Sets/gets whether the hint position is at the start.
Default value is false
@ViewChild('hint', {read: IgxHintDirective})
public igxHint: IgxHintDirective;
this.igxHint.isPositionStart = true;
let isHintPositionStart = this.igxHint.isPositionStart;
Gets the position of the hint.
@ViewChild('hint', {read: IgxHintDirective})
public igxHint: IgxHintDirective;
let hintPosition = this.igxHint.position;
Sets the position of the hint.
<input igxInput type="text"/>
<igx-hint #hint [position]="'start'">IgxHint displayed at the start</igx-hint>
Sets/gets whether the hint position is at the end. Default value is