Specifies whether the headers should be exported if there is no data.
let alwaysExportHeaders = this.exportOptions.alwaysExportHeaders;
this.exportOptions.alwaysExportHeaders = false;
Specifies whether the exported data should include column summaries.
let exportSummaries = this.exportOptions.exportSummaries;
this.exportOptions.exportSummaries = true;
Specifies whether the exported data should have frozen headers.
let freezeHeaders = this.exportOptions.freezeHeaders;
this.exportOptions.freezeHeaders = true;
Specifies if the exporter should ignore the current column order in the IgxGrid.
let ignoreColumnsOrder = this.exportOptions.ignoreColumnsOrder;
this.exportOptions.ignoreColumnsOrder = true;
Specifies whether hidden columns should be exported.
let ignoreColumnsVisibility = this.exportOptions.ignoreColumnsVisibility;
this.exportOptions.ignoreColumnsVisibility = true;
Specifies whether filtered out rows should be exported.
let ignoreFiltering = this.exportOptions.ignoreFiltering;
this.exportOptions.ignoreFiltering = true;
Specifies whether the exported data should be grouped as in the provided IgxGrid.
let ignoreGrouping = this.exportOptions.ignoreGrouping;
this.exportOptions.ignoreGrouping = true;
Specifies whether the exported data should include multi column headers as in the provided IgxGrid.
let ignoreMultiColumnHeaders = this.exportOptions.ignoreMultiColumnHeaders;
this.exportOptions.ignoreMultiColumnHeaders = true;
Specifies whether the exported data should be sorted as in the provided IgxGrid. When you export grouped data, setting ignoreSorting to true will cause the grouping to fail because it relies on the sorting of the records.
let ignoreSorting = this.exportOptions.ignoreSorting;
this.exportOptions.ignoreSorting = true;
Gets the file name which will be used for the exporting operation.
let fileName = this.exportOptions.fileName;
Sets the file name which will be used for the exporting operation.
this.exportOptions.fileName = 'exportedData01';
Gets the CSV export format.
let filetype = this.exportOptions.fileType;
Sets the CSV export format.
this.exportOptions.fileType = CsvFileTypes.TAB;
Gets the value delimiter which will be used for the exporting operation.
let delimiter = this.exportOptions.valueDelimiter;
Sets a value delimiter which will overwrite the default delimiter of the selected export format.
this.exportOptions.valueDelimiter = '|';
Objects of this class are used to configure the CSV exporting process.