Represents a formula for a cell or group of cells.

Formulas provide a way to show dynamic values in a cell. The value could be based any number of factors, such as the values of other cells and the time of day. Those alternate cells can even exist in different workbook files on the user's machine or on the internet.

See Microsoft Excel help for more information on formulas.

Use one of the Parse or TryParse overloads to create a new formula.


Hierarchy (view full)


  • Parameters

    • a: number
    • b: number
    • c: FormulaType

    Returns Formula

  • Parameters

    Returns Formula

  • Parameters

    Returns Formula

  • Parameters

    • a: number
    • b: Formula
    • Optional c: boolean

    Returns Formula

  • Parameters

    • a: number
    • Rest ..._rest: any[]

    Returns Formula


$type: Type
$t: Type
nextHashCode: number


  • Applies the formula to all specified regions of cells.

    This method, or one of the other ApplyTo overrides must be used to set the value of a cell to a formula.

    After this method returns, the [[WorksheetCell.formula]] of all cells in all specified regions will return the formula.


    [[ArgumentNullException]] 'regions' is null.


    [[ArgumentException]] 'regions' has a length of 0.


    [[ArgumentException]] Not all regions specified are from the same worksheet.


    [[InvalidOperationException]] One or more regions specified contain array formulas or data tables which extend outside the region.


    • [[applyTo]]
    • [[applyTo]]
    • [[WorksheetCell.applyFormula]]
    • [[WorksheetRegion.applyFormula]]


    Returns void

  • Applies the formula to the specified cell.

    This method, or one of the other ApplyTo overrides must be used to set the value of a cell to a formula.

    After this method returns, the [[WorksheetCell.formula]] of the specified cell will return the formula.


    [[ArgumentNullException]] 'cell' is null.


    [[InvalidOperationException]] 'cell' is part of an array formula or data table which is not confined to just the cell.


    • [[WorksheetCell.value]]
    • [[applyTo]]
    • [[applyTo]]
    • [[WorksheetCell.applyFormula]]
    • [[WorksheetRegion.applyFormula]]
    • [[WorksheetRegion.applyArrayFormula]]


    Returns void

  • Applies the formula to the specified region of cells.

    This method, or one of the other ApplyTo overrides must be used to set the value of a cell to a formula.

    After this method returns, the [[WorksheetCell.formula]] of all cells in the specified region will return the formula.


    [[ArgumentNullException]] 'region' is null.


    [[InvalidOperationException]] 'region' contains an array formula or data table which extends outside the region.


    • [[applyTo]]
    • [[applyTo]]
    • [[WorksheetCell.applyFormula]]
    • [[WorksheetRegion.applyFormula]]
    • [[WorksheetRegion.applyArrayFormula]]


    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • other: any

    Returns boolean

  • Returns number

  • Returns Base

  • Converts the formula to a string representation, similar to the string with which it was created. This uses the [[CellReferenceMode]] with which the formula was created to create cell reference strings.

    Returns string

  • Converts the formula to a string representation, similar to the string with which it was created.


    • cellReferenceMode: CellReferenceMode

      The cell reference mode used to create cell reference strings.

    Returns string

  • Converts the formula to a string representation, similar to the string with which it was created.


    • cellReferenceMode: CellReferenceMode

      The cell reference mode used to create cell reference strings.

    • culture: string | CultureInfo

      The culture used to generate the formula string.

    Returns string

  • Determines whether two [[Formula]] instances are equal using the specified cell reference mode. This essentially performs a case-insensitive string comparison, ignoring the white space in the formula.


    • formulaA: Formula

      The first Formula to compare.

    • formulaB: Formula

      The second Formula to compare.

    • cellReferenceMode: CellReferenceMode

      The cell reference mode to use when comparing the two formulas.

    Returns boolean

  • Parameters

    • item1: any
    • item2: any

    Returns number

  • Parameters

    • item1: any
    • item2: any

    Returns number

  • Parameters

    • item1: any
    • item2: any

    Returns boolean

  • Parameters

    • a: any
    • b: any

    Returns boolean

  • Parameters

    • obj: any

    Returns any[]

  • Parameters

    • obj: any

    Returns any[]

  • Parameters

    • obj: any

    Returns number

  • Parses the specified formula value and returns the formula which was created from it.


    [[ArgumentNullException]] 'value' is null or empty.


    [[InvalidEnumArgumentException]] 'cellReferenceMode' is not defined in the [[CellReferenceMode]] enumeration.


    [[FormulaParseException]] 'value' is not a valid formula.


    • value: string

      The string which defines the formula to parse.

    • cellReferenceMode: CellReferenceMode

      The mode used to interpret cell references in the formula.

    Returns Formula

  • Parses the specified formula value and returns the formula which was created from it.


    [[ArgumentNullException]] 'value' is null or empty.


    [[InvalidEnumArgumentException]] 'cellReferenceMode' is not defined in the [[CellReferenceMode]] enumeration.


    [[InvalidEnumArgumentException]] 'fileFormat' is not defined in the [[WorkbookFormat]] enumeration.


    [[FormulaParseException]] 'value' is not a valid formula.


    • value: string

      The string which defines the formula to parse.

    • cellReferenceMode: CellReferenceMode

      The mode used to interpret cell references in the formula.

    • fileFormat: WorkbookFormat

      The file format to use when parsing the formula. This will be used to determine certain limits which are format dependant.

    Returns Formula

  • Parses the specified formula value and returns the formula which was created from it.


    [[ArgumentNullException]] 'value' is null or empty.


    [[InvalidEnumArgumentException]] 'cellReferenceMode' is not defined in the [[CellReferenceMode]] enumeration.


    [[InvalidEnumArgumentException]] 'fileFormat' is not defined in the [[WorkbookFormat]] enumeration.


    [[FormulaParseException]] 'value' is not a valid formula.


    • value: string

      The string which defines the formula to parse.

    • cellReferenceMode: CellReferenceMode

      The mode used to interpret cell references in the formula.

    • fileFormat: WorkbookFormat

      The file format to use when parsing the formula. This will be used to determine certain limits which are format dependant.

    • culture: string | CultureInfo

      The culture used to parse the formula.

    Returns Formula

  • Parses the specified formula value and returns the formula which was created from it.


    [[ArgumentNullException]] 'value' is null or empty.


    [[InvalidEnumArgumentException]] 'cellReferenceMode' is not defined in the [[CellReferenceMode]] enumeration.


    [[FormulaParseException]] 'value' is not a valid formula.


    • value: string

      The string which defines the formula to parse.

    • cellReferenceMode: CellReferenceMode

      The mode used to interpret cell references in the formula.

    • culture: string | CultureInfo

      The culture used to parse the formula.

    Returns Formula

  • Parameters

    • a: any
    • b: any

    Returns boolean

  • Returns void