COMMENT_node is a Comment node.
DOCUMENT_node is a DocumentFragment node.
DOCUMENT_node is a document.
DOCUMENT_Set when other is a descendant of node.
DOCUMENT_Set when other is an ancestor of node.
DOCUMENT_Set when node and other are not in the same tree.
DOCUMENT_Set when other is following node.
DOCUMENT_Set when other is preceding node.
DOCUMENT_node is a doctype.
ELEMENT_node is an element.
PROCESSING_node is a ProcessingInstruction node.
TEXT_node is a Text node.
baseURIReturns node's node document's document base URL.
childReturns the children.
childrenReturns the child elements.
classAllows for manipulation of element's class content attribute as a set of whitespace-separated tokens through a DOMTokenList object.
Returns the value of element's class content attribute. Can be set to change it.
clientThe columns actually present in the grid. Do not directly modify this array. This array's contents can be modified by causing WC to reproject the child content. Or adding and removing columns from the columns property.
firstReturns the first child.
firstReturns the first child that is an element, and null otherwise.
Returns the value of element's id content attribute. Can be set to change it.
isReturns true if node is connected and false otherwise.
lastReturns the last child.
lastReturns the last child that is an element, and null otherwise.
localReturns the local name.
namespaceURIReturns the namespace.
nextReturns the first following sibling that is an element, and null otherwise.
nextReturns the next sibling.
nodeReturns a string appropriate for the type of node.
nodeReturns the type of node.
offsetFires when the user aborts the download.
The event.
Fires when the object loses the input focus.
The focus event.
Occurs when playback is possible, but would require further buffering.
The event.
Fires when the contents of the object or selection have changed.
The event.
Fires when the user clicks the left mouse button on the object
The mouse event.
Fires when the user clicks the right mouse button in the client area, opening the context menu.
The mouse event.
Fires when the user double-clicks the object.
The mouse event.
Fires on the source object continuously during a drag operation.
The event.
Fires on the source object when the user releases the mouse at the close of a drag operation.
The event.
Fires on the target element when the user drags the object to a valid drop target.
The drag event.
Fires on the target object when the user moves the mouse out of a valid drop target during a drag operation.
The drag event.
Fires on the target element continuously while the user drags the object over a valid drop target.
The event.
Fires on the source object when the user starts to drag a text selection or selected object.
The event.
Occurs when the duration attribute is updated.
The event.
Occurs when the media element is reset to its initial state.
The event.
Occurs when the end of playback is reached.
The event
Fires when an error occurs during object loading.
The event.
Fires when the object receives focus.
The event.
Fires when the user presses a key.
The keyboard event
Fires when the user presses an alphanumeric key.
The event.
Fires when the user releases a key.
The keyboard event
Fires immediately after the browser loads the object.
The event.
Occurs when media data is loaded at the current playback position.
The event.
Occurs when the duration and dimensions of the media have been determined.
The event.
Occurs when Internet Explorer begins looking for media data.
The event.
Fires when the user clicks the object with either mouse button.
The mouse event.
Fires when the user moves the mouse over the object.
The mouse event.
Fires when the user moves the mouse pointer outside the boundaries of the object.
The mouse event.
Fires when the user moves the mouse pointer into the object.
The mouse event.
Fires when the user releases a mouse button while the mouse is over the object.
The mouse event.
Occurs when playback is paused.
The event.
Occurs when the play method is requested.
The event.
Occurs when the audio or video has started playing.
The event.
Occurs to indicate progress while downloading media data.
The event.
Occurs when the playback rate is increased or decreased.
The event.
Fires when the user resets a form.
The event.
Fires when the user repositions the scroll box in the scroll bar on the object.
The event.
Occurs when the seek operation ends.
The event.
Occurs when the current playback position is moved.
The event.
Fires when the current selection changes.
The event.
Occurs when the download has stopped.
The event.
Occurs if the load operation has been intentionally halted.
The event.
Occurs to indicate the current playback position.
