
Category Series

This topic explains various types of Category Series in the XamDataChart™ control.


Category Series is a group of the simplest and most common form of chart series that take data and render it as collection of data points stretched along a horizontal line (e.g. column series) or vertical line (e.g. bar series).

Types of Category Series

The XamDataChart control supports the following types of Category Series and each of them is discussed in an individual topic:

These topics will provide you with useful information on how to use create a specific type of Category Series and bind data to it. This section provides preview images for all types of Category Series.

You can also use multiple types of Category Series with Financial Series or Financial Indicators to create complex charts visuals. Refer to the Adding Multiple Series and Using Multiple Axes topics for more information on this feature of the XamDataChart control.

Preview of Category Series

This section provides preview images for all types of Category Series.

Series Type Description

Displays a set of evenly placed points connected by a line. Categories are arranged horizontally and values are plotted vertically.

Used for showing data or information that changes continuously over time. Useful when emphasizing the relationship between the points is required.

Same as the Line Series type with except that the area below the line is filled in. Categories are arranged horizontally and values – vertically.

Same as the Line Series type with the added feature of spline interpolation and smoothing for improved presentation of data.

Same as the Area Series type with the added feature of spline interpolation and smoothing for improved presentation of data.

Displays discrete data in separate columns. Categories are arranged horizontally and values are plotted vertically.

Used for showing the changes in a data series over time or for comparing multiple items.

Same as the Line Series type, except that the values are connected by continuous vertical and horizontal lines forming a step-like progression instead of a straight line tracing the shortest path between points.

Same as the Step Line Series type, except that the area below values is filled out instead of continuous vertical and horizontal lines forming a step-like progression for the changes between data points.

Displays a set of points as vertical columns that show the difference between values of consecutive data points. The columns are color coded for distinguishing between positive and negative changes in value. Categories are arranged horizontally and values are plotted vertically.

Used for showing the changes in a consecutive data points over time or for comparing multiple items.

Each linked topic demonstrates, with code examples, how to create a specific type of Category Series and bind data to it.

Supported Axes

The XamDataChart control provides various types of axes but only the following types of axes can be used with specific types of Category Series. The following table lists these supported axes:

Series Type XAxis Type YAxis Type










In addition, each of Category Series must have binding set to one x-axis using the property XAxis and one y-axis using YAxis property. For more information on axes, refer to the Axes topic.

Data Binding

This section provides information about binding data for all types of Category Series from data requirements through data sample to binding diagrams.

Data Requirements

Similarly to other types of series in the XamDataChart control, Category Series also use ItemsSource property to bind data. The following is a list of data requirements for Category Series:

  • The data model should contain one data column (string or date time) which is mapped to the Label property of the category axis (e.g. CategoryXAxis).

  • The data model must contain at least one numeric data column which is mapped using the ValueMemberPath property of category series (e.g. LineSeries)

  • The data source must contain at least one data items otherwise the chart will not render the category series.

  • The data source must implement the IEnumerable interface (e.g. List, Collection, Queue, or Stack)

For more information on the requirements for the specific types of series, refer to the Series Requirements topic.

Data Sample

An example of object that meets above criteria is the Sample Energy Data which you can download and use it in your project.