Class IgxColumnActionsComponent

Providing reference to IgxColumnActionsComponent:

 @ViewChild('columnActions', { read: IgxColumnActionsComponent })
public columnActions: IgxColumnActionsComponent


  • DoCheck



columnItems: QueryList<IgxCheckboxComponent>

Gets the checkbox components representing column items currently present in the dropdown

let columnItems =  this.columnActions.columnItems;
columnsAreaMaxHeight: string = '100%'

Gets/sets the max height of the columns area.

The default max height is 100%.

<igx-column-actions [columnsAreaMaxHeight]="200px"></igx-column-actions>
columnToggled: EventEmitter<IColumnToggledEventArgs> = ...

An event that is emitted after a column's checked state is changed. Provides references to the column and the checked properties as event arguments.

 <igx-column-actions (columnToggled)="columnToggled($event)"></igx-column-actions>
cssClass: string = 'igx-column-actions'

Sets/Gets the css class selector. By default the value of the class attribute is "igx-column-actions".

let cssCLass =  this.columnHidingUI.cssClass;
this.columnHidingUI.cssClass = 'column-chooser';
grid: GridType

Gets/Sets the grid to provide column actions for.

let grid = this.columnActions.grid;
hideFilter: boolean = false

Shows/hides the columns filtering input from the UI.

 <igx-column-actions [hideFilter]="true"></igx-column-actions>
indentation: number = 30

Gets/sets the indentation of columns in the column list based on their hierarchy level.

<igx-column-actions [indentation]="15"></igx-column-actions>
title: string = ''

Gets/sets the title of the column actions component.

<igx-column-actions [title]="'Pin Columns'"></igx-column-actions>

