Interface IWorksheetCellFormat

Represents the format for the cell.

Depending on where the format is exposed, it will have a different meaning. For example, a cell's format just applies to itself, but a row or column's format applies to all cells in that row or column. There are also style formats, which can be the parent of other formats, meaning they provide defaults for values not set on the format. And finally, there are differential formats, such as the format for areas in a table, which provide default values for cells which exist in the associated area.




  • IWorksheetCellFormat


_locked$i: Nullable$1<boolean>
_shrinkToFit$i: Nullable$1<boolean>
_wrapText$i: Nullable$1<boolean>
bottomBorderColorInfo: WorkbookColorInfo
bottomBorderStyle: CellBorderLineStyle
diagonalBorderColorInfo: WorkbookColorInfo
diagonalBorderStyle: CellBorderLineStyle
diagonalBorders: DiagonalBorders
fill: CellFill
formatString: string
indent: number
leftBorderColorInfo: WorkbookColorInfo
leftBorderStyle: CellBorderLineStyle
locked: null | boolean
rightBorderColorInfo: WorkbookColorInfo
rightBorderStyle: CellBorderLineStyle
rotation: number
shrinkToFit: null | boolean
topBorderColorInfo: WorkbookColorInfo
topBorderStyle: CellBorderLineStyle
verticalAlignment: VerticalCellAlignment
wrapText: null | boolean
