Class IgxChipsAreaComponent

The chip area allows you to perform more complex scenarios with chips that require interaction, like dragging, selection, navigation, etc.



chip area, chip


<igx-chip *ngFor="let chip of chipList" [id]="">


  • DoCheck
  • AfterViewInit
  • OnDestroy



ariaLabel: string = 'chip area'

Returns the aria-label attribute of the chips area.

let ariaLabel = this.chipsArea.ariaLabel;
cdr: ChangeDetectorRef
chipsList: QueryList<IgxChipComponent>

Holds the IgxChipComponent in the IgxChipsAreaComponent.

let chips = this.chipsArea.chipsList;
element: ElementRef<any>
height: number

Sets the height of the IgxChipsAreaComponent.

<igx-chips-area #chipsArea [width]="300" [height]="10" (onReorder)="chipsOrderChanged($event)"></igx-chips-area>
moveEnd: EventEmitter<IBaseChipsAreaEventArgs> = ...

Emits an event after an IgxChipComponent in the IgxChipsAreaComponent is moved.

<igx-chips-area #chipsArea [width]="'300'" [height]="'10'" (moveEnd)="moveEnd($event)"></igx-chips-area>
moveStart: EventEmitter<IBaseChipsAreaEventArgs> = ...

Emits an event when an IgxChipComponent in the IgxChipsAreaComponent is moved.

<igx-chips-area #chipsArea [width]="'300'" [height]="'10'" (moveStart)="moveStart($event)"></igx-chips-area>
reorder: EventEmitter<IChipsAreaReorderEventArgs> = ...

Emits an event when IgxChipComponents in the IgxChipsAreaComponent should be reordered. Returns an array of IgxChipComponents.

<igx-chips-area #chipsArea [width]="'300'" [height]="'10'" (onReorder)="changedOrder($event)"></igx-chips-area>
role: string = 'listbox'

Returns the role attribute of the chips area.

let chipsAreaRole = this.chipsArea.role;
selectionChange: EventEmitter<IChipsAreaSelectEventArgs> = ...

Emits an event when an IgxChipComponent in the IgxChipsAreaComponent is selected/deselected. Fired after the chips area is initialized if there are initially selected chips as well. Returns an array of selected IgxChipComponents and the IgxChipAreaComponent.

<igx-chips-area #chipsArea [width]="'300'" [height]="'10'" (selectionChange)="selection($event)"></igx-chips-area>
width: number

Sets the width of the IgxChipsAreaComponent.

<igx-chips-area #chipsArea [width]="300" [height]="10" (onReorder)="chipsOrderChanged($event)"></igx-chips-area>