The event.
ontouchstartOccurs when the volume is changed, or playback is muted or unmuted.
The event.
Occurs when playback stops because the next frame of a video resource is not available.
The event.
This is a legacy alias of onanimationend
This is a legacy alias of onanimationiteration
This is a legacy alias of onanimationstart
This is a legacy alias of ontransitionend
parentReturns the parent element.
parentReturns the parent.
prefixReturns the namespace prefix.
previousReturns the first preceding sibling that is an element, and null otherwise.
previousReturns the previous sibling.
shadowReturns element's shadow root, if any, and if shadow root's mode is "open", and null otherwise.
Returns the value of element's slot content attribute. Can be set to change it.
tagReturns the HTML-uppercased qualified name.
htmlSets or gets the grid selection mode.
Gets or sets the position of the active cell.
Called when the active cell changes.
Gets the actual border width.
Gets the height used for the header row.
Gets either the inferred primary key from the data source, or the user provided primary key, if present. Represents the actual primary key that the grid will use in operations that require it.
Gets the actual height for the rows in the grid.
Gets the region of the grid that is visible.
Sets or gets the default animation settings for the grid.
Gets or sets whether to automatically accept edits or require explicit acceptance or rejections of edits when handling the CellValueChanging or DataCommitting events. When True, nothing is required on the part of the developer in order for edits to be accepted. In order to validate and reject a user cell edit you must explicitly handle the CellValueChanging event and call the RejectEdit method using the edit ID provided by the event. In order to reject a whole commit you need to handle the DataComitting event and explicitly call the RejectCommit method using the commit ID provided by the event. When False, cell edits are not immediately accepted until you explicitly call the AcceptEdit method using the edit ID provided by the CellValueChanging event. If you do not handle this event then edits will be auto accepted.
Configures whether or not the grid will autogenerate columns when the data source is set.
Gets or sets the desired properties the grid will automatically generate columns for.
Gets or sets the border color around the grid.
Gets whether a commit can be performed. False if there are any errors present on any pending transactions.
Gets whether a redo can be performed.
Gets whether an undo can be performed.
Gets or sets the default background color to use for content cells
Called when a cell is clicked.
Sets or gets the cell data loaded animation mode to use.
Called when a cell has finished editing.
Called when a cell has started editing.
Indicates a pointer is down on a cell.
Indicates a pointer is up on a cell.
Previews that a pointer is down on a cell.
Previews that a pointer is up on a cell.
Gets or sets the default background color to use for content cells when a row is in a selected state
Sets or gets the cell selection animation mode to use.
Gets or sets the default text color to use for content cells
Gets or sets the font to use for content cells
Called when a cell has been edited.
Gets or sets whether selection is cleared when pressing the Escape key.
Sets or gets the Column Adding Animation mode to use.
Sets or gets the column exchanging animation mode to use.
Called when a column is hidden or unhidden.
Sets or gets the column hiding animation mode to use.
Sets or gets the column moving animation mode to use.
Gets or sets the type column moving to use.
Gets or sets the column resizing seperator settings.
Gets or sets the default background color to use for column moving separator.
Gets or sets the opacity of the column moving separator.
Sets or gets the width to use for the column resizing separator.
Gets or sets the column options icon alignment in header cells.
Gets or sets how the column options icon will behave inside header cells.
Gets or sets the column options icon color in header cells.
Called when a column is pinned or unpinned.
Sets or gets the Column Property Updating Animation mode to use.
Sets or gets the column resizing animation mode to use. Only applies when resizing in Deferred mode.
Gets or sets the type of column resizing to use.
Gets or sets the column resizing seperator settings.
Gets or sets the default background color to use for column resizing separator.
Gets or sets the opacity of the column Resizing separator.
Sets or gets the width to use for the column resizing separator.
Sets or gets the column showing animation mode to use.
Called when a column's Width property has changed.
A collection or manually added columns for the grid.
Called when the columns are autogenerated.
Called when edits have been committed to the datasource.
Called when edits are about to be committed to the datasource.
Gets or sets the desired properties for the data source to load. If specified the data source may decide to constrain the properties it fetches to these properties and must make sure that at least those properties are loaded, rather than the default behavior for that data source.
Gets or sets the default minimum width to use on all columns. Ignored if NaN.
Gets or sets the default column width to use if a column as no local width.
Gets or sets whether to defer the SelectedItemsChanged and SelectedKeysChanged events till after the drag selection has completed.
Gets or sets the text color for unsaved deleted rows.
Gets or sets the display density to use for the grid.
Gets or sets the type of edit mode
Gets or sets the type of click action required to enter edit mode.
Gets or sets whether edit mode will begin as soon as you start typing while a cell is active.
Gets or sets the default opacity for unsaved cell edits.
Gets or sets the border color for rows being edited.
Gets or sets the font to use for cells that have been edited.
Gets or sets the behavior of the Enter key.
Gets or sets the behavior of the enter key when exiting edit mode.
Gets or sets whether UI filters are case sensitive or not.
Gets the current filter that is applied to the grid. Collection can be updated to modify the filter for the grid. Once filter expresisons are in this collection, the grid will no longer listen for changes on their properties.
Gets or sets how filters set through the filter UI are combined.
Gets or sets which filter UI type to use.
Gets the current grouping that is applied to the grid. Collection can be updated to modify the grouping for the grid. Once grouping descriptions are in this collection, the grid will no longer listen for changes on their properties.
Called when grouping has changed.
Gets or sets how group headers are displayed when there are multiple groups defined in the grid.
Gets or sets the display mode summaries will use inside groups.
Gets or sets the default background color to use for header cells
Returns/sets the action to take when a column header is clicked.
Gets or sets the height to use for the header row.
Gets or sets the header row seperator settings.
Gets or sets the header seperator settings.
Gets or sets the default background color to use for header separators.
Gets or sets the width of the header separators.
Gets or sets the default text color to use for content cells
Gets or sets the default render style for sort indicators in header cells.
Gets or sets the default text color to use for header cells
Gets or sets the font to use for header cells
Gets the current sort that is applied to the grid. Collection can be updated to modify the sort for the grid. Once sort descriptions are in this collection, the grid will no longer listen for changes on their properties.
Gets the current sort that is applied to the grid. Collection can be updated to modify the sort for the grid. Once sort descriptions are in this collection, the grid will no longer listen for changes on their properties.
Gets the current summaries that are applied to the grid.
Gets or sets the amount of bottom inset space to use around the grid content.
Gets or sets the amount of left inset space to use around the grid content.
Gets or sets the amount of right inset space to use around the grid content.
Gets or sets the amount of top inset space to use around the grid content.
Gets or sets whether the active cell style will be applied to cells when made active.
Gets or sets whether to show the column options UI in the headers for columns.
Gets or sets whether to show the grouping option in the column options menu.
Gets or sets whether to show the summaries option in the column options menu.
Gets or sets if the Column Grouping Area should be shown and enabled
Gets or sets whether group headers are collapsable.
Gets or sets whether groups are expanded or collapsed by default.
Gets or sets if group rows will stick to the top of the grid.
Gets or sets if header separators are rendered.
Gets or sets whether to show the pager or not.
Configures whether or not place holders are used for cells who do not have their data yet.
Gets or sets whether the row will highlight when hovered.
Gets or sets whether to show the column chooser button in the toolbar.
Gets or sets whether to show the column pinning button in the toolbar.
Gets or sets whether to show the toolbar.
Gets or sets the default color to use for the last sticky row
Gets or sets how cells are evaluated for merging.
Gets or sets if and how cell merging is performed for all fields.
Gets or sets the vertical alignment to use for the merged cell content.
Gets or sets the ability to select rows or cells via mouse dragging. Currently only applies when SelectionMode is MultipleRow or RangeCell.
Gets or sets if the grid should notify on programmatic selection changes as well as changes from the UI.
Gets or sets the size of each page when the pager is visible.
Gets or sets the pinned area separator settings.
Gets or sets the width of the pinned area separators.
Gets which items are currently pinned in the grid. Collection can be updated to programatically pin items.
Gets which primary keys are currently pinned in the grid. Collection can be updated to programatically pin items.
Gets or sets the default color to use for pinned rows
Gets or sets the default opacity to use for pinned rows
Sets or gets the user provided primary key to assume for the data. Certain functionality of the grid requires a way to uniquely identify items in order to work correctly. If a primary key cannot be inferred from the data source, you may need to provide one here.
Sets or gets whether the grid will react to filter changes.
Sets or gets whether the grid will react to group changes.
Sets or gets whether the grid will react to sort changes.
A set of states that can be applied to the columns of the grid based on available space.
Called when a row has finished editing.
Called when a row has started editing.
Gets or sets the height to use for the rows in the grid. If not set the grid will use the default value for the set display density.
Sets or gets the row hover animation mode to use.
Gets or sets the background color for rows when hovered.
Gets or sets the text color for rows when hovered.
Sets or gets the row selection animation mode to use.
Gets or sets the row seperator settings.
Gets or sets the default background color to use for row separators
Sets or gets the height to use for the row separators.
Gets or sets the default last sticky row background color to use for row separators
Gets or sets the pinned row background color to use for row separators
Gets or sets the default sticky row background color to use for row separators
Gets or sets the scrollbar background color.
Gets or sets the style of scrollbar.
Gets or sets the header type used for sectioning off groups of rows.
Gets or sets the default background color to use for section header cells
Gets or sets the default background color to use for section header cells when a row is in a selected state
Gets or sets the default text color to use for section header cells
Gets or sets the font to use for section header cells
Gets which cell ranges are currently selected in the grid. Collection can be updated to programatically select cells.
Called when the selected cell ranges changed.
Gets which cells are currently selected in the grid. Collection can be updated to programatically select cells.
Called when the selected cells change.
Gets which items are currently selected in the grid. Collection can be updated to programatically select items.
Called when the selected items change.
Gets which primary key values are currently selected in the grid. Collection can be updated to programatically select items.
Called when the selected keys change.
Sets or gets how selection behaves in the grid.
Called when an individual selection operation has been made.
Sets or gets the grid selection mode.
Gets or sets if the section header content should be shifted into the normal column scrollable area when there are pinned columns
Called when the grids size has changed.
Gets the current sort that is applied to the grid. Collection can be updated to modify the sort for the grid. Once sort descriptions are in this collection, the grid will no longer listen for changes on their properties.
Called when sorting has changed.
Gets or sets the default color to use for sticky rows
Gets the current summaries that are applied to the grid.
Called when summaries have changed.
Gets or sets the default background color to use for summary cells at the root level.
Gets or sets the default text color to use for summary labels in summary cells at the root level.
Gets or sets the font to use for summary labels at the root level.
Gets or sets the default background color to use for summary cells at the root level.
Gets or sets the default text color to use for summary cells at the root level.
Gets or sets the font to use for summary values at the root level.
Gets or sets the cell definition used for summary rows at the root level.
Gets or sets the cell definition used for summary rows at the section level.
Gets or sets the scope which summaries are calculated for.
Gets or sets the default background color to use for summary cells at the section level.
Gets or sets the default text color to use for summary labels in summary cells at the section level.
Gets or sets the font to use for summary labels at the section level.
Gets or sets the default background color to use for summary cells at the section level.
Gets or sets the default text color to use for summary cells at the section level.
Gets or sets the font to use for summary values at the section level.
Gets or sets the column chooser button text to use in the toolbar.
Gets or sets the column chooser title text to use in the toolbar.
Gets or sets the column pinning button text to use in the toolbar.
Gets or sets the column pinning title text to use in the toolbar.
Gets or sets the title text to use in the toolbar.
node is a CDATASection node.