Class IgxDragDirective


  • AfterContentInit
  • OnDestroy



cdr: ChangeDetectorRef
    | string
    | number
    | string[]
    | number[]

A property that provides a way for igxDrag and igxDrop to be linked through channels. It accepts single value or an array of values and evaluates then using strict equality.

<div igxDrag [dragChannel]="'odd'">
<div igxDrop [dropChannel]="['odd', 'irrational']">
<span>Numbers drop area!</span>


dragClick: EventEmitter<IDragBaseEventArgs> = ...

Event triggered when the draggable element is clicked.

<div igxDrag (dragClick)="onDragClick()">
<span>Drag Me!</span>
public onDragClick(){
alert("The element has been clicked!");


dragDirection: DragDirection = DragDirection.BOTH

Sets the directions that the element can be dragged. By default it is set to both horizontal and vertical directions.

<div igxDrag [dragDirection]="dragDir">
<span>Drag Me!</span>
public dragDir = DragDirection.HORIZONTAL;


dragEnd: EventEmitter<IDragBaseEventArgs> = ...

Event triggered when the draggable element is released.

<div igxDrag (dragEnd)="onDragEnd()">
<span>Drag Me!</span>
public onDragEnd(){
alert("The drag has ended!");


dragMove: EventEmitter<IDragMoveEventArgs> = ...

Event triggered when the draggable element has been moved.

<div igxDrag  (dragMove)="onDragMove()">
<span>Drag Me!</span>
public onDragMove(){
alert("The element has moved!");


dragStart: EventEmitter<IDragStartEventArgs> = ...

Event triggered when the draggable element drag starts.

<div igxDrag (dragStart)="onDragStart()">
<span>Drag Me!</span>
public onDragStart(){
alert("The drag has stared!");


dragTolerance: number = 5

Sets the tolerance in pixels before drag starts. By default the drag starts after the draggable element is moved by 5px.

<div igxDrag [dragTolerance]="100">
<span>Drag Me!</span>


element: ElementRef<any>
ghost: boolean = true

Sets whether the base element should be moved, or a ghost element should be rendered that represents it instead. By default it is set to true. If it is set to false when dragging the base element is moved instead and no ghost elements are rendered.

<div igxDrag [ghost]="false">
<span>Drag Me!</span>


ghostClass: string = ''

Sets a custom class that will be added to the ghostElement element.

<div igxDrag [ghostClass]="'ghostElement'">
<span>Drag Me!</span>


ghostCreate: EventEmitter<IDragGhostBaseEventArgs> = ...

Event triggered when the drag ghost element is created.

<div igxDrag (ghostCreate)="ghostCreated()">
<span>Drag Me!</span>
public ghostCreated(){
alert("The ghost has been created!");


ghostDestroy: EventEmitter<IDragGhostBaseEventArgs> = ...

Event triggered when the drag ghost element is created.

<div igxDrag (ghostDestroy)="ghostDestroyed()">
<span>Drag Me!</span>
public ghostDestroyed(){
alert("The ghost has been destroyed!");


ghostHost: any

Sets the element to which the dragged element will be appended. By default it's set to null and the dragged element is appended to the body.

<div #hostDiv></div>
<div igxDrag [ghostHost]="hostDiv">
<span>Drag Me!</span>


ghostStyle: {} = {}

Set styles that will be added to the ghostElement element.

<div igxDrag [ghostStyle]="{'--ig-size': 'var(--ig-size-small)'}">
<span>Drag Me!</span>


Type declaration

    ghostTemplate: TemplateRef<any>

    Specifies a template for the ghost element created when dragging starts and ghost is true. By default a clone of the base element the igxDrag is instanced is created.

    <div igxDrag [ghostTemplate]="customGhost">
    <span>Drag Me!</span>
    <ng-template #customGhost>
    <div class="customGhostStyle">
    <span>I am being dragged!</span>


    renderer: Renderer2
    scrollContainer: HTMLElement = null

    Overrides the scroll container of the dragged element. By default its the window.

    transitioned: EventEmitter<IDragBaseEventArgs> = ...

    Event triggered after the draggable element is released and after its animation has finished.

    <div igxDrag (transitioned)="onMoveEnd()">
    <span>Drag Me!</span>
    public onMoveEnd(){
    alert("The move has ended!");


    viewContainer: ViewContainerRef
    zone: NgZone



    • Animates the base or ghost element to a specific target location or other element using transition. If ghost is true but there is not ghost rendered, it will be created and animated. It is recommended to use 'getBoundingClientRects() + pageScroll' when determining desired location.


      • target: ElementRef<any> | IgxDragLocation

        Target that the base or ghost will transition to. It can be either location in the page or another HTML element.

      • customAnimArgs: IDragCustomTransitionArgs

        Custom transition properties that will be applied when performing the transition.

      • startLocation: IgxDragLocation

        Start location from where the transition should start.

      Returns void

    • Animates the base or ghost element depending on the ghost input to its initial location. If ghost is true but there is not ghost rendered, it will be created and animated. If the base element has changed its DOM position its initial location will be changed accordingly.


      • customAnimArgs: IDragCustomTransitionArgs

        Custom transition properties that will be applied when performing the transition.

      • startLocation: IgxDragLocation

        Start location from where the transition should start.

      Returns void