primitives.CellsPanel are created.
EnumerationCellSelectionAction Describes how selection should work when a user clicks on a cell in the grid.
EnumerationClipboardPasteErrorType An Enum for the different types of errors to be raised during excel like paste.
EnumerationColumnLayoutHeaderVisibility An Enum that describes whether a ColumnLayout's header row will be visible.
EnumerationColumnMovingType Describes how Column Moving will work in the XamGrid
EnumerationColumnResizingType Describes how Column Resizing will work in the XamGrid
EnumerationColumnWidthType An Enum that describes the type of width for the Column.
EnumerationCustomFilteringDialogCommand An enum describing the commands which can be executed on the CustomFilteringDialogCommandSource
EnumerationDataBarDirection Enumeration that describes what direction the data bars will be drawn when using Conditional Formatting.
EnumerationDataBarPositiveNegative Enumeration that describes if the databar that is displayed should be considered a negative bar for styling.
EnumerationDateFilterObjectType An Enum for date filtering.
EnumerationDeferredScrollingType An Enum that describes the type of DeferredScrolling that the XamGrid will use.
EnumerationDeleteKeyAction An Enum that describes the action that will take place when a user presses the Delete Key on the XamGrid
EnumerationDragCancelType An enumeration that describes why a drop operation was cancelled.
EnumerationDragSelectType Describes the type of drag selection that should occur in the XamGrid
EnumerationDropAreaIndicatorState An enumeration that describes the states that a DropAreaIndcator can be in.
EnumerationDropOperationType An enumeration that describes the type of operation that caused a Drop during a Column moving operation.
EnumerationEditingType Describes the different types of editing modes.
EnumerationEditorDisplayBehaviors An Enum that defines how Editor Control is rendered on the XamGrid
EnumerationFilteringScope An Enum that describes the type of Filtering that the XamGrid will use.
EnumerationFilterMenuCumulativeSelectionList An enum that describes how the selection list on the FilterMenu drop down will be populated.
EnumerationFilterRowLocation An enumeration that describes where the Infragistics.Controls.Grids.Primitives.FilterRow will be located.
EnumerationFilterSelectionControlCommand An enum describing the commands which can be executed on the FilterSelectionControlCommandSource
EnumerationFilterUIType An enumeration that describes which Filtering UI will be used.
EnumerationFixedColumnType An enumeration that describes if fixed columns are turned on, and if so then how it should be used.
EnumerationFixedDropAreaLocation An enumeration that describes where a Column can be dragged to be fixed.
EnumerationFixedIndicatorDirection An enumeration that describes how a Column should be fixed when it's indicator is pressed.
EnumerationFixedRowAlignment An Enum that describes where a FixedRow should be aligned.
EnumerationFixedState An enumeration that describes if a column is fixed, and if so on what side is it fixed.
EnumerationGridClipboardCopyOptions An Enum that defines how Ctrl-C should be handled on the XamGrid
EnumerationGridClipboardCopyType An enum that describes what should be copied using Ctrl-c in the XamGrid
EnumerationGroupByAreaLocation The location of the GroupByArea
EnumerationGroupByOperation An enum that describes what type of operation should occur, when you groupby a column
EnumerationIconGroupOperator An enumeration that describes what operand should be used for Icon based conditional formatting rules.
EnumerationIconRuleValueType An enumeration that describes what an inputted value in a conditional formatting rule should be interpretted as for icon rules.
EnumerationInvokeAction An enumeration of different interactions.
EnumerationKeyboardNavigation Describes options for Keyboard navigation in the XamGrid
EnumerationMouseEditingAction Describes the type of action that can cause a Cell to enter edit mode with a mouse.
EnumerationMultiSortingKey An enum that describes which keyboard key will be used to designate multiple additive sorting.
EnumerationPagingLocation Enumeration describing where paging will be on the row island.
EnumerationRowHeightType An Enum that describes the type of height for the Row.
EnumerationRowHoverType An enum that describes the types of hovering that can occur when the mouse is over a Cell.
EnumerationRowType An enumeration that contains all the different types of rows that the XamGrid contains.
EnumerationSelectionType Describes the type of selection that should be performed.
EnumerationSortDirection Describes options available for sorting in the XamGrid.
EnumerationStyleScope An enumeration that describes which style will be altered during conditional formatting.
EnumerationSummaryRowLocation An enumeration that describes where the Infragistics.Controls.Grids.Primitives.SummaryRow will be located.
EnumerationSummaryScope An Enum that describes the type of summary that the XamGrid will use.
EnumerationSummarySelectionControlCommand An enum describing the commands which can be executed on the SummarySelectionControlCommandSource
EnumerationValueType An enumeration that describes what an inputted value in a conditional formatting rule should be interpretted as.
EnumerationXamGridColumnChooserCommand An enumeration of available commands for the Infragistics.Controls.Grids.Primitives.ColumnChooserDialog.
EnumerationXamGridColumnCommand An enumeration of available commands for the Column object.
EnumerationXamGridCommand An enumeration of available commands for the XamGrid object.
EnumerationXamGridFilteringCommand Enum describing commands available on the filter control
EnumerationXamGridPagingCommand An enumeration of available commands for paging.
EnumerationXamGridRowCommand An enumeration of available commands for the Row object.
EnumerationXamGroupByAreaCommand An enumeration of available commands for the GroupByArea of the XamGrid.
See Also