Class IgxGridToolbarExporterComponent

Provides a pre-configured exporter component for the grid.

This component still needs the actual exporter service(s) provided in the DI chain in order to export something.





  • BaseToolbarDirective
    • IgxGridToolbarExporterComponent



closed: EventEmitter<ToggleViewEventArgs> = ...

Emits an event after the toggle container is closed.

closing: EventEmitter<ToggleViewEventArgs> = ...

Emits an event before the toggle container is closed.

columnListHeight: string

Sets the height of the column list in the dropdown.

columnToggle: EventEmitter<IColumnToggledEventArgs> = ...

Emits when after a column's checked state is changed

exportCSV: boolean = true

Show entry for CSV export.

exportEnded: EventEmitter<void> = ...

Emitted on successful ending of an export operation.

exportExcel: boolean = true

Show entry for Excel export.

exportStarted: EventEmitter<IgxExporterEvent> = ...

Emitted when starting an export operation. Re-emitted additionally by the grid itself.

filename: string = 'ExportedData'

The name for the exported file.

opened: EventEmitter<ToggleViewEventArgs> = ...

Emits an event after the toggle container is opened.

opening: EventEmitter<ToggleViewCancelableEventArgs> = ...

Emits an event before the toggle container is opened.

prompt: string

The placeholder text for the search input.

title: string

Title text for the column action component

