
Format the Value of a Summary

The xamDataPresenter™ control formats a summary value that result in double or decimal data type using two decimal places. The xamDataPresenter control does not format integer and string values; however, you can format the result of a summary using a .NET Framework composite format string. For example, if you want the value of a summary to represent a monetary value, you can set the StringFormat property of the SummaryDefinition object to "{}{0:c}" in XAML or "{0:c}" in procedural code.

In addition to the value placeholder token ('0'), you can use a combination of the following placeholder tokens in your composite format string:

  • {0} - Represents the actual value of the summary.

  • {1} - Represents the name of the summary calculator that is being used to calculate this summary.

  • {2} - Represents the SummaryDefinition object’s Key property.

  • {3} - Represents the name of the field that is being used to calculate this summary.

If you are programmatically adding summaries for a field, you can instantiate a SummaryDefinition object and then set its StringFormat property. However, if you want to set the StringFormat property after an end user selects a summary calculator from the summary selection dialog box, you can handle xamDataPresenter’s SummaryResultChanged event and use the SummaryResultChangedEventArgs object to format the summary value. You can check the properties of the SummaryResultChangedEventArgs object to determine if you need to format that particular summary value.

The following example code demonstrates how to format the value of a summary. The example code assumes that you have a field layout with a field named "BasePrice".


<igDP:XamDataPresenter Name="xamDataPresenter1">
                    Calculator="{x:Static igDP:SummaryCalculator.Sum}"
                    StringFormat="{}{1} = {0:c}" />

In Visual Basic:

Imports Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter
Dim summary As New SummaryDefinition()
summary.Calculator = SummaryCalculator.Sum
summary.SourceFieldName = "BasePrice"
summary.Key = "priceSum"
summary.StringFormat = "{1} = {0:c}"
'If you are handling the SummaryResultChanged event, you can use the following code in the event handler. For the sake of simplicity, the code unconditionally formats the value.
'e.SummaryResult.SummaryDefinition.StringFormat = "{1} = {0:c}"

In C#:

using Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter;
SummaryDefinition summary = new SummaryDefinition();
summary.Calculator = SummaryCalculator.Sum;
summary.SourceFieldName = "BasePrice";
summary.Key = "priceSum";
summary.StringFormat = "{1} = {0:c}";
//If you are handling the SummaryResultChanged event, you can use the following code in the event handler. For the sake of simplicity, the code unconditionally formats the value.
//e.SummaryResult.SummaryDefinition.StringFormat = "{1} = {0:c}"