Class IgxAvatarComponent

Avatar provides a way to display an image, icon or initials to the user.


igx-avatar-theme, igx-icon-theme

avatar, profile, picture, initials


The Ignite UI Avatar provides an easy way to add an avatar icon to your application. This icon can be an image, someone's initials or a material icon from the Google Material icon set.

<igx-avatar initials="MS" shape="rounded" size="large">


  • OnInit



ariaLabel: string = 'avatar'

Returns the aria-label attribute of the avatar.

let ariaLabel = this.avatar.ariaLabel;
bgColor: string

Sets the background color of the avatar.

<igx-avatar bgColor="yellow"></igx-avatar>

Background color

in version 17.2.0.

color: string

Sets the color of the avatar's initials or icon.

<igx-avatar color="blue"></igx-avatar>

in version 17.2.0.

elementRef: ElementRef<any>
icon: string

Sets an icon to the avatar. All icons from the material icon set are supported.

<igx-avatar icon="phone"></igx-avatar>
id: string = ...

Sets the id of the avatar. If not set, the first avatar component will have id = "igx-avatar-0".

<igx-avatar id="my-first-avatar"></igx-avatar>
initials: string

Sets initials to the avatar.

<igx-avatar initials="MN"></igx-avatar>
role: string = 'img'

Returns the role attribute of the avatar.

let avatarRole = this.avatar.role;
roleDescription: string

Returns the type of the avatar. The avatar can be:

  • "initials type avatar"
  • "icon type avatar"
  • "image type avatar".
  • "custom type avatar".
let avatarDescription = this.avatar.roleDescription;
shape: "circle" | "square" | "rounded" = 'square'

Sets square, rounded or circular shape to the avatar. By default the shape of the avatar is square.

<igx-avatar shape="rounded"></igx-avatar>
src: string

Sets the image source of the avatar.

<igx-avatar src="images/picture.jpg"></igx-avatar>

Image URL
