Class IgcStepComponent

The step component is used within the igc-stepper element and it holds the content of each step. It also supports custom indicators, title and subtitle.


  • Renders the content of the step.

indicator - Renders the indicator of the step. By default, it displays the step index + 1.

title - Renders the title of the step.

subtitle - Renders the subtitle of the step.

header-container - Wrapper of the step's header and its separators.

disabled - Indicates a disabled state. Applies to header-container.

complete-start - Indicates a complete state of the current step. Applies to header-container.

complete-end - Indicates a complete state of the previous step. Applies to header-container.

optional - Indicates an optional state. Applies to header-container.

invalid - Indicates an invalid state. Applies to header-container.

top - Indicates that the title should be above the indicator. Applies to header-container.

bottom - Indicates that the title should be below the indicator. Applies to header-container.

start - Indicates that the title should be before the indicator. Applies to header-container.

end - Indicates that the title should be after the indicator. Applies to header-container.

header - Wrapper of the step's indicator and text.

indicator - The indicator of the step.

text - Wrapper of the step's title and subtitle.

empty - Indicates that no title and subtitle has been provided to the step. Applies to text.

title - The title of the step.

subtitle - The subtitle of the step.

body - Wrapper of the step's content.

content - The steps content.



  • LitElement
    • IgcStepComponent


active: boolean = false

Gets/sets whether the step is activе.

complete: boolean = false

Gets/sets whether the step is completed.

When set to true the following separator is styled solid.

disabled: boolean = false

Gets/sets whether the step is interactable.

invalid: boolean = false

Gets/sets whether the step is invalid.

optional: boolean = false

Gets/sets whether the step is optional.

Optional steps validity does not affect the default behavior when the stepper is in linear mode i.e. if optional step is invalid the user could still move to the next step.


styles: CSSResult[] = ...

Array of styles to apply to the element. The styles should be defined using the css tag function, via constructible stylesheets, or imported from native CSS module scripts.

Note on Content Security Policy:

Element styles are implemented with <style> tags when the browser doesn't support adopted StyleSheets. To use such <style> tags with the style-src CSP directive, the style-src value must either include 'unsafe-inline' or nonce-<base64-value> with <base64-value> replaced be a server-generated nonce.

To provide a nonce to use on generated <style> elements, set window.litNonce to a server-generated nonce in your page's HTML, before loading application code:

// Generated and unique per request:
window.litNonce = 'a1b2c3d4';