Specify the default input format type. Defaults to date
, which includes
only date parts for editing. Other valid options are time
and dateTime
Specifies a pipe to be used on blur.
<input [displayValuePipe] = "displayFormatPipe">
Specifies a pipe to be used on focus.
<input [focusedValuePipe] = "inputFormatPipe">
Specifies if the bound value includes the formatting symbols.
<input [includeLiterals] = "true">
Locale settings used for value formatting.
Uses Angular's LOCALE_ID
by default. Affects both input mask and display format if those are not set.
If a locale
is set, it must be registered via registerLocaleData
Please refer to https://angular.io/guide/i18n#i18n-pipes.
If it is not registered, Intl
will be used for formatting.
Sets the character representing a fillable spot in the input mask. Default value is "'_'".
<input [promptChar] = "'/'">
Delta values used to increment or decrement each editor date part on spin actions.
All values default to 1
Specify if the currently spun date segment should loop over.
Emitted when the editor is not within a specified range or when the editor's value is in an invalid state.
Emitted when the editor's value has changed.
Emits an event each time the value changes.
Provides rawValue: string
and formattedValue: string
as event arguments.
<input (valueChanged) = "valueChanged(rawValue: string, formattedValue: string)">
Set both pre-defined format options such as shortDate
and longDate
as well as constructed format string using characters supported by DatePipe
, e.g. EE/MM/yyyy
Expected user input format (and placeholder).
Sets the input mask.
<input [igxMask] = "'00/00/0000'">
Maximum value required for the editor to remain valid.
Minimum value required for the editor to remain valid.
Editor value.
Decrement specified DatePart.
The optional DatePart to decrement. Defaults to Date or Hours (when Date is absent from the inputFormat - ex:'HH:mm').
The optional delta to decrement by. Overrides spinDelta
Increment specified DatePart.
The optional DatePart to increment. Defaults to Date or Hours (when Date is absent from the inputFormat - ex:'HH:mm').
The optional delta to increment by. Overrides spinDelta
Date Time Editor provides a functionality to input, edit and format date and time.
Igx Module
Igx Parent
Igx Theme
Igx Keywords
date, time, editor
Igx Group
The Ignite UI Date Time Editor Directive makes it easy for developers to manipulate date/time user input. It requires input in a specified or default input format which is visible in the input element as a placeholder. It allows the input of only date (ex: 'dd/MM/yyyy'), only time (ex:'HH:mm tt') or both at once, if needed. Supports display format that may differ from the input format. Provides methods to increment and decrement any specific/targeted