Class IgxColumnGroupComponent

Ignite UI for Angular Column Group

IgxGridComponent, IgxTreeGridComponent, IgxHierarchicalGridComponent, IgxColumnGroupComponent, IgxRowIslandComponent


Hierarchy (view full)


  • AfterContentInit



additionalTemplateContext: any

Sets/gets custom properties provided in additional template context.

<igx-column [additionalTemplateContext]="contextObject">
<ng-template igxCell let-cell="cell" let-props="additionalTemplateContext">
{{ props }}


autosizeHeader: boolean = true

Sets/gets whether the column header is included in autosize logic. Useful when template for a column header is sized based on parent, for example a default div. Default value is false.

let isResizable = this.column.resizable;
<igx-column [resizable] = "true"></igx-column>


cellClasses: any

Sets a conditional class selector of the column cells. Accepts an object literal, containing key-value pairs, where the key is the name of the CSS class, while the value is either a callback function that returns a boolean, or boolean, like so:

callback = (rowData, columnKey, cellValue, rowIndex) => { return rowData[columnKey] > 6; }
cellClasses = { 'className' : this.callback };
<igx-column [cellClasses] = "cellClasses"></igx-column>
<igx-column [cellClasses] = "{'class1' : true }"></igx-column>


cellStyles: any = null

Sets conditional style properties on the column cells. Similar to ngStyle it accepts an object literal where the keys are the style properties and the value is the expression to be evaluated. As with cellClasses it accepts a callback function.

styles = {
background: 'royalblue',
color: (rowData, columnKey, cellValue, rowIndex) => value.startsWith('Important') ? 'red': 'inherit'
<igx-column [cellStyles]="styles"></igx-column>


children: QueryList<IgxColumnComponent> = ...

in version 18.1.0. Use the childColumns property instead.

colEnd: number

Column index where the current field should end. The amount of columns between colStart and colEnd will determine the amount of spanning columns to that field

<igx-column [colEnd]="3" [rowStart]="1" [colStart]="1"></igx-column>


collapsibleIndicatorTemplate: TemplateRef<IgxColumnTemplateContext>

Allows you to define a custom template for expand/collapse indicator


colStart: number

Column index from which the field is starting.

<igx-column [colStart]="1" [rowStart]="1"></igx-column>


dataType: GridColumnDataType = GridColumnDataType.String

Sets/gets the data type of the column values. Default value is string.

let columnDataType = this.column.dataType;
<igx-column [dataType] = "'number'"></igx-column>


disableHiding: boolean = false

Gets whether the hiding is disabled.

let isHidingDisabled =  this.column.disableHiding;


disablePinning: boolean = false

Gets whether the pinning is disabled.

let isPinningDisabled =  this.column.disablePinning;


filterable: boolean = true

Sets/gets whether the column is filterable. Default value is true.

let isFilterable = this.column.filterable;
<igx-column [filterable] = "false"></igx-column>


filteringIgnoreCase: boolean = true

Sets/gets whether the column filtering should be case sensitive. Default value is true.

let filteringIgnoreCase = this.column.filteringIgnoreCase;
<igx-column [filteringIgnoreCase] = "false"></igx-column>


formatter: ((value: any, rowData?: any) => any)

Applies display format to cell values in the column. Does not modify the underlying data.

Note: As the formatter is used in places like the Excel style filtering dialog, in certain scenarios (remote filtering for example), the row data argument can be undefined.

In this example, we check to see if the column name is Salary, and then provide a method as the column formatter to format the value into a currency string.

columnInit(column: IgxColumnComponent) {
if (column.field == "Salary") {
column.formatter = (salary => this.format(salary));

format(value: number) : string {
return formatCurrency(value, "en-us", "$");
const column = this.grid.getColumnByName('Address');
const addressFormatter = (address: string, rowData: any) => data.privacyEnabled ? 'unknown' : address;
column.formatter = addressFormatter;


Type declaration

    • (value, rowData?): any
    • Parameters

      • value: any
      • rowData: any

      Returns any

grid: GridType

Represents the instance of the parent GridType that contains this column.

header: string = ''

Sets/gets the header value.

let columnHeader = this.column.header;
<igx-column [header] = "'ID'"></igx-column>


headerClasses: string = ''

Sets/gets the class selector of the column header.

let columnHeaderClass = this.column.headerClasses;
<igx-column [headerClasses] = "'column-header'"></igx-column>


headerGroupClasses: string = ''

Sets/gets the class selector of the column group header.

let columnHeaderClass = this.column.headerGroupClasses;
<igx-column [headerGroupClasses] = "'column-group-header'"></igx-column>


headerGroupStyles: any = null

Sets conditional style properties on the column header group wrapper. Similar to ngStyle it accepts an object literal where the keys are the style properties and the value is the expression to be evaluated.

styles = {
background: 'royalblue',
color: (column) => column.pinned ? 'red': 'inherit'
<igx-column [headerGroupStyles]="styles"></igx-column>


headerStyles: any = null

Sets conditional style properties on the column header. Similar to ngStyle it accepts an object literal where the keys are the style properties and the value is the expression to be evaluated.

styles = {
background: 'royalblue',
color: (column) => column.pinned ? 'red': 'inherit'
<igx-column [headerStyles]="styles"></igx-column>


maxWidth: string

Sets/gets the maximum width of the column.

let columnMaxWidth = this.column.width;
<igx-column [maxWidth] = "'150px'"></igx-column>


parent: any = null

Sets/gets the parent column.

let parentColumn = this.column.parent;
this.column.parent = higherLevelColumn;


resizable: boolean = false

Sets/gets whether the column is resizable. Default value is false.

let isResizable = this.column.resizable;
<igx-column [resizable] = "true"></igx-column>


rowEnd: number

Row index where the current field should end. The amount of rows between rowStart and rowEnd will determine the amount of spanning rows to that field

<igx-column [rowEnd]="2" [rowStart]="1" [colStart]="1"></igx-column>


rowStart: number

Row index from which the field is starting.

<igx-column [rowStart]="1" [colStart]="1"></igx-column>


searchable: boolean = true

Sets/gets whether the column group is searchable. Default value is true.

let isSearchable =  this.columnGroup.searchable;
 <igx-column-group [searchable] = "false"></igx-column-group>


sortable: boolean = false

Sets/gets whether the column is sortable. Default value is false.

let isSortable = this.column.sortable;
<igx-column [sortable] = "true"></igx-column>


sortingIgnoreCase: boolean = true

Sets/gets whether the column sorting should be case sensitive. Default value is true.

let sortingIgnoreCase = this.column.sortingIgnoreCase;
<igx-column [sortingIgnoreCase] = "false"></igx-column>


summaryFormatter: ((summary: IgxSummaryResult, summaryOperand: IgxSummaryOperand) => any)

The summaryFormatter is used to format the display of the column summaries.

In this example, we check to see if the column name is OrderDate, and then provide a method as the summaryFormatter to change the locale for the dates to 'fr-FR'. The summaries with the count key are skipped so they are displayed as numbers.

columnInit(column: IgxColumnComponent) {
if (column.field == "OrderDate") {
column.summaryFormatter = this.summaryFormat;

summaryFormat(summary: IgxSummaryResult, summaryOperand: IgxSummaryOperand): string {
const result = summary.summaryResult;
if(summaryResult.key !== 'count' && result !== null && result !== undefined) {
const pipe = new DatePipe('fr-FR');
return pipe.transform(result,'mediumDate');
return result;


Type declaration

title: string = ''

Sets/gets the title value.

let title = this.column.title;
<igx-column [title] = "'Some column tooltip'"></igx-column>



  • get columnLayoutChild(): boolean
  • Returns a boolean indicating if the column is a child of a ColumnLayout for multi-row layout.

    let columnLayoutChild =  this.column.columnLayoutChild;


    Returns boolean

  • get disabledSummaries(): string[]
  • Sets/gets the summary operands to exclude from display. Accepts an array of string keys representing the summary types to disable, such as 'Min', 'Max', 'Count' etc.

    let disabledSummaries = this.column.disabledSummaries;
    <igx-column [disabledSummaries]="['min', 'max', 'average']"></igx-column>


    Returns string[]

  • set disabledSummaries(value): void
  • Parameters

    • value: string[]

    Returns void

  • set expanded(value): void
  • Set whether the group is expanded or collapsed initially. Applied only if the collapsible property is set to true Default value is true

     const state = false
    <igx-column-group [(expand)] = "state"></igx-column-group>



    • value: boolean

    Returns void

  • get groupingComparer(): ((a: any, b: any, currRec?: any, groupRec?: any) => number)
  • Gets the function that compares values for grouping.

    let groupingComparer = this.column.groupingComparer'


    Returns ((a: any, b: any, currRec?: any, groupRec?: any) => number)

      • (a, b, currRec?, groupRec?): number
      • Parameters

        • a: any
        • b: any
        • currRec: any
        • groupRec: any

        Returns number

  • set groupingComparer(funcRef): void
  • Sets a custom function to compare values for grouping. Subsequent values in the sorted data that the function returns 0 for are grouped.

    this.column.groupingComparer = (a: any, b: any, currRec?: any, groupRec?: any) => { return a === b ? 0 : -1; }



    • funcRef: ((a: any, b: any, currRec?: any, groupRec?: any) => number)
        • (a, b, currRec?, groupRec?): number
        • Parameters

          • a: any
          • b: any
          • currRec: any
          • groupRec: any

          Returns number

    Returns void


  • Autosize the column to the longest currently visible cell value, including the header cell.

    @ViewChild('grid') grid: IgxGridComponent;
    let column = this.grid.columnList.filter(c => c.field === 'ID')[0];



    • byHeaderOnly: boolean = false

      Set if column should be autosized based only on the header content.

    Returns void

  • Moves a column to the specified visible index. If passed index is invalid, or if column would receive a different visible index after moving, moving is not performed. If passed index would move the column to a different column group. moving is not performed.




    • index: number

    Returns void

  • Pins the column at the provided index in the pinned area. Defaults to index 0 if not provided, or to the initial index in the pinned area. Returns true if the column is successfully pinned. Returns false if the column cannot be pinned. Column cannot be pinned if:

    • Is already pinned
    • index argument is out of range
    • The pinned area exceeds 80% of the grid width
    let success =;



    • index: number

    Returns boolean

  • Unpins the column and place it at the provided index in the unpinned area. Defaults to index 0 if not provided, or to the initial index in the unpinned area. Returns true if the column is successfully unpinned. Returns false if the column cannot be unpinned. Column cannot be unpinned if:

    • Is already unpinned
    • index argument is out of range
    let success = this.column.unpin();



    • index: number

    Returns boolean