Class IgcTabsComponent

Represents tabs component


igcChange - Emitted when the selected tab changes.

  • Renders the tab header.

panel - Renders the tab content.

headers - The wrapper of the tabs including the headers content and the scroll buttons.

headers-content - The container for the tab headers.

headers-wrapper - The wrapper for the tab headers and the selected indicator.

headers-scroll - The container for the headers.

selected-indicator - The selected indicator.

start-scroll-button - The start scroll button displayed when the tabs overflow.

end-scroll-button - The end scroll button displayed when the tabs overflow.

content - The container for the tabs content.



  • EventEmitterInterface<IgcTabsComponentEventMap, this> & LitElement<this>
    • IgcTabsComponent


activation: "auto" | "manual" = 'auto'

Determines the tab activation. When set to auto, the tab is instantly selected while navigating with the Left/Right Arrows, Home or End keys and the corresponding panel is displayed. When set to manual, the tab is only focused. The selection happens after pressing Space or Enter.

    | "center"
    | "start"
    | "end"
    | "justify" = 'start'

Sets the alignment for the tab headers

tagName: "igc-tabs" = 'igc-tabs'

Returns the HTML-uppercased qualified name.

MDN Reference

  • Selects the specified tab and displays the corresponding panel.


    • name: string

    Returns void


  • Invoked when the component is removed from the document's DOM.

    This callback is the main signal to the element that it may no longer be used. disconnectedCallback() should ensure that nothing is holding a reference to the element (such as event listeners added to nodes external to the element), so that it is free to be garbage collected.

    disconnectedCallback() {
    window.removeEventListener('keydown', this._handleKeydown);

    An element may be re-connected after being disconnected.

    Returns void