
Infragistics.Win.UltraWinExplorerBar Namespace

ClassBetweenTextAndImageUIElement BetweenTextAndImageUIElement
ClassCancelableContextMenuInitializingEventArgs Event parameters used for the UltraExplorerBar.ContextMenuInitializing event.
ClassCancelableGroupEventArgs Event parameters used for cancelable events that are related to a specific UltraExplorerBarGroup.
ClassCancelableGroupExitingEditModeEventArgs Event parameters used for the UltraExplorerBar.GroupExitingEditMode event.
ClassCancelableItemEventArgs Event parameters used for cancelable events that are related to a specific UltraExplorerBarItem.
ClassCancelableItemExitingEditModeEventArgs Event parameters used for the UltraExplorerBar.ItemExitingEditMode event.
ClassCancelableNavigationContextMenuInitializingEventArgs Event parameters used for the UltraExplorerBar.NavigationContextMenuInitializing event.
ClassCancelableNavigationOptionsDialogDisplayingEventArgs Event parameters used for the UltraExplorerBar.NavigationOptionsDialogDisplaying event.
ClassDesignerDialog The UltraExplorerBar Designer dialog.
ClassExpansionButtonUIElement UI element used as an expand/collapse button in group headers when.
ClassFlyoutResizeHandleUIElement Element which handles resizing of the navigation pane flyout.
ClassGroupAreaUIElement GroupAreaUIElement.
ClassGroupDragOverEventArgs Event parameters used for the UltraExplorerBar.GroupDragOver event.
ClassGroupDropHighlightUIElement GroupDropHighlightUIElement
ClassGroupDroppedEventArgs Event parameters used for the UltraExplorerBar.GroupDropped event.
ClassGroupEventArgs Event parameters used for events that are related to a specific UltraExplorerBarGroup.
ClassGroupExpansionIndicatorUIElement This class encapsulates the visual element which is used to indicate if an UltraExplorerBarGroup is expanded or collapsed. The UltraExplorerBar only uses these indicators when it's Style property is set to VisualStudio2005Toolbox.
ClassGroupsItemsTypeEditor Used to display the UltraExplorerBar Designer dialog for the UltraExplorerBar.Groups and UltraExplorerBarGroup.items properties.
ClassGroupUIElement GroupUIElement.
ClassItemAreaInnerUIElement ItemAreaInnerUIElement.
ClassItemAreaMiddleUIElement ItemAreaMiddleUIElement.
ClassItemAreaOuterUIElement ItemAreaOuterUIElement
ClassItemConstituentUIElementBase Class from which UIElements that represent the constituent parts of the UltraExplorerBarItem in the user interface.
ClassItemDragOverEventArgs Event parameters used for the UltraExplorerBar.ItemDragOver event.
ClassItemDropHighlightUIElement ItemDropHighlightUIElement
ClassItemDroppedEventArgs Event parameters used for the UltraExplorerBar.ItemDropped event.
ClassItemEventArgs Event parameters used for events that are related to a specific UltraExplorerBarItem.
ClassItemImageAreaUIElement ItemImageAreaUIElement
ClassItemTextAreaUIElement ItemTextUIElement
ClassItemUIElement ItemUIElement.
ClassListbarScrollButtonUIElement Summary description for ListbarScrollButtonUIElement.
ClassNavigationAreaUIElement NavigationAreaUIElement.
ClassNavigationGroupHeaderAreaUIElement NavigationGroupHeaderAreaUIElement.
ClassNavigationOverflowButtonAreaUIElement NavigationOverflowButtonAreaUIElement.
ClassNavigationOverflowButtonImageUIElement NavigationOverflowButtonImageUIElement.
ClassNavigationOverflowButtonUIElement NavigationOverflowButtonUIElement.
ClassNavigationOverflowQuickCustomizeButtonUIElement NavigationOverflowQuickCustomizeButtonUIElement.
ClassNavigationPaneCollapsedGroupAreaUIElement UIElement which represents the UltraExplorerBar.SelectedGroup when the navigation pane is collapsed.
ClassNavigationPaneCollapsingEventArgs Event parameters used for the UltraExplorerBar.NavigationPaneCollapsing event.
ClassNavigationPaneExpandedStateChangingEventArgsBase Base class for the NavigationPaneCollapsingEventArgs and NavigationPaneExpandingEventArgs classes.
ClassNavigationPaneExpandingEventArgs Event parameters used for the UltraExplorerBar.NavigationPaneExpanding event.
ClassNavigationPaneExpansionButtonUIElement UIElement for the button which, when clicked, horizontally expands/collapses the UltraExplorerBar.
ClassNavigationPaneFlyoutClosedEventArgs Event parameters used for the UltraExplorerBar.NavigationPaneFlyoutClosed event.
ClassNavigationPaneFlyoutContainerControl Control used to display the UltraExplorerBar.SelectedGroup when the navigation pane flyout is visible.
ClassNavigationPaneFlyoutContainerControlUIElement Represents the NavigationPaneFlyoutContainerControl in the user interface.
ClassNavigationPaneFlyoutDisplayingEventArgs Event parameters used for the UltraExplorerBar.NavigationPaneFlyoutDisplaying event.
ClassNavigationPaneOptionsDialog Summary description for NavigationPaneOptionsDialog.
ClassNavigationSplitterBarUIElement NavigationSplitterBarUIElement.
ClassOpenInNewWindowEventArgs Event parameters used for the UltraExplorerBar.OpenInNewWindow event.
ClassResources Exposes a Infragistics.Shared.ResourceCustomizer instance for this assembly.
ClassSeparatorUIElement SeparatorUIElement
ClassUltraExplorerBar The Infragistics UltraWinExplorerBar control provides an advanced navigation interface for your application.
ClassUltraExplorerBar.UltraExplorerBarApplicationSettings Helps with the saving and loading of data from the default store

The UltraWinExplorerBar automatically provides several types of items that can be used to populate the control's sliding groups. However, if these item types are insufficient to meet the needs of your application, you can place WinForms control inside of a group to create a custom interface. The UltraExplorerBarContainerControl is used to facilitate this process.

In order to host WinForms controls, an UltraExplorerBarContainerControl is automatically created inside of a group when its UltraExplorerBarGroupSettings.Style property is set to ControlContainer. (Any existing items in the group become inaccessible to the user, as the container control takes up the entire area of the group.) The UltraWinExplorerBarContainerControl provides a canvas onto which you can place WinForms controls.

Because the UltraWinExplorerBarContainerControl is created automatically as needed, you will only need to interact with it directly under limited circumstances.

ClassUltraExplorerBarEmbeddableEditorOwner Provides editor owner information for the Infragistics.Win.UltraWinExplorerBar control.
ClassUltraExplorerBarEventManager Class for managing an UltraExplorerBar's events. It maintains an enabled flag for each event as well as a nested 'in progress' count and it exposes events for firing each event.

The UltraExplorerBarGroup object represents a sliding group in the UltraExplorerBar interface. Each UltraWinExplorerBar contains one or more groups. They are used to organize the interface elements that make up the primary UI of the control.

Each group can contain either UltraExplorerBarItem objects or WinForms controls. The group can be set to one of several Styles, which determine how the items in the group will appear. Note that many of the Group's settings are not set directly on the UltraExplorerBarGroup object itself, but on the associated UltraExplorerBarGroupSettings object, which encapsulates the appearance and behavior settings that can be applied to the group.

ClassUltraExplorerBarGroup.ExplorerBarGroupAccessibleObject The Accessible object for a group.
ClassUltraExplorerBarGroup.NavigationOverFlowButtonAccessibleObject The Accessible object for an Overflow Button of a group.
ClassUltraExplorerBarGroup.NavigationPaneHeaderAccessibleObject The Accessible object for a group.
ClassUltraExplorerBarGroup.UltraExplorerBarGroupTypeConverter TypeConverter for an UltraExplorerBarGroup.

The UltraExplorerBarGroupAppearances object encapsulates the appearance settings for a particular UltraExplorerBarGroup object. Each group can have separate appearances for when it is displaying large or small icons for its items. The UltraExplorerBarGroupAppearances object is typically returned by the UltraExplorerBarGroupSettings.AppearancesLarge and UltraExplorerBarGroupSettings.AppearancesSmall properties.

Note that since all group-related appearance properties are encapsulated by the UltraExplorerBarGroupSettings object, these properties are found on that object rather than on the UltraWinExplorerBarGroup object itself.

ClassUltraExplorerBarGroupHeaderUIElement UltraExplorerBarGroupHeaderUIElement.
ClassUltraExplorerBarGroupsCollection The UltraWinExplorerBarGroups collection contains all of the UltraExplorerBarGroup objects that have been defined for the control. You can use this collection to programmatically access any Group in the control, or to enumerate through the groups.
ClassUltraExplorerBarGroupsCollection.UltraExplorerBarGroupEnumerator Enumerator for the ListToolItemsCollection

The UltraExplorerBarGroupSettings object is used to encapsulate all of the appearance and behavior settings that are applied to an UltraExplorerBarGroup object. The settings of this object are capable of being persisted by using the UltraExplorerBar.SaveAsBinary or UltraExplorerBar.SaveAsXml methods.

The settings of this object include AppearancesLarge and AppearancesSmall which determine the formatting of the group items in small and large icon modes, HeaderButtonStyle and HeaderVisible, which control the look of the group header, and Style which determines the overall look of the items that make up the group.


The GroupSettingsResolved object contains the same properties as the UltraExplorerBar.GroupSettings object. You can use this object to determine what values are in effect for any given setting of the GroupSettings object. Some properties of the GroupSettings object may be set to their "use default" value, which indicates that the setting in effect for the Group is being inherited rather than explicitly set at the Group level. For these properties, you cannot determine which setting is actually being applied to the Group. However, the properties of the GroupSettingsResolved object will always return a meaningful value that you can examine to determine how the Group will appear or behave.

If you need to examine property settings at the Group level and take action based on the setting in effect for the Group, access the properties via the GroupSettingsResolved object to make sure you will always have a valid value for comparison purposes.


The UltraExplorerBarItem object represents an Item within an UltraWinExplorerBar Group. Items are interface elements similar to menu items that invoke an action in the program when clicked. An Item consists of an icon and a text string that describes the function of the item. Items an be set to take on one of several pre-defined appearances, such as state (toggle) button or separator, in addition to the standard icon plus label appearance.

Many of the details of an Item's appearance are determined by the settings of the Group that contains the item. (Usually, these settings are derived from the UltraExplorerBar.GroupSettings object.) For example, Group-level settings will specify whether the item displays a large or a small icon, the relative position of the text and the icon, and so on. Also note that Items are not controls. While you can place WinForms controls in an UltraWinExplorerBar Group, doing so will hide any Items that exist in the Group. Items and WinForms controls are mutually exclusive within a single Group.

ClassUltraExplorerBarItem.ExplorerBarItemAccessibleObject The Accessible object for a item.
ClassUltraExplorerBarItem.UltraExplorerBarItemTypeConverter TypeConverter for an UltraExplorerBarItem.

The UltraExplorerBarItemAppearances object encapsulates the appearance settings for a particular UltraExplorerBarItem object. Each item can have separate appearances for when it is being displayed with a large or small icon. The UltraExplorerBarItemAppearances object is typically returned by the UltraExplorerBarItemSettings.AppearancesLarge and UltraExplorerBarItemSettings.AppearancesSmall properties.

Note that since all item-related appearance properties are encapsulated by the UltraExplorerBarItemSettings object, these properties are found on that object rather than on the UltraWinExplorerBarItem object itself.

Appearance settings applied at the Item level will override the same settings applied at the Group level. Any Item that does not have a specific Appearance property set explicitly will inherit its setting for that property from the Group.

ClassUltraExplorerBarItemsCollection The UltraWinExplorerBarItems collection contains all of the UltraExplorerBarItem objects that have been defined for an UltraWinExplorerBarGroup. The Items collection is accessed via the UltraExplorerBarGroup.Items property of the Group. You can use this collection to programmatically access any Item in the Group, or to enumerate through the Items.
ClassUltraExplorerBarItemsCollection.UltraExplorerBarItemEnumerator Enumerator for the ListToolItemsCollection

The UltraExplorerBarItemSettings object is used to encapsulate all of the appearance and behavior settings that are applied to an UltraExplorerBarItem object. The settings of this object are capable of being persisted by using the UltraExplorerBar.SaveAsBinary or UltraExplorerBar.SaveAsXml methods.

The settings of this object include AppearancesLarge and AppearancesSmall which determine the formatting of the Item in small and large icon modes, Enabled which determines whether the item can be activated, Indent which specifies the amount of indenting applied to the Item, and Style which determines whether the Item will function as a buttton, state button, label or separator.


The ItemSettingsResolved object contains the same properties as the UltraExplorerBarItemSettings object. You can use this object to determine what values are in effect for any given setting of the ItemSettings object. Some properties of the ItemSettings object may be set to their "use default" value, which indicates that the setting in effect for the Item is being inherited rather than explicitly set at the Item level. For these properties, you cannot determine which setting is actually being applied to the Item. However, the properties of the ItemSettingsResolved object will always return a meaningful value that you can examine to determine how the Item will appear or behave.

If you need to examine property settings at the Item level and take action based on the setting in effect for the Item, access the properties via the ItemSettingsResolved object to make sure you will always have a valid value for comparison purposes.

ClassUltraExplorerBarKeyActionMapping Key/Action mapping object for UltraExplorerBar.
ClassUltraExplorerBarKeyActionMappingsCollection UltraExplorerBarKeyActionMappings.
ClassUltraExplorerBarKeyActionMappingsCollection.UltraExplorerBarKeyActionMappingEnumerator UltraExplorerBarKeyActionMappingEnumerator
ClassUltraExplorerBarRole Role class for the UltraExplorerBar derived controls.
ClassUltraExplorerBarSettingsBase UltraExplorerBarSettingsBase object.
ClassUltraExplorerBarStreamer Provides serialization support for UltraExplorerBar.
ClassUltraExplorerBarUIElement The main UIElement for an UltraExplorerBar.
ClassUltraWinExplorerBarAssemblyStyleInfo Class used by the app styling infrastructure that provides the role and component role defitions used by the assembly.
DelegateActiveGroupChangedEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraExplorerBar.ActiveGroupChanged event.
DelegateActiveGroupChangingEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraExplorerBar.ActiveGroupChanging event.
DelegateActiveItemChangedEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraExplorerBar.ActiveItemChanged event.
DelegateActiveItemChangingEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraExplorerBar.ActiveItemChanging event.
DelegateContextMenuInitializingEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraExplorerBar.ContextMenuInitializing event.
DelegateGroupAddedEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraExplorerBar.GroupAdded event.
DelegateGroupAddingEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraExplorerBar.GroupAdding event.
DelegateGroupClickEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraExplorerBar.GroupClick event.
DelegateGroupCollapsedEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraExplorerBar.GroupCollapsed event.
DelegateGroupCollapsingEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraExplorerBar.GroupCollapsing event.
DelegateGroupDraggingEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraExplorerBar.GroupDragging event.
DelegateGroupDragOverEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraExplorerBar.GroupDragOver event.
DelegateGroupDroppedEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraExplorerBar.GroupDropped event.
DelegateGroupEnteredEditModeEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraExplorerBar.GroupEnteredEditMode event.
DelegateGroupEnteringEditModeEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraExplorerBar.GroupEnteringEditMode event.
DelegateGroupExitedEditModeEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraExplorerBar.GroupExitedEditMode event.
DelegateGroupExitingEditModeEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraExplorerBar.GroupExitingEditMode event.
DelegateGroupExpandedEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraExplorerBar.GroupExpanded event.
DelegateGroupExpandingEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraExplorerBar.GroupExpanding event.
DelegateGroupRemovedEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraExplorerBar.GroupRemoved event.
DelegateGroupRemovingEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraExplorerBar.GroupRemoving event.
DelegateItemAddedEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraExplorerBar.ItemAdded event.
DelegateItemAddingEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraExplorerBar.ItemAdding event.
DelegateItemCheckStateChangedEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraExplorerBar.ItemCheckStateChanged event.
DelegateItemCheckStateChangingEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraExplorerBar.ItemCheckStateChanging event.
DelegateItemClickEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraExplorerBar.ItemClick event.
DelegateItemDoubleClickEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraExplorerBar.ItemDoubleClick event.
DelegateItemDraggingEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraExplorerBar.ItemDragging event.
DelegateItemDragOverEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraExplorerBar.ItemDragOver event.
DelegateItemDroppedEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraExplorerBar.ItemDropped event.
DelegateItemEnteredEditModeEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraExplorerBar.ItemEnteredEditMode event.
DelegateItemEnteringEditModeEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraExplorerBar.ItemEnteringEditMode event.
DelegateItemExitedEditModeEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraExplorerBar.ItemExitedEditMode event.
DelegateItemExitingEditModeEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraExplorerBar.ItemExitingEditMode event.
DelegateItemRemovedEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraExplorerBar.ItemRemoved event.
DelegateItemRemovingEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraExplorerBar.ItemRemoving event.
DelegateNavigationContextMenuInitializingEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraExplorerBar.NavigationContextMenuInitializing event.
DelegateNavigationOptionsDialogDisplayingEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraExplorerBar.NavigationOptionsDialogDisplaying event.
DelegateNavigationPaneCollapsingEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraExplorerBar.NavigationPaneCollapsing event.
DelegateNavigationPaneExpandingEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraExplorerBar.NavigationPaneExpanding event.
DelegateNavigationPaneFlyoutClosedEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraExplorerBar.NavigationPaneFlyoutClosed event.
DelegateNavigationPaneFlyoutDisplayingEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraExplorerBar.NavigationPaneFlyoutDisplaying event.
DelegateOpenInNewWindowEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraExplorerBar.OpenInNewWindow event.
DelegateSelectedGroupChangedEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraExplorerBar.SelectedGroupChanged event.
DelegateSelectedGroupChangingEventHandler Delegate for handling the UltraExplorerBar.SelectedGroupChanging event.
EnumerationAnimationSpeed Enumerator used to determine the speed of animations within the UltraExplorerBar control.
EnumerationAutoScrollStyle Enum used by the UltraExplorerBar.AutoScrollStyle property.
EnumerationClickArea Enumeration used to list the areas of the control that can be right-clicked to bring up a context menu.
EnumerationContextMenuItemType Represents the different types of MenuItems that appear on the control's context menus.
EnumerationGroupDropPosition Enumeration used to list the options that determine where a UltraExplorerBarGroup will be dropped relative to a target UltraExplorerBarGroup.
EnumerationGroupStyle Determines if UltraExplorerBarItems are displayed within the item area of the UltraExplorerBarGroup or if a container control occupies the entire item area. If UltraExplorerBarItems are displayed it determines how they are arranged and whether they include images and/or text.
EnumerationItemDragAction Enumeration used to list the actions that can be taken when an UltraExplorerBarItem is dragged.
EnumerationItemDragStyle Specified whether an UltraExplorerBarItem can be dragged, and if so whether it can be dragged across UltraExplorerBarGroups or just within a UltraExplorerBarGroup.
EnumerationItemHotTrackStyle Determines the look of an UltraExplorerBarItem as the mouse passes over it.
EnumerationItemPosition Specified the position relative to another UltraExplorerBarItem, to which an UltraExplorerBarItem should be moved.
EnumerationItemSortType Enumeration used to determine how UltraExplorerBarItem objects are sorted within their respective UltraExplorerBarGroup.
EnumerationItemStyle Determines the style of an UltraExplorerBarItem.
EnumerationNavigationPaneClickArea Enumeration used to list the areas of the navigation pane that can be right-clicked to bring up a context menu.
EnumerationNavigationPaneExpandedState Constants which represent the expanded state of the Outlook Navigation Pane.
EnumerationNavigationPaneExpansionMode Constants which define the different values for the UltraExplorerBar.NavigationPaneExpansionMode property.
EnumerationPropertyIds Values that uniquely identify each control property.
EnumerationScrollbarStyle Enumerator used to list the options for scrollbar display.
EnumerationSeparatorStyle Determines the style of UltraExplorerBarItems whose Style is 'Separator'.
EnumerationStateButtonCheckStyle Enumerator used to specify the check style for State Button type UltraExplorerBarItems.
EnumerationUltraExplorerBarAction Enumerates the possible actions that can be performed on the UltraExplorerBar
EnumerationUltraExplorerBarEventGroups Identifies groups of UltraExplorerBar events
EnumerationUltraExplorerBarEventIds Value that uniquely identifies each UltraExplorerBar event.
EnumerationUltraExplorerBarStates Bit flags that describe the state of the control.
EnumerationUltraExplorerBarStyle Enumerator used to specify the style of the UltraExplorerBar.
EnumerationUltraExplorerBarViewStyle Enumerator used to specify the view style of the UltraExplorerBar.
See Also