Optional A list or an array of cells, that belong to the row
Optional Contains the child rows of the current row, if there are any.
Optional Indicates whether the row is marked for deletion.
Optional Indicates whether the current row is disabled
Optional Indicates whether the current row is expanded. The value is true, if the row is expanded and false, if it is collapsed
Optional Indicates whether the row is currently focused.
Represent the grid instance, the row belongs to
Optional Indicates whether the current row has any child rows
Optional Indicates whether the row is currently being edited.
The index of the row within the grid
Indicates whether the row is grouped.
Optional Contains the parent row of the current row, if it has one. If the parent row exist, it means that the current row is a child row
Optional Indicates whether the current row is pinned.
Optional Indicates whether the current row is selected
Optional Represents the hierarchical record associated with the row (for tree grids). It is of type ITreeGridRecord, which contains the data, children, the hierarchical level, etc.
Interface representing a row in the grid. It is essentially the blueprint to a row object. Contains definitions of properties and methods, relevant to a row