
Getting Started with XamDataGrid

This topic is designed to get you up and running as quickly as possible by describing the basic steps required for adding the XamDataGrid control to your view and populating it with sample data.

Required Background

The following topics are prerequisites to understanding this topic:

Topic Purpose

The XamDataGrid control requires NuGet packages for Ultimate UI for Xamarin controls and this article provides instructions how to add them to your project.

Preparing Project

  1. Create a new class file in your project and name it SampleSalesPerson; this class will be used to generate sample data.

  1. Replace content of your SampleSalesPerson class file with the source code from the SampleSalesPerson resource.

  1. Import the following namespace to your view:



In C#:

using Infragistics.XamarinForms.Controls.Grids;
using Infragistics.Data;

Creating the XamDataGrid

Create an instance of the XamDataGrid control within the main view, and use its ItemsSource property to populate it with sample data as demonstrated in the following sample code.


<grids:XamDataGrid x:Name="DataGrid" >
        <local:SampleSalesTeam />

In C#:

var DataGrid = new XamDataGrid();
DataGrid.ItemsSource = SampleSalesPerson.GenerateSalesData(100);

Verify Results

Save and run your application to verify the result, it should appear similar, (barring differences in screen orientation and resolution) to the screenshot below.

datagrid getting started with grid.png

Related Content

The following table lists topics that are related to this topic:

Topic Purpose

This topic provides information on supported column types in the XamDataGrid control.

This topic provides code examples on working with columns in the XamDataGrid control.