Mastering the React Data Grid - Databinding, Theming & Templating

Jason Beres
Speaker: Jason Beres Sr. VP of Developer Tools

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In our latest release we delivered our brand-new React Data grid, with 40+ features to maximize your app performance and achieve data-rich experiences! Our next accelerator will cover everything included in this feature-packed grid component that will allow users to display data in a tabular format quickly and easily with little coding or configuration. This powerful new grid is optimized for live streaming data, with the ability to handle unlimited data set size in a number of rows or columns.

Join us and you’ll learn about:

  • Finding features and code samples for all the grid features
  • How features like data filtering, editing, selection, filtering, sorting, grouping, pinning, paging, templating, column moving, exporting, and more can be enabled in the grid
  • Built-in theming options to easily customize and match your brand identity

Don't miss out on this exciting accelerator and keep pace with the latest Ignite UI for React features. By the end of this webinar, you will have the knowledge to improve performance, and provide stability with the best React UI toolkit.