
Sample Energy Data


This topic provides sample data and data models for use with the XamDataChart™ control and its Category Series .

In this topic

This topic contains the following sections:

Required Namespaces

In C#:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Linq;

namespace Infragistics.Models
  // TODO add data model
  // TODO add data source

Data Model

In C#:

public class EnergyProduction
    public string Country { get; set; }
    public string Region { get; set; }
    public string Year { get; set; }

    // Non-Renewable Energy Sources
    public double Nuclear { get; set; }
    public double Coal { get; set; }
    public double Oil { get; set; }
    public double Gas { get; set; }
    // Renewable Energy Sources
    public double Hydro { get; set; }
    public double GeoThermal { get; set; }
    public double Solar { get; set; }
    public double Wind { get; set; }

    public double Total { get { return Renewable + NonRenewable; } }
    public double Renewable { get { return Hydro + GeoThermal + Wind + Solar; } }
    public double NonRenewable { get { return Coal + Oil + Gas + Nuclear; } }

Data Source

In C#:

public class EnergyDataSource : List<EnergyProduction>
    public EnergyDataSource()
        this.Add(new EnergyProduction { Region = "America", Country = "CAN", Coal = 400, Oil = 100, Gas = 175, Nuclear = 225, Hydro = 350 });
        this.Add(new EnergyProduction { Region = "Asia", Country = "CHN", Coal = 925, Oil = 200, Gas = 350, Nuclear = 400, Hydro = 625 });
        this.Add(new EnergyProduction { Region = "Europe", Country = "RUS", Coal = 550, Oil = 200, Gas = 250, Nuclear = 475, Hydro = 425 });
        this.Add(new EnergyProduction { Region = "Asia", Country = "AUS", Coal = 450, Oil = 100, Gas = 150, Nuclear = 175, Hydro = 350 });
        this.Add(new EnergyProduction { Region = "America", Country = "USA", Coal = 800, Oil = 250, Gas = 475, Nuclear = 575, Hydro = 750 });
        this.Add(new EnergyProduction { Region = "Europe", Country = "FRA", Coal = 375, Oil = 150, Gas = 350, Nuclear = 275, Hydro = 325 });

public class EnergyDataHistory : List<EnergyProduction>
    public EnergyDataHistory()
        this.Add(new EnergyProduction { Year = "2000", Country = "Canada", Coal = 400, Oil = 100, Gas = 175, Nuclear = 225, Hydro = 350 });
        this.Add(new EnergyProduction { Year = "2010", Country = "Canada", Coal = 450, Oil = 150, Gas = 225, Nuclear = 255, Hydro = 400 });
        this.Add(new EnergyProduction { Year = "2020", Country = "Canada", Coal = 300, Oil = 200, Gas = 275, Nuclear = 325, Hydro = 450 });
        this.Add(new EnergyProduction { Year = "2000", Country = "China", Coal = 825, Oil = 200, Gas = 350, Nuclear = 400, Hydro = 625 });
        this.Add(new EnergyProduction { Year = "2010", Country = "China", Coal = 925, Oil = 250, Gas = 400, Nuclear = 420, Hydro = 685 });
        this.Add(new EnergyProduction { Year = "2020", Country = "China", Coal = 975, Oil = 300, Gas = 450, Nuclear = 450, Hydro = 725 });
        this.Add(new EnergyProduction { Year = "2000", Country = "Russia", Coal = 550, Oil = 200, Gas = 250, Nuclear = 475, Hydro = 425 });
        this.Add(new EnergyProduction { Year = "2010", Country = "Russia", Coal = 600, Oil = 220, Gas = 280, Nuclear = 525, Hydro = 485 });
        this.Add(new EnergyProduction { Year = "2020", Country = "Russia", Coal = 650, Oil = 250, Gas = 350, Nuclear = 575, Hydro = 525 });
        this.Add(new EnergyProduction { Year = "2000", Country = "Australia", Coal = 450, Oil = 100, Gas = 150, Nuclear = 175, Hydro = 350 });
        this.Add(new EnergyProduction { Year = "2010", Country = "Australia", Coal = 480, Oil = 120, Gas = 250, Nuclear = 225, Hydro = 400 });
        this.Add(new EnergyProduction { Year = "2020", Country = "Australia", Coal = 550, Oil = 180, Gas = 350, Nuclear = 275, Hydro = 450 });
        this.Add(new EnergyProduction { Year = "2000", Country = "United States", Coal = 800, Oil = 250, Gas = 475, Nuclear = 575, Hydro = 750 });
        this.Add(new EnergyProduction { Year = "2010", Country = "United States", Coal = 850, Oil = 300, Gas = 525, Nuclear = 625, Hydro = 800 });
        this.Add(new EnergyProduction { Year = "2020", Country = "United States", Coal = 900, Oil = 350, Gas = 575, Nuclear = 675, Hydro = 850 });
        this.Add(new EnergyProduction { Year = "2000", Country = "France", Coal = 375, Oil = 150, Gas = 350, Nuclear = 275, Hydro = 325 });
        this.Add(new EnergyProduction { Year = "2010", Country = "France", Coal = 425, Oil = 200, Gas = 400, Nuclear = 325, Hydro = 385 });
        this.Add(new EnergyProduction { Year = "2020", Country = "France", Coal = 455, Oil = 250, Gas = 450, Nuclear = 375, Hydro = 425 });

Observable Model

In C#:

public abstract class ObservableModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
    #region INotifyPropertyChanged
    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
    protected void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
        if (this.PropertyChanged != null)
            this.PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));