Class IgxOverlayService

Documentation The overlay service allows users to show components on overlay div above all other elements in the page.


  • OnDestroy



animationStarting: EventEmitter<OverlayAnimationEventArgs> = ...

Emitted just before the overlay animation start.

animationStarting(event: OverlayAnimationEventArgs){
const animationStarting = event;
closed: EventEmitter<OverlayEventArgs> = ...

Emitted after the overlay content is closed and all animations are finished.

closed(event: OverlayEventArgs){
const closed = event;
closing: EventEmitter<OverlayClosingEventArgs> = ...

Emitted just before the overlay content starts to close.

closing(event: OverlayCancelableEventArgs){
const closing = event;
contentAppended: EventEmitter<OverlayEventArgs> = ...

Emitted after the content is appended to the overlay, and before animations are started.

contentAppended(event: OverlayEventArgs){
const contentAppended = event;
contentAppending: EventEmitter<OverlayEventArgs> = ...

Emitted before the content is appended to the overlay.

contentAppending(event: OverlayEventArgs){
const contentAppending = event;
opened: EventEmitter<OverlayEventArgs> = ...

Emitted after the overlay content is opened and all animations are finished.

opened(event: OverlayEventArgs){
const opened = event;
opening: EventEmitter<OverlayCancelableEventArgs> = ...

Emitted just before the overlay content starts to open.

opening(event: OverlayCancelableEventArgs){
const opening = event;


  • Generates Id. Provide this Id when call show(id) method


    • element: ElementRef<any>
    • settings: OverlaySettings

      (optional): Display settings for the overlay, such as positioning and scroll/close behavior.

    Returns string

  • Generates Id. Provide this Id when call show(id) method

    Note created instance is in root scope, prefer the viewContainerRef overload when local injection context is needed.


    • component: Type<any>

      Component Type to show in overlay

    • settings: OverlayCreateSettings

      (optional): Create settings for the overlay, such as positioning and scroll/close behavior. Includes also an optional Injector to add to the created dynamic component's injectors.

    Returns string

  • Generates an Id. Provide this Id when calling the show(id) method


    • component: Type<any>

      Component Type to show in overlay

    • viewContainerRef: ViewContainerRef

      Reference to the container where created component's host view will be inserted

    • settings: OverlaySettings

      (optional): Display settings for the overlay, such as positioning and scroll/close behavior.

    Returns string

  • Offsets the content along the corresponding axis by the provided amount with optional offsetMode that determines whether to add (by default) or set the offset values


    • id: string

      Id to offset overlay for

    • deltaX: number

      Amount of offset in horizontal direction

    • deltaY: number

      Amount of offset in vertical direction

    • offsetMode: OffsetMode

      Determines whether to add (by default) or set the offset values with OffsetMode.Add and OffsetMode.Set

      this.overlay.setOffset(id, deltaX, deltaY, offsetMode);

    Returns void