Determines the tab activation. When set to auto, the tab is instantly selected while navigating with the Left/Right Arrows, Home or End keys and the corresponding panel is displayed. When set to manual, the tab is only focused. The selection happens after pressing Space or Enter. Defaults is auto.
Enables/disables the transition animation of the contents.
Returns the items.
Output to enable support for two-way binding on [(selectedIndex)]
Emitted when the selected index is about to change.
Emitted when the selected item is changed.
Gets/Sets the index of the selected item. Default value is 0 if contents are defined otherwise defaults to -1.
Gets the selected item.
Gets/Sets the tab alignment. Defaults to start
Tabs component is used to organize or switch between similar data sets.
Igx Module
Igx Theme
Igx Keywords
Igx Group
The Ignite UI for Angular Tabs component places tabs at the top and allows for scrolling when there are multiple tab items on the screen